Y outh Leadership Guide Introduction Improvements in communication technology over the last several decades have improved our lives substantially. However, in some respects, there is a dark side to these improvements … health hazards. It is well documented in the medical and scientific literature that electromagnetic radiation, including Wi-Fi, can be harmful to humans.
Y outh Leadership Guide Dr. Devra Davis, who is President of Environmental Trust, made some interesting comments at a 2015 University of Melbourne speech regarding how she came to be informed of the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.
Y outh Leadership Guide When you consider that the documented health issues have occurred under 4G and prior generations of wireless technologies, you realize that 5G frequencies, which are up to 100 times the frequencies of 4G, might be particularly harmful. This fact needs to be understood by more than the scientists and medical professionals. Conduct ing educat ional present at ions t o your classmat es and communit y groups would be an ideal way t o help educat e t he public on t his import ant issue and develop leadership skills at t he same t ime.
Y outh Leadership Guide S tep 1 Establish credibility - To be a leader on any topic, you need to establish your credibility on such topic. Y ou don't need to be an expert, j ust have a working knowledge of the issue. Recommended research list: Book: Disconnect : The Trut h About Cell Phone Radiat ion, What t he Indust ry Has Done t o Hide It , and How t o Prot ect Y our Family by Devra Davis, PhD MPH Video: "The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation" -- Dr Devra Davis Video: Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan's 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018 Video: Dr. Angie Colbeck Testifies at Michigan's 5G S mall Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018 Video: Mr. Kevin Mottus – 5G
Y outh Leadership Guide S tep 1 (continued) Establish credibility - To be a leader on any topic, you need to establish your credibility on such topic. Y ou don't need to be an expert, j ust have a working knowledge of the issue. Recommended research list: Website: Environmental Health Trust (ehtrust.org) Website: My S treet My Choice (mystreetmychoice.com) Website: S cientists 4 Wired Tech (scientists4wiredtech.com) Article: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, & 5G Explained Find a lot more by doing a Google search - “ 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G”
Y outh Leadership Guide S tep 2 Get a mentor- A teacher at school would make an ideal mentor. Here's one way to initiate the conversation: S tep 2 - Hi Ms./ Mr. _____, I’ ve j ust finished reading this book (Disconnect) which is about the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. This is really an important topic that needs to be better understood by the general public. I would like to start talking about this subj ect to groups and would like you to be my mentor.
Y outh Leadership Guide S tep 3 Research local 5G activist groups and laws/ regulations Determine if there are any 5G activists groups in your area. If so, attend a few of their meetings. These groups would be an excellent resource. Learn about the local laws and regulations that relate to 5G tower placements.
Y outh Leadership Guide S tep 4 Prepare Draft your speech – Draft a 20 minute educational speech on 5G using the material listed in S teps 1 and 3 as your references. The HABA Foundation would be willing to help you on your draft . Practice, practice, practice – Practice your speech. Ideally, you will be able to find a local Toastmaster Club that will allow you to come to one of their meetings and let you give your speech. The club members would give you some invaluable feedback on your speech.
Y outh Leadership Guide S tep 5a Class presentation Discuss the following with your principal S ecure a meeting location S chedule a date that would allow your mentor to attend Get the word out – Let your classmates know about the meeting through school announcements and other communication channels.
Y outh Leadership Guide S tep 5b S ervice organization presentation S eek an invitation to speak - Contact several local service organizations (Rotary, Lions, Optimists) to see if they would be interested in your presenting a 20 minute speech at one of their meetings. S ervice organizations frequently have guest speakers talk on a variety of topics. This is a topic that they would be interested in. Invite your mentor - After agreeing on a date, ask your mentor if he/ she would be available to attend.
Y outh Leadership Guide S tep 6 The Big Day Get a good night’s sleep the night before Arrive early Have fun giving your speech and remember that your topic is really an important one Ask your audience for feedback after the completion of your speech
Y outh Leadership Guide S tep 7 How did it go? Provide feedback to The HABA Foundation The HABA Foundation would like feedback on your experience including any suggestions on how we could improve our support of future leadership proj ects. Please e-mail your comments to dick@ habafoundation.org
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