introduc on to cloud compu ng

Introduc)on to Cloud Compu)ng Dr. Zhenlin Wang Michigan Tech Very - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduc)on to Cloud Compu)ng Dr. Zhenlin Wang Michigan Tech Very Short Bio BS, MS, Peking University How did I get there? Why CS? PhD, University of MassachuseAs, Amherst Professor at Tech 2 Hobbies? Teaching and

  1. Introduc)on to Cloud Compu)ng Dr. Zhenlin Wang Michigan Tech

  2. Very Short Bio • BS, MS, Peking University – How did I get there? – Why CS? • PhD, University of MassachuseAs, Amherst • Professor at Tech 2

  3. Hobbies? • Teaching and Research • Go • Tea & Sports Games – Well, PE was the only course I couldn’t get an A 3

  4. Clouding CompuOng is here! • Google docs • Dropbox, Overleaf – I am using them now • Tencent, TwiAer, Facebook – Wechat: 600M users and counOng… • NeYlix, Amazon Prime – I am a subscriber • …. 4

  5. What is Cloud Compu)ng ? Let’s hear from the “experts” 5

  6. What is Cloud Compu)ng ? A few years back…. The infinite wisdom of the crowds (via Google Suggest ) 6

  7. What is Cloud CompuOng? • Now 7

  8. What is Cloud Compu)ng ? We’ve redefined Cloud CompuOng to include everything that we already do. . . . I don’t understand what we would do differently in the light of Cloud CompuOng other than change the wording of some of our ads. Larry Ellison , Co-founder, CEO of Oracle 8

  9. What is Cloud Compu)ng ? It’s stupidity . It’s worse than stupidity : it’s a markeOng hype campaign Richard Stallman GNU 9

  10. What is Cloud Compu)ng ? Cloud CompuOng will become a focal point of our work in security. I’m opOmisOc … Ron Rivest The R of RSA 10

  11. What is Cloud Compu)ng ? It’s about jobs! It’s about small business! 11

  12. So, What really is Cloud Compu)ng ? Cloud compu)ng is a new compuOng paradigm, involving data and/or computaOon outsourcing, with – Infinite and elasOc resource scalability – On demand “just-in-Ome” provisioning – No upfront cost … pay-as-you-go That is, use as much or as less you need, use only when you want, and pay only what you use, 12

  13. NeYlix Version 1 NeDlix Movies: Master Home copies 13

  14. What’s new in Today’s Clouds? Besides massive scale, three major features: I. On-demand access: Pay-as-you-go, no upfront commitment. Anyone can access it (e.g., Washington Post – Hillary Clinton – example) II. Data-intensive Nature: What was MBs has now become TBs, PBs. Daily logs, forensics, Web data, photos, videos, etc. – Do you know the size of Wikipedia dump? – III. New Cloud Programming Paradigms: MapReduce/Hadoop, Pig LaOn, and many others. High in accessibility and ease of programmability – CombinaOon of one or more of these gives rise to novel and unsolved distributed compuOng problems in cloud compuOng. 14

  15. The real story “CompuOng UOlity” – holy grail of computer science in the 1960s. Code name: MULTICS (MulOplexed InformaOon and CompuOng Service) Why it failed? • Ahead of Ome … lack of communicaOon tech. (In other words, there was NO (public) Internet) • And personal computer became cheaper and stronger 15

  16. The real story Mid to late ’90s, Grid compu)ng was proposed to link and share compuOng resources 16

  17. The real story … conOnued Post-dot-com bust, big companies ended up with large data centers, with low uOlizaOon Solu)on: Throw in virtualizaOon technology, and sell the excess compuOng power And thus, Cloud Compu)ng was born … 17

  18. Cloud compuOng provides numerous economic advantages For clients: – No upfront commitment in buying/leasing hardware – Can scale usage according to demand – Barriers to entry lowered for startups For providers: – Increased uOlizaOon of datacenter resources 18

  19. Cloud compuOng means selling “X as a service” IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service – Selling virtualized hardware PaaS : PlaYorm as a service – Access to a configurable plaYorm/API SaaS : Somware as a service – Somware that runs on top of a cloud 19

  20. Cloud compuOng architecture e.g., Web browser SaaS , e.g., Google Docs PaaS , e.g., Google AppEngine IaaS , e.g., Amazon EC2 20

  21. Top 10 Obstacles (Berkley’09) • Availability of Service – Use MulOple Cloud Providers; Use ElasOcity to Prevent DDOS • Data Lock-In – Standardize APIs – CompaOble SW to enable Surge CompuOng • Data ConfidenOality and Auditability – Deploy EncrypOon, VLANs, Firewalls; Geographical Data Storage • Data Transfer BoAlenecks – FedExing Disks; Data Backup/Archival; Higher BW Switches • Performance Unpredictability – I/O interferences – Improved VM Support; Flash Memory; Gang Schedule VMs 21

  22. Top 10 Obstacles • Scalable Storage – Invent Scalable Store • Bugs in Large Distributed Systems – Invent Debugger that relies on Distributed VMs • Scaling Quickly – Invent Auto-Scaler that relies on machine learning – Snapshots for ConservaOon • ReputaOon Fate – Sharing offer reputaOon-guarding services like those for email • Somware Licensing – Pay-for-use licenses; Bulk use sales 22

  23. My Research • Memory system modeling and virtualizaOon • Dynamic data center resource management 23

  24. Memory Balancing • Dynamic member balancing for virtual machines (Zhao&Wang VEE’99, Wang et al. 2G? 2G? 2G? ATC’11) 24

  25. Memory Balancing 2G? 2G? 2G? 473.astar 25

  26. Memory Balancing: Demand PredicOon Control Plane Phase detectioin Miss ratio curve WSS Estimation Intermittent Memory resize Kernel Tracking restore revoke Dynamic Hot Set resize AVL-tree Based LRU Hardware L1,L2,DTLB Monitoring 26

  27. Key-Value Store Management • LAMA: Op(mized Locality-aware Memory Alloca(on for Key-value Cache (Hu et al. ATC 15) class A class B How to dynamically adjust cache allocaOon? 27

  28. Cross-Architecture Co-Tenancy PredicOon • NSF CSR’14 with Dr. Laura Brown (CCGRID’15, AAAI PhD ConsorOum’15) Sensitivity Curve y=f_astar(x) ... latency � sensitive program A’s ... astar sensitivity function on HW1 Latency � Sensitive ... ... Programs Curve fitting y=f_gcc(x) Input Core 1 Core 2 gcc Batch programs Profiling as interference cross architectural mapping report pressure Shared cache/Memory score of batch y=g_astar(x) program y=f_astar(x) Program A’s sensitivity curve ... ... Hardware Configuration1(HW1) ... Output on HW2 Training ... ... ... Sensitivity Curve Regression y=f_gcc(x) y=g_gcc(x) Performance? performace degradation Model: final y=g_astar(x) g_program=func(f_program,HW1,HW2) prediction ... astar ... Latency � Sensitive ... ... Programs Curve fitting p_astar q_astar pressure score y=g_gcc(x) ... ... Core 1 Core 2 ... ... gcc Output Batch programs Profiling Training ... ... Program B’s pressure score as interference p_gcc q_gcc on HW2 Regression Batch’s Shared cache/Memory Pressure Model: Score p_program=func’(q_program,HW1,HW2) Hardware Configuration2(HW2) Input batch program B’s pressure score on HW1 28

  29. Systems research is exciOng! Students are always welcome! – Junior year is the best Ome to join 29


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