Compu&ng Everywhere! Why Partnerships Ma9er Jim Kurose Assistant Director, NSF Computer & Information Science & Engineering Compu&ng Research: Addressing Na&onal Priori&es and Societal Needs May 2016
Partnerships: Many dimensions Partnerships build capacity , leverage resources , increase the speed of transla&on from discovery to innova&on Collabora&ve Research in § Computa&onal Neuroscience industry (CRCNS): Germany, France, Israel universi&es NSF-BSF (Israel): USICCS. SaTC § interna&onal DCL; CCF core (small) NSF-Germany: automa&on § design DCL US-Japan: Big Data and Federal § local gov’t agencies Disaster Research (BDD); JUNO societal org’s NSF-Finland: WIFUS § NSF-India: PC3 § NSF-Netherlands: privacy § NSF-Brazil: cybersecurity §
Partnerships: Many dimensions Partnerships build capacity , leverage resources , increase the speed of transla&on from discovery to innova&on § Cyber Physical Systems (CPS): DHS, DOT, NASA, NIH, industry USDA § Na&onal Robo&cs Ini&a&ve universi&es interna&onal (NRI): DARPA, NASA, NIH, USDA, DOE § Smart and Connected Health (SCH): NIH Federal local gov’t agencies § Collabora&ve Research in Computa&onal societal org’s Neuroscience (CRCNS): NIH all joint with other NSF directorates
Partnerships: Many dimensions Partnerships build capacity , leverage resources , increase the speed of transla&on from discovery to innova&on Changing &mes: § modestly increasing federal industry research budgets § varying emphasis on basic universi&es interna&onal research investment levels in corporate labs § corporate assets (infrastructure, data, customer engagements) Federal local gov’t agencies increasingly important but oTen out-of-reach of academia societal org’s § emergence of CS interest in tradi&onally non-IT domains (appliance, auto, energy, media)
Partnerships: Many dimensions Partnerships build capacity , leverage resources , increase the speed of transla&on from discovery to innova&on Founda&onal thoughts: industry § CISE researchers have rich engagements with industry today; NSF should amplify, universi&es interna&onal facilitate … not impede those engagements § create new research capacity, avenues, rather than funding Federal local gov’t agencies shiT § partnerships with industry societal org’s likely to be mission, rather than discipline, focused
Partnerships: Many dimensions Partnerships build capacity , leverage resources , increase the speed of transla&on from discovery to innova&on § NSF/SRC: SaTC STARRS, E2SDA industry § NSF/Intel Partnerships: VEC, CPS universi&es interna&onal § Innova&on Transi&on (InTrans) DCL for Expedi&ons, Fron&er projects Federal local gov’t agencies Prescrip(on 3: Regain societal org’s America’s Standing as an Innova&on Leader by Establishing a More Robust Na&onal Government-University- Industry Research Partnership
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