intervention based discipline

Intervention Based Discipline A Decade of Progress in the Escambia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Intervention Based Discipline A Decade of Progress in the Escambia County School District Out of School Suspension Trend Data 8,000 7,225 7,000 6,000 # of students receiving OSS 5,000 4,000 3,477 3,279 3,140 2,857 2,790 3,000 2,000

  1. Intervention Based Discipline A Decade of Progress in the Escambia County School District

  2. Out of School Suspension Trend Data 8,000 7,225 7,000 6,000 # of students receiving OSS 5,000 4,000 3,477 3,279 3,140 2,857 2,790 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 SY 08 ‐ 09 SY 13 ‐ 14 SY 14 ‐ 15 SY 15 ‐ 16 SY 16 ‐ 17 SY 17 ‐ 18 School Year

  3. Out of School Suspension 2008 ‐ 2009: 41,000 enrolled students  7,225 students suspended (17.6%)  33,775 students NOT suspended (82%) 2017 ‐ 2018: 41,000 enrolled students  2,857 students suspended (7%)  38,143 students NOT suspended (93%) 60% reduction since 2008 ‐ 2009

  4. School ‐ Wide Behavior Management Plans Action plan for changing the discipline culture of a school Developed by each school discipline team Provides school ‐ wide expectations for all stakeholders Identifies problem locations within the school Requires each school discipline team to make data ‐ driven discipline decisions

  5. School ‐ Wide Behavior Management Plans Since 2008 – each school has submitted an annual plan Plans are available for public viewing on the superintendent’s web page ECSD only Florida district requiring each school to complete an annual school ‐ wide behavior management plan

  6. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Evidence ‐ based strategies and systems to  establish positive school cultures  decrease problem behavior  increase academic performance  increase safety Data monitored by FLPBIS project (U. of South Florida) and the National PBIS project (U. of Oregon) Recognizes high performing schools across state/nation

  7. ECSD PBIS MODEL SCHOOLS (source: USF PBIS project) SY Bronze Silver Gold # of Model Total # PBIS Schools Schools 09 ‐ 10 2 0 0 2 4 10 ‐ 11 2 2 0 4 6 11 ‐ 12 2 1 1 4 9 12 ‐ 13 2 1 2 5 14 13 ‐ 14 1 1 3 5 20 14 ‐ 15 1 0 2 3 24 15 ‐ 16 4 0 5 9 24 16 ‐ 17 3 5 9 17 24 17 ‐ 18 2 6 13 21 24

  8. Response to Intervention – Behavior (RtI ‐ B) All 25 PBIS schools use the RtI ‐ B database to  Record minor classroom referrals/actions  Monitor minor and major referrals  Monitor incident location and time  Make data ‐ driven decisions

  9. Leadership Blueprint (Flippen Group) Started implementation in 2015 ‐ 2016 school year Flippen Group program designed specifically to  Encourage leaders to build rapport and respect among faculty/staff  Increase the leader’s ability to communicate effectively Improved relationships between administration and staff transfer to improved relationships between teachers, students, and parents All school level administrators have been trained

  10. Capturing Kids Hearts (Flippen Group) Integrated solution that helps build relationships between staff and students When students and teachers are connected, there is a significant positive transformational effect on the five key indicators of school performance 1. Decreased discipline referrals 2. Increased student achievement 3. Increased attendance rates 4. Increased graduation rates 5. Increased teacher satisfaction

  11. Capturing Kids Hearts Since 2013 – twenty ‐ four total school faculties have completed the Capturing Kids Heart (CKH)Training On April 9, 2019 Pine Forest High School was designated a CKH Showcase School Pine Forest High School will be recognized as a CKH Showcase School at the June, 2019 school board meeting The only high school in Florida to receive this distinction

  12. Poverty Simulation Experience Helps develop a better understanding of what it may be like to live in poverty  Simulation, not a game  Sensitizes participants to realities facing people in poverty  15 schools/departments have completed the simulation  627 employees have completed the simulation

  13. Roadmap to Responsibility (Larry Thompson) O utlines the framework for Responsibility Centered Discipline (RCD) to implement with students who exhibit challenging classroom behaviors Goal of RCD is to shift the mindset of school discipline from making a student behave to empowering the student to take ownership of his/her behavior Workman Middle School will pilot Responsibility Centered Discipline in 2019 ‐ 20

  14. Roadmap to Responsibility All middle and high school deans participated in a Roadmap to Responsibility book study SEDNET sponsored one day in ‐ service for secondary schools: assistant principal, dean, behavior coach and teacher 80 staff members participated

  15. Trauma Informed Care Trauma Informed Care  Focuses on educational impact of trauma/toxic stress on learning/behavior  Equips participants with information and strategies on how to engage and approach students with a history of trauma Fostering Resilient Learners  Trauma Sensitive Classroom training focuses on creating a trauma sensitive environment that engages the learner, builds caring relationships with students and teachers, promotes self ‐ regulation, and supports the academic success of all students

  16. Trauma Informed Care Since the 2016 ‐ 2017 school year  507 staff trained in Trauma Informed Care (TIC)  75% of schools have had TIC training Summer 2018  Fostering Resilient Learners – Creating Trauma Sensitive Classrooms  111 staff members trained Book Study: The Kid’s Guide to Staying Awesome and in Control  Teacher strategies to help children regulate emotions and senses  32 teachers at 14 schools

  17. Safety ‐ Care Competency ‐ based crisis prevention training  Focuses on verbal de ‐ escalation  Has the foundational principles of trauma informed care  Is used in crisis response with every school required to have a trained crisis team Since 2016: 2,013 staff members trained or recertified

  18. Mental Health First Aid Eight hour course  build mental health literacy  identify, understand, respond to signs of mental illness  increase capacity to help someone in crisis

  19. Mental Health First Aid  2017 ‐ 2018 90 first aiders trained  2018 ‐ 2019 187 first aiders trained  Summer 2019 240 first aiders will be trained All deans, behavior coaches and counselors have been trained

  20. Mental Health Counseling Counseling interventions are used to intervene and prevent recurrence of inappropriate behavior Behavior counseling occurs by teachers, deans, behavior coaches, and administrators Mental health counseling provided by licensed mental health counselors Multiple layers of counseling occur depending on student needs

  21. Mental Health Counseling Common Behavior Problems Counseling Interventions  Peer Conflict  Anger Management  Decision Making: education, modeling, role play, practice  Role of feelings in decision making  Non Compliance w/Authority  Identifying trigger, stressor  Learning coping skills  Trauma recovery exercises

  22. Mental Health Counseling Counseling Interventions Common Behavior Problems  Substance Abuse  Treating Depression/Anxiety  Impulse Control  Goal Setting  Classroom Disruption  Behavior Management Techniques

  23. Suite 360 Digital social emotional learning program focusing on character development/behavior intervention  Content for students  Resources for parents  Based on principles of restorative practices

  24. Suite 360 Elementary schools  Character development  Behavior intervention Middle and high schools  Character development  In school suspension  In lieu of removal

  25. District ‐ Wide Interventions  Parental Contact  In Lieu of Removal  Teacher/Student Conference  PBIS Rewards  Parent/Teacher Conference  Behavior Contracts  Counseling/Anger Mgmt.  Restitution  Seating Change  Suite 360  Morning Detention  RtI ‐ B Tier Interventions  After School Detention  Peer Mediation  Lunch Detention  Mentoring  Saturday Work Detail  Social Worker Referral  In ‐ School Suspension (by  Apology Letter period and day)

  26. Elementary School Interventions  Reflection Centers  Restorative Practices  Flexible Seating  Exercise Break  Fidgets  Journaling  Blurt Out Charts  De ‐ escalation Techniques  Cool Down/Peace Zones  Thinking Chair  5 Point Scale Chart of Anger  Mindful Minute  If ‐ Then Charts  Buddy Teacher Time ‐ Out  Social Skills Groups  Peer Mediation  Student Expectation Conf.  Bus of the Month  Right On Target Tickets  Silent Lunch

  27. Middle School Interventions  Choices Mat  In Class Reflection Area  Cool Down ‐ Hot pass  Silent Lunch  Girl’s Circle  Salvaging Sisterhood  In Person Apologies  Principal Check ‐ Ins  Restorative Chats  Positive Behavior Card  Targeted Counseling  Dean’s Classroom  Young Mentors  Suspension As Last Resort  Teacher Buddy Time ‐ out  Tiger Tracker  Dean’s Shadowing  SRO Check ‐ In/Check ‐ Out  ILR Exit Reflection Project  Resiliency Increasing Skills and Education (RISE) Counseling  Discuss Later Cards

  28. High School Interventions  Collaborative Problem  Student Time ‐ Out Form Solving Team  Entrance/Exit Slips From In ‐  Anger Management School Suspension & In lieu of Removal  Military Counseling  Principal Check ‐ Ins  CDAC Counseling  Reflection Assignments  Re ‐ Focus Ticket  Girl’s Group  Dress Code Tickets  Peer Mentors  Cell Phone Tickets


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