10/4/2018 Interprofessional Practice: The Key to Positive Outcomes for Children with Hearing Loss Anne Heassler, AuD Pacific University School of Audiology Claire Leake, MS, CCC-SLP , LSLS Cert. AVEd & Shelby Atwill, AuD Tucker Maxon School Kristi Atkins, MA, CCC-SLP & Heather Durham, AuD Oregon Health & Science University Core Competencies of Interprofessional Practice Tucker Maxon School Overview Two case studies Overview Child Development and Rehabilitation Center’s Hearing Loss Clinic Overview Case study Interprofessional Practice WHO (2010) definition: “When multiple healthcare workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families (caregivers) and communities to deliver the highest quality of care .” Blaiser & Nevins, 2017 1
10/4/2018 Activity � Form 5 groups and discuss: When have you worked in � interprofessional teams? Who was part of those teams? � What were some of the � benefits working in that team? What were some of the � challenges? Interprofessional Practice (IPP) Interprofessional World Health American Speech- Education Organization Language-Hearing Collaborative (WHO) Association (ASHA) (IPEC) Core Competencies Framework for for Interprofessional Action on Collaborative CAA Accreditation Interprofessional Standards Practice (2011) Education and Collaboration (2010) •Updated 2016 Core Competencies of IPP Values and Ethics � Roles and Responsibilities � Interprofessional Communication � Teams and Teamwork � 2
10/4/2018 IPP Core Competency: Values and Ethics Competency: Work with individuals of � other professions to maintain a climate of mutual respect and shared values. Professional Silos � Common experiences � Shared values � Problem-solving and language � Place interest of patients and populations at center � of interprofessional health care delivery/public health programs/to promote health equity. Respect of patient privacy/confidentiality � Values & Ethics Embrace cultural diversity and individual difference � Respect unique cultures, values, � Sub- roles/responsibilities, and expertise of other professions. competencies Work in cooperation with providers and others that � contribute or support all health services Develop collaborative relationships with patients, � families, and other team members � Demonstrate high standards of ethical conduct Manage ethical dilemmas � Act with honesty and integrity in relationships � Maintain competence in profession appropriate to � scope of practice. IPP Core Competency: Roles & Responsibilities Competency: Uses knowledge of one’s own � role and those of other professions to appropriately assess and address the healthcare needs of patients and to promote and advance the health of populations. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities are � the foundation of an effective team Expanding scope of practice amongst health � professions will increase in multiple team members with overlapping scope: Ex: hearing screening in schools have � audiologists, SLPs, nurses with overlapping scope Prevents “role-blurring” and “role- � expansion” Requires team members understand � expertise and functions of other members 3
10/4/2018 Communicate own r & r clearly � Recognize one’s limitations in skills, knowledge, � and abilities Engage professionals and resources that � complement in expertise to develop strategies to meet specific health and healthcare needs of patients and populations � Explain r & r of other providers and how the team Roles & works to provide services, promote health, and prevent disease. Responsibilities Use full scope of knowledge, skills, and abilities of � professionals to provide care that is safe, timely, Sub- efficient, effective, and equitable. Communicate with team members to clarify each � competencies member’s responsibilities in task. � Create interdependent relationships with other professions both within and external to the system. Use complementary abilities of team members to � optimize health and patient care. Describe how professionals in health and other � fields can collaborate and integrate clinical care and public health interventions to optimize population health. IPP Core Competency: Interprofessional Communication Competency: Communicate with patients, � families, communities, and professionals in health and other fields in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the promotion and maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease. Critical to effective teams. � Effective communication requires accessibility � to other members and ability to use appropriate communication skills. Formal meetings were critical to � communication and in supporting team functioning. � Informal opportunities (i.e. hallway convos, quick phone calls to clarify, etc.) are also identified as key to effective communication. Listening and speaking up � Effective communication tools & techniques � including technologies/info systems to facilitate discussions and enhance team effectiveness. Communicate using understandable, avoiding � discipline specific terminology when possible. Express knowledge and opinions to team members � Interprofessional with confidence, clarity, and respect to ensure common understanding of issue. Communication Listen actively and encourage ideas, opinions of � other members. Sub- � Give timely, sensitive, and instructive feedback others and respond reflectively to feedback. competencies Use respectful language appropriate for a given � situation. Recognize how own lens contributes to effective � communication, conflict resolution, and positive working relationship. Communicate the importance of teamwork in � patient-centered care and policies. 4
10/4/2018 IPP Core Competency: Teams & Teamwork Competency: Apply relationship-building � values and the principles of team dynamics to perform effectively in different team roles to plan, deliver, and evaluate patient/population-centered care and population health programs and policies that are safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable. � Facilitates creative solutions to challenging problems � Increases workforce satisfaction � “Status-equal” � Required collaborative skills of team members include: cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, communication, autonomy, and coordination. Describe the process of team development and � the roles and practices of effective teams Develop consensus on the ethical principles to � guide all aspects of teamwork. � Engage health and other professionals in shared patient-centered and population-focused problem-solving. Integrate knowledge and expertise of professions � to inform decisions including community values Team & and priority/preference of care. Apply leadership practice that support � Teamwork Sub- collaborative practice and team effectiveness. � Engage self and others to to constructively competencies manage conflict. Share accountability with other professions, � patients, communities for outcomes. Reflect on individual and team performance. � Use process improvement to increase � effectiveness of IP teamwork. Use available evidence to inform effective � teamwork. Perform effectively on teams and in different � team roles in a variety of settings. Example of IPP Team in School Setting 5
10/4/2018 IPP Example: School-based Hearing Screening Team Members - Goals and Values Team Facilitator: ● School Nurse Team Members: ● Audiologist ● Speech-Language Pathologist Goals/Values: 1) Implement an effective two-tier hearing *defined by team members screening program 2) Individualized student referral and intervention plans 3) Streamline communication from school to home to healthcare provider 4) Effective monitoring of outcomes of individual students 5) Effective monitoring of hearing screening program outcomes Roles & Responsibilities - School Nurse School Nurse ● Facilitator of team and program ○ Coordinate schedule for team meetings ○ Schedule screening day in coordination with school administrators and teachers ○ Documentation of student screening outcomes in school data management system ● Drive communication between school and parents/caregivers ○ Obtain parental/caregiver consent ○ Relay student hearing screening outcomes to parents/caregivers ○ Provide resources for referral needs ● Monitor individual student outcomes ○ Document outcome of referral ○ Initiate further recommendations based on outcomes of follow-up. 6
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