Internet & eCommerce Usage by Individuals MCA Survey - May 2009
MCA eComme merce Survey – April 2009 MCA commissioned EMCS to carry out a qualitative research study to gain a more thorough understanding of Internet and eCommerce usage across the Maltese islands. Scope of this study Assess the extent of use of the Internet and eCommerce across different demographic groups; Gain an understanding of the public’s perception towards eCommerce, including any difficulties and barriers; Identify trends and changes in buying behavior patterns.
Analysis The level el of internet et/eCo eCommer erce ce knowl wled edge e and skills The per ercei ceived ed val alue/ e/usefu fulnes ess of online e shopping Percei Pe ceived ed secu ecurity whilst brows wsing the e inter ernet et and buying online Inten entions to star art using inter ernet et, computer er Willingnes ess to star art buying on-line.
Methodology Forma mat t No. of Type pe of Type pe of Used ed Focus cus Focus cus Ques estion tions Groups ups Groups ups Focus Open- 10 Various Groups Ended
Main Areas Analysed Inter ernet et Skills Inter ernet et Usag age Distan ance ce Shopping Online e Buying Consumer er Protec ection & eCommer erce ce Reg egulation
Lack of Internet skills Some rely y on childr dren & relative ves Feel no need to learn Damage ge to the compu puter Don’t have the patience
To assist st childr dren Bridgi dging g the ga gap with homework/ between projects ge generations Monitoring g Contacting g children’s use of relative ves s & the Internet friends ds abr broad Learning to use the Internet
Internet courses… how effective are they? Formal al trai aining is not enough – bes est to lea earn by trial al & er error Pract ctica cal vs. theo eoret etica cal Too eas asy and bas asic Willing to at atten end for a short workshop about online e shopping To incl clude e online e shopping & rel elated ed sec ecurity fea eatures es Usefu eful if proper erly des esigned ed and tai ailor-made Hav aving a computer er & acc cces ess to Inter ernet et is a must, other erwise e trai aining is usel eles ess
Main Areas Analysed Inter ernet et Skills Inter ernet et Usag age Distan ance ce Shopping Online e Buying Consumer er Protec ection & eCommer erce ce Reg egulation
Fear of Lack ck of time addicti ction Infrequent Use Of The Internet
Is the Internet a useful tool when buying products /services? Helps ps in the buying g pro roces cess Allows ws compari arison of prices es & feat atures res Easy to detect ct fra raudu dulen ent sites
Reasons For USING The Internet Online shopping Internet Banking Payment of bills Monitoring children’s use of the Internet Mobile credit News Research Social Networking Booking flights & accommodation Organising trips Communication Work
Main Areas Analysed Inter ernet et Skills Inter ernet et Usag age Distan ance ce Shopping Online e Buying Consumer er Protec ection & eCommer erce ce Reg egulation
Distance Shopping ONLINE E BUYI YING CATALOGU OGUE E TV SHOPPI PPING SHOPPI PPING Most popular Frequently y amongst st Mostly y women & disappo ppointed d with participa pants pensi sioners s buy y produ duct from catalogu gues Good after-sa sales s No after sales s servi vice Good after-sa sales s servi vice servi vice
Main Areas Analysed Inter ernet et Skills Inter ernet et Usag age Distan ance ce Shopping Online e Buying Consumer er Protec ection & eCommer erce ce Reg egulation
Which are the main concerns/fears when buying online ? Giving out per ersonal al det etai ails – fea ear of cred edit car ard theft eft; After er-sales es ser ervice ce; Deliver ery delay, dama amaged/ ed/fau faulty item, em, differ eren ent item em from that order ered.
PRE RECA CAUTIONS WHEN BU BUYI YING ONLINE • Buy from same trusted sites • Buy from sites recommended by family and/or friends • Buy from popular sites such as eBay, and Amazon • Do an online search about seller • Purchase from sites that sell renowned brands • Look out for security features SECU CURE RE ONLI LINE PAYM YMENTS • Paypal • Credit card • International debit card
What constitutes a secure site? Padlock Verisign Logo https Website Layout
Items ms bought from brick and mortar vs. items ms bought online CDs DVDs Clothes Sports equipment/sportswear Daily commodities Books Very expensive items, such as cars, etc Collector’s items Mobile credit
Do not Buy Online. line. Why? o Do not own a credit card o Reluctant to submit personal details Howeve ver, would d o Returns can be costly & cumbersome buy online if o Limited trust in online traders prices s are o Product might not meet expectations subst stantially y o Damaged/faulty item cheaper o Do not have the patience Onlin ine e buyin ing g vs. . traditi aditional onal shop opping ping o Prefer to see & touch item o Physical contact in case of faulty item o Delivery too lengthy o Prefer to buy locally given same price and choice o Online buying offers variety & uniqueness o Check out items locally but purchase online
Main Areas Analysed Inter ernet et Skills Inter ernet et Usag age Distan ance ce Shopping Online e Buying Consumer er Protec ection & eCommer erce ce Reg egulation
eCommerce Regulation & Consumer Protection Unawa aware e that eCommer erce ce is reg egulated ed by the e MCA Not awar aware of any laws aws that protect ect online e buyer ers Many were aware of ‘cooling - down’ period’
Thank you for your attention.
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