interlinkages between operational conditions and direct

Interlinkages between operational conditions and direct and indirect - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Athens 14-16 September 2016 Interlinkages between operational conditions and direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions in a moving bed membrane biofilm reactor G. Mannina, M. Capodici, A. Cosenza, D. Di Trapani Universit di Palermo

  1. Athens 14-16 September 2016 Interlinkages between operational conditions and direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions in a moving bed membrane biofilm reactor G. Mannina, M. Capodici, A. Cosenza, D. Di Trapani Università di Palermo Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali (DICAM)

  2. Introduction Wastewater treatment entails: • direct emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as nitrous oxide (N 2 O) • indirect emissions resulting from power requirements N 2 O Unwanted even at small levels due to the high global warming potential 310 higher than CO 2

  3. Introduction N 2 O Production Pathways Nitrification Denitrification  reduction of NO 2 - as terminal  intermediate of the incomplete electron acceptor to N 2 O (AOB heterotrophic denitrification denitrification)  incomplete oxidation of hydroxylamine (NH 2 OH) to NO 2

  4. Introduction Process operations aimed at the reduction of N 2 O could conflict with the effluent quality and increase the operational costs Operational costs GHG Effluent emission quality Challenge To identify GHG mitigation strategies as trade-off between operational costs and effluent quality index is a very ambitious challenge

  5. Aim Simple model for interlinkage among operational conditions/influent features/effluent quality and emitted N 2 O. Performing a multivariate analysis + University Cape Town (UCT) moving bed (MB) membrane bioreactor (MBR) pilot plant.

  6. Methods

  7. Pilot plant Q R2 = 100 L h -1 Q IN = 20 L h -1 Q OUT = 20 L h -1 Q R1 = 20 L h -1 Q RAS = 80 L h -1 Gas Q out Funnel Suspended Gas Gas Gas Carriers Funnel Funnel Funnel Q RAS Clean In Place Tank Q in MBR Tank ODR Q R2 Anaerobic Tank Three experimental phases: Anoxic Tank Aerobic Tank Q R1 150 days of experimentation Phase I: SRT = ∞ Phase II: SRT = 30 days Mixture of real and synthetic Phase III: SRT = 15 days wastewater!

  8. Pilot plant PURON 3 bundle ultrafiltration module (pore size 0.03 μm, surface 1.4 m 2 ) AMITECH carriers in anoxic and aerobic reactors with a 15 and 40% filling fraction respectively Measured data TSS, VSS, COD TOT , COD SOL , N-NH 4 ,N-NO 3 , N-NO 2 , TN, TP, P-PO 4 , DO, pH, T, N-N 2 O as gas and dissolved Two time per week in each tank

  9. Indirect emissions The Operational Costs (OCs) were evaluated using conversion factors (Mannina and Cosenza, 2015 ): Pw [kWh m ‐ 3 ] energy required for the aeration Peff [kWh m ‐ 3 ] energy required for permeate extraction  power,GHG  e conversion factors, 0.7 gCO 2eq and 0.806 € kWh ‐ 1 EF [€ m ‐ 3 ] cost of the effluent fine including N 2 O

  10. Indirect emissions The effluent fine (EF) was evaluated using: EFF  Q ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀   ฀ OUT ฀   j ฀ Q C j t 2   1 1 n ฀ EFF  C L , j ฀ ฀   ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ OUT EF  ฀ ฀ ฀฀ Heaviside ฀ C j ฀ dt EFF  C L , j   ฀  j    j ฀   ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ t 2  t 1  0, j  C j Q IN ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ j  1 t 1 Q IN and Q OUT are the influent and effluent flow, respectively;  j is the slope of the curve EF versus C j EFF when C j EFF < C L,j (in this case, the function Heaviside =0);  j represents the slope of the curve EF versus C j EFF when C j EFF > C L,j (in this case, the function Heaviside =1);  0,j are the increment of the fines for the latter case.

  11. Indirect emissions The effluent quality index (EQI) was evaluated using: ฀ ฀  COD ฀ COD TOT   TN ฀ TN   PO ฀ PO  t 1 1 ฀ EQI  ฀ ฀฀ OUT ฀ ฀ Q dt  N 2 Ogas ฀ N 2 O gas   N 2 O , L ฀ T ฀ 1000 ฀ ฀ N 2 O L to  COD ,  TN ,  PO ,  N2Ogas and  N2O,L are the weighting factors of the effluent COD TOT , TN, PO, liquid N 2 O in the permeate and gaseous N 2 O.

  12. Multiregression analysis Performed to point out general relationships for the N-N 2 O and the plant operation conditions or the available measured data Two type of analysis Simple linear regression Complex regressions

  13. Simple linear regression N 2 O-N flux ANAER (N 2 O-N flux emitted from the anaerobic tank) N 2 O-N flux ANOX (N 2 O-N flux emitted from the anoxic tank) Dependent N 2 O-N flux AER (N 2 O-N flux emitted from the aerobic tank) variables N 2 O-N flux MBR (N 2 O-N flux emitted from the MBR tank) N 2 O-N dissolved OUT (N 2 O-N permeate dissolved concentration) Y = dependent variable; X 1 = independent variable; c 1, c 2 regression coefficients

  14. Complex regressions Multiple linear (LINm) Multiple exponential (EXP) Sum of exponential (SumEXP) Dependent ∑N 2 O-N flux (sum of the N 2 O-N flux emitted from each tank) variables N 2 O-N dissolved OUT (N 2 O-N permeate dissolved concentration) Y = dependent variable; X 1 ,…,X m = independent variable; c 1 ,…,c n regression coefficients

  15. Independent variables Influent concentration COD TOT, IN , N-NH 4,IN , P TOT,IN , P-PO 4,IN , C/N Effluent concentration COD TOT,OUT , BOD 5,OUT , N-NH 4,OUT , N-NO 3,OUT , NO 2 -N ,OUT , P-PO 4,OUT Intermediate concentration N-NO 2_AER , N-NO 2_ANOX, DO AER, DO ANOX, pH AER, pH ANOX, DO MBR Performance indicators  COD,BIO,  COD,TOT,  NITR ,  DENIT ,  N TOT,  P Operational conditions TSS*, SRT, Biofilm*

  16. Numerical settings 10,000 Monte Carlo simulations varying coefficients Evaluation of Nash and Sutcliffe efficiency for each simulation Y meas,i = measured value of the ith dependent state variable; Y sim,i = simulated value of the ith dependent state variable; Y aver,meas,i = average of the measured values of the ith dependent state variable

  17. Results

  18. Simple linear regression analysis Maximum efficiency Varying the SRT different variables can be adopted to predict the N 2 O Dependent variables N 2 O-N N 2 O-N N 2 O-N NO 2 accumulation influence the N 2 O flux ANAER flux ANOX flux AER N 2 O-N flux MBR N 2 O-N dissolved OUT production Phase Independent TSS NO 2 -N ANOX NO 2 -N ANOX NH 4 -N IN NO 3 -N OUT I variable Efficiency 0.11 0.52 0.52 0.2 0.1 N 2 O dissolved in the permeate Independent  NITR NO 2 -N ANOX NO 2 -N ANOX DO AER COD OUT II variable depend on COD OUT Efficiency 0.35 0.6 0.5 0.26 0.72 Independent pH AER Biofilm Biofilm PO 4 -P OUT NO 2 -N AER III variable Efficiency 0.12 0.36 0.67 0.52 0.94

  19. Simple linear regression analysis Scatter plots Phase III 0.4 (a) (b) 0.3 Efficiency [-] 0.2 0.1 N 2 O-N flux ANOX N 2 O-N flux ANOX Combining 0.0 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 -6.5 -6 -5.5 -5 -4.5 Parameter- c 2 Parameter- c 1 effect 0.7 (c) (d) 0.6 Efficiency [-] 0.5 N 2 O-N flux AER N 2 O-N flux AER 0.4 34 34.5 35 35.5 36 -19 -18.5 -18 -17.5 -17 Parameter- c 2 Parameter- c 1 1.0 (e) (f) 0.8 Efficiency [-] 0.6 High dependence Poor dependence 0.4 0.2 N 2 O-N dissolved OUT N 2 O-N dissolved OUT 0.0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 Parameter- c 1 Parameter- c 2

  20. Complex multiregression analysis INm - Maximum efficiency ∑N 2 O-N flux N 2 O-N dissolved OUT Efficiency Efficiency dependent 0.015 0.244 variable C/N N-NH 4,IN TSS LINm poorly reproduces the measured Biofilm data for ∑N 2 O-N flux (efficiency 0.015). SRT Efficiency obtained for the N 2 O-N DO AER dissolved OUT is slightly higher than for N-NO 2_AER ∑N 2 O-N flux (equal to 0.244) pH AER DO ANOX

  21. Complex multiregression analysis and SumEXP - Maximum efficiency EXP SumEXP ∑N 2 O-N flux N 2 O-N dissolved OUT ∑N 2 O-N flux N 2 O-N dissolved OUT Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Independent 0.125 0.164 0.198 0.178 variable C/N C/N N-NH 4,IN N-NH 4,IN TSS TSS Biofilm Poor efficiency values obtained Biofilm SRT for both the investigated SRT dependent variables DO AER DO AER N-NO 2_AER N-NO 2_AER pH AER pH AER DO ANOX

  22. Conclusions asonable agreements for simple regression equations pendency of N 2 O flux with SRT and plant sections T of Phase III makes the conditions of N 2 O production re sharped ne of the investigated equations for complex multivariate alysis is able to provide satisfactory efficiencies

  23. Message to take home! e interactions among the key factors affecting the make difficult to establish an unique equation valid different operational conditions for predicting N 2 O

  24. Athens 14-16 September 2016 Thank you for your attention Giorgio Mannina Acknowledgements

  25. Athens 14-16 September 2016 1 st International Conference FICWTMOD2017 - Frontiers International Conference on wastewater treatment and modelling 21 – 24 May 2017, Palermo, Italy ed by


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