intentional community cluster developments


Proposed Zoning Code Text Amendment: INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY CLUSTER DEVELOPMENTS INTENT: To allow a con fi gura on of small dwellings or rooming units and a common house on a lot. This amendment will provide innova ve and a ff ordable

  1. Proposed Zoning Code Text Amendment: INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY CLUSTER DEVELOPMENTS INTENT: To allow a con fi gura � on of small dwellings or rooming units and a common house on a lot. This amendment will provide innova � ve and a ff ordable housing op � ons for residents who are either housing stable or unstable.

  2. SUPPORTING POLICIES MINNEAPOLIS PLAN FOR MINNEAPOLIS 2040 SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Housing Policy 3.3: Increase housing that Policy 35 Innova � ve Housing Types: Pursue is a ff ordable to low and moderate income innova � ve housing types and crea � ve housing households. programs to help meet exis � ng and future housing needs. e. Allow new forms of inten � onal community Housing Policy 3.4: Preserve and increase the cluster housing to house people transi � oning supply of safe, stable, and a ff ordable suppor � ve out of homelessness, especially forms of housing opportuni � es for homeless youth, singles housing that are supported by funding from and families. the healthcare system. Policy 3.6: Foster complete communi � es by preserving and increasing high quality housing opportuni � es suitable for all ages and household types.

  3. ENVISION COMMUNITY Tiny House Organiza � on SIZE 348 SF ORGANIZATION Envision Community ROOMING UNIT SIZE 120 SF PARTNERS Tasks Unlimited, Street Voices of Change, Alchemy Architects, Elim Church, First Covenant Church, Hennepin Healthcare Dwelling unit OR Rooming unit - Upstream Health Innova � ons, Integrated OR Temporary Permanent Community Solu � ons, Michah, Minneapolis Health Department, Minneapolis Public Plumbing Hea � ng Housing Authority, Minnesota Design Sewer Electricity Center, North Central University, St. Accessible Founda � on Stephen’s Common House SIZE 1,152 SF


  5. POSSIBLE CASE STUDY SCENARIOS ON A MINNEAPOLIS LOT ROOMING UNITS + COMMON HOUSE Quixote Village OM Village Licton Springs Village FAR 0.26 FAR 0.2 FAR 0.21 OPEN SPACE 45% OPEN SPACE 44% OPEN SPACE 45% UNITS 12 + common house UNITS 8 + common house UNITS 11 + common house

  6. POSSIBLE CASE STUDY SCENARIOS ON A MINNEAPOLIS LOT ROOMING HOUSES + COMMON HOUSE ROOMING HOUSES WITH SHARED FACILITIES Envision Community FAR 0.7 FAR 0.84 OPEN SPACE 42% OPEN SPACE 44% UNITS 31 (plus Common house and 1 unit of storage space) UNITS 31 rooming units in two structures with common areas These diagrams show possible layouts of inten � onal community cluster development case study models on a typical 10,000 square foot lot in Minneapolis.

  7. OPERATOR Inten � onal community cluster developments should be operated by: » Nonpro fi t organiza � ons , » Government agencies , or » Healthcare agencies

  8. SITE DISTRICTS Current Zoning Districts R1 Inten � onal Communi � es: Permi � ed use R1A R2 Cluster Development: Condi � on use R2B R3 R4 R5 R6 Residen � al O ffi ce Residen � al Commercial Downtown OR1 OR2 OR1 R1 C1 B4N OR3 C1 R1A B4-1 OR2 C2 C2 C3A C3S R2 OR3 C3A B4-2 C4 B4N C3S R2B B4C-1 B4-1 B4-2 R3 C4 B4C-2 B4C-1 B4C-2 R4 B4S-1 B4S-1 B4S-2 R5 I 1 B4S-2 I 2 I 3 R6 Inten � onal Communi � es: Not permi � ed Cluster Development: Not permi � ed Industrial I1 I2 I3

  9. SITE DISTRICTS Minneapolis 2040 Built Form Map Loca � ons inten � onal community cluster developments are more appropriate: Interior 1 Interior 2 Interior 3 Corridor 3 Corridor 4 Loca � ons inten � onal community cluster developments are less appropriate or not allowed: Corridor 6 Transit 10 Transit 15 Transit 20 Transit 30 Core 50 Produc � on Parks Transporta � on

  10. SITE DENSITY Minimum number of units 2 sleeping area sleeping area kitchen bathroom Dwelling Unit Rooming Unit One (1) or more rooms, designed, occupied or intended for One (1) or more rooms, designed, occupied or intended for occupancy as a separate living quarter, with a single complete occupancy as a separate living quarter that is not a dwelling kitchen facility, sleeping area and bathroom provided within unit. the unit for the exclusive use of a single household.

  11. SITE DENSITY Lower Density Zoning Districts 650 SF per bed R1 R1A = R2 R2B R3 R4 R5 R6 OR1 OR2 OR3 C1 C2 C3A C3S C4 B4N B4-1 B4-2 B4C-1 B4C-2 B4S-1 B4S-2 I 1 I 2 I 3 R1 R1A R2 R2B 10,000 SF = 15 beds

  12. SITE DENSITY Higher Density Zoning Districts 325 SF per bed R1 R1A = R2 R2B R3 R4 R5 R3 R6 OR1 R4 OR2 OR3 R5 C1 C2 C3A R6 C3S C4 OR1 B4N B4-1 OR2 B4-2 B4C-1 B4C-2 OR3 B4S-1 B4S-2 C1 I 1 I 2 C2 I 3 C3A C3S C4 B4N B4-1 B4-2 B4C-1 B4C-2 B4S-1 B4S-2 10,000 SF = 31 beds

  13. SITE LOT SIZE SETBACKS + LOT WIDTHS As required by district 10,000 SF minimum Min lot width = as required by district

  14. SITE IMPERVIOUS + LOT COVERAGE FLOOR AREA RATIOS Max = as required by district max FAR = as required by district

  15. SITE PARKING BICYCLE PARKING No parking required 1 bicycle parking stall/ 4 beds 90% = long term bicycle parking within enclosed or secured areas, not included in the dwellings or rooming units.

  16. SITE STORAGE In order to avoid outdoor storage of personal belongings, there should be there should be su ffi cient storage provided for each resident. Storage would be required to be separate and dis � nct from dwelling or rooming units and should provide su ffi cient storage for site maintenance equipment.

  17. SITE SAFETY There should be safe passage from each dwelling or rooming unit to the common building and throughout the site. Consistent with the site plan review requirements, the walkways would be a minimum of 4 feet wide , well-lit and would connect building entrances to the adjacent public sidewalk and to any parking facili � es located on the site. Designers may also want to consider incorpora � ng fencing or screening to provide a secure space for the residents

  18. SITE COMMON SPACE Consistent with other types of cluster developments, 40% of the land in an inten � onal community cluster development would be for common space. This would not include the common house. It would include landscaped yards, recrea � on areas, wetlands, and waterbodies, and common parking facili � es.

  19. SITE DISTANCE BETWEEN STRUCTURES Consistent with other types of cluster developments, buildings should be no less than 10 feet apart to provide adequate space for passage through the buildings . 10’ minimum

  20. SITE SITE PLAN REVIEW All units in an inten � onal community cluster development would be subject to site plan review standards mul � family structures with 4 or more units.

  21. COMMON BUILDING WINDOWS + HEIGHT The common house would be subject to the current window requirements for residen � al structures. max height = as required by district

  22. COMMON BUILDING SIZE + PLACEMENT LOCATED: INCLUDES: Nearest the front lot line of the property Shared kitchen, toilets, showers, and gathering space for residents. S Malcolm X Blvd LOCATED: 18 Feet wide minimum No more than 200 feet from the doors Louise Ave of every unit within the development. N 500 Square feet minimum

  23. DWELLINGS/ROOMING UNITS WINDOWS + HEIGHT The dwellings and rooming units would be subject to the current window requirements for residen � al structures. max height = as required by district

  24. DWELLINGS/ROOMING UNITS ROOMING UNITS sleeping area Rooming Unit One (1) or more rooms, designed, occupied or intended for occupancy as a separate living quarter that is not a dwelling unit.

  25. DWELLINGS/ROOMING UNITS MINIMUM SIZE OF DWELLINGS The minimum gross fl oor area ra � o and widths of dwellings and rooming units in inten � onal community cluster developments could be smaller than currently allowed if approved by the condi � onal use permit authorizing the use. Minimum width Minimum width

  26. DWELLINGS/ROOMING UNITS PREFABRICATED + MANUFACTURED HOMES Prefabricated and manufactured structures would be allowed in inten � onal community cluster developments as approved or permi � ed by building code.

  27. ALTERNATIVES Except for minimum lot area, the City Planning Commission would be able approve alterna � ves to requirements for inten � onal community cluster developments where strict adherence is imprac � cal because of site loca � on or condi � ons and the proposed alterna � ve meets the intent of the requirements.

  28. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS/POSSIBLE OBSTACLES 1. FOUNDATIONS A frost foo � ng or anchor system that meets mobile home codes is recommended for the founda � on. The Minnesota Residen � al Code does not approve of diamond piers as a founda � on system for habitable structures. 2. COMPOSTING TOILETS The Minnesota Plumbing Code does not allow compos � ng toilets in buildings used for human habita � on unless approved by the building o ffi cial.


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