intelligent compaction gps based compaction control

Intelligent Compaction GPS-based Compaction Control 23. & 24. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Intelligent Compaction Intelligent Compaction GPS-based Compaction Control 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 1 Intelligent Compaction ACE plus -GPS-Receiver 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 2 Intelligent Compaction ACE plus

  1. Intelligent Compaction Intelligent Compaction… …GPS-based Compaction Control 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 1

  2. Intelligent Compaction ACE plus -GPS-Receiver 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 2

  3. Intelligent Compaction ACE plus ACE plus -Display ACE plus Drum 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 3

  4. Intelligent Compaction Single Drum Roller SV 212 ACE plus ACE plus • Stiffness k B [MN/m] • Number of Passes • Process-Improvement ACE-Display • Material Preselection • Compaction Values Drum • Amplitude changes stepless • variable Frequency 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 4

  5. Intelligent Compaction Tandem Roller AV 95-II ACE plus : additional Temp.-Measurement ACE plus • stiffness, Temperature • number of passes • process-improvement ACE-Display • material preselection • compaction values M M M M M M M M 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 r B r r B B r B r r B B B r r r B B B r r B r B e k a e a e a a k e a k k k k e e k a a k e e k a e a e k a a k e e a k • Asphalt Temperature Δ T Δ T Drum (splitted) Temperature Ramp Δ T Temperature Ramp Δ T Asphalt Surface Temperature T Asphalt Surface Temperature T F S F S • amplitude changes stepless M M M M M M M M M M M M 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Upper Temperature Limit for Compaction T o Upper Temperature Limit for Compaction T o e k e k k e e k k k e e e k e k k e k e k k e e k e e k k e k e e k e k B r r B B B r B r B r B r B B r r r B B r B r r B r B B r B r B r B r r a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a • variable frequency 0 0 T u T u T o T o Lower Temperature Limit for Compaction T u Lower Temperature Limit for Compaction T u Asphalt Surface Temperature • Infrared measurement principle 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 5

  6. Intelligent Compaction ACE plus : GPS-based Asphalt Compaction Control Switzerland, Einsiedeln 2007 Intelligent Compaction on Asphalt Job Sites 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 6

  7. Intelligent Compaction IC Equipment - Basic Elements 1. Automatic Feedback Control System for Roller Parameters (Amplitude & Frequency) 2. In-situ Measurement of Material Stiffness 3. GPS-based Compaction Control, QA/QC 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 7

  8. Intelligent Compaction References (I) [1] Asphalt Institute Soils Manual; Chapter VIII: Bearing Plate Determination (Plate Bearing Test) pp. 93-110, Asphalt Institute, Manual Series No. 10 (MS-10), 5th Edition, Lexington KY [2] Richard D. Barksdale The Aggregate Handbook 4th Printing, National Stone Association, Washington D. C., 2001 [3] Asphalte Institute The Asphalt Handbook; Chapter 7: Compacting Hot-Mix Asphalt , pp. 283-307 Asphalt Institute, Manual Series No. 4 (MS-4), Edition 1989 [4] Anderegg & Kaufmann Intelligent Compaction with Vibratory Rollers – Feedback Control Systems in Automatic Compaction and Compaction Control; Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Soil Mechanics 2004 No. 1868, pp. 124-134, Washington D. C. 2004 [5] Anderegg, von Felten Compaction Monitoring using Intelligent Soil Compactors ; Presentation and Proceedings ASCE & Kaufmann GeoCongress 2006, Atlanta February 2006 [6] Mike Mooney, R. Rinehart The Influence of Heterogeneity on Vibratory Roller Compactor Response Presentation and Proceedings ASCE, GeoCongress 2006, Atlanta February 2006 [7] Mike Mooney, R. Rinehart Field Monitoring of Roller Vibration during Compaction of Subgrade Soil Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE 2007 [8] David White Field Validation of Intelligent Compaction Monitoring Technology for Unbound Materials and hot Mix Asphalts ; Interim Project Report, TH14 Janesville MN, 10/28 – 7/11 2005 CTRE, Iowa State University, Ames IA March 2006 [9] C. K. Su The new Age of Rolling – The North Carolina Experience ; IC Strategic Meeting, Aubrun AL, 2004 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 8

  9. Intelligent Compaction References (II) [10] Preisig, Noesberger Continuous Compaction Control based on Geotechnical Parameters Dr. Caprez, Prof. Amann Forschungsauftrag VSS 2000/353; Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich 2006 R. Anderegg [11] Preisig, Dr. Caprez Validation of Continuous Compaction Control (CCC) Methods & Prof. Amann Paper and Presentation: 9/23/2003; Workshop on Soil Compaction Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany [12] Kuno Kaufmann Higher Compaction Performance using two Excitation Frequencies Master Thesis (MSc.), in German with an English Abstract Bern University of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Information Technology Burgdorf (Switzerland) 2006 [13] A. Teferra, E. Schultze Formulae, Charts and Tables – Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineerings Stresses in Soils A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam & Brookfield 1998 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 9

  10. Intelligent Compaction ACE plus : Control Loop & Sensors [5] Display & Operation Excitation Excentricity % A Differential Gear Box Electronic Device Accelerationsensor f opt. f Control Hydraulic Pump Valve Unit Exciter Position Exciter Position Rotationsensor Drum Acceleration Drum Acceleration Phase Angle Sensors Automatic Closed-Loop Control 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 10

  11. Intelligent Compaction 1-Amplitude-Machine Continuously changement of the amplitude Amplitude Frequency Speed Automatically Controlled Roller Parameter Contact force 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 11

  12. Intelligent Compaction ACE plus : Control of Machine Parameters [5] F Z Compaction Control Soil Stiffness F S x x ϕ k S F S c S 1. Phase Angle ϕ .................... => ................ Frequency f F S (x`=0, x``>0) ϕ k S = x ϕ =90°: Resonance k S Target f 2. Soil Force F S ...................... => ............. Eccentricity m e r e k S >k S Target ? F S t 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 12

  13. Intelligent Compaction Searching the Resonance Frequency [4] Na Natu tura ral Frequency: the equency: the Freq requency ency at w hich ich Na Natu tura ral Frequency: the equency: the Freq requency ency at w hich ich an an O Objec ject vi vibra brates es by by it itse self lf an an O Objec ject vi vibra brates es by by it itse self lf This Th is is is the the Poi oint of nt of maxim ximum tra rans nsmitte mitted Forc orce This Th is is is the the Poi oint of nt of maxim ximum tra rans nsmitte mitted Forc orce Weak Material Hard Material Loam Gravel • high Frequency • low Frequency • low Amplitude • high Amplitude High High Amplitude Amplitude Low Low Frequency Frequency Low High Low High 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 13

  14. Intelligent Compaction Drum Continuously changement of the amplitude 1-Amplitude Compaction/Soil Stiffness Compaction Depth Number of Passes/Time 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 14

  15. Intelligent Compaction Frame m f g Analytical Model [4], [5], [7] m d g Drum W x d F Z F S =-m d x d ``+F Z cos( Ω t)+(m f +m d )g F Z =m e r e Ω 2 ; Ω =2 πφ ; x d ``=d 2 x d /dt 2 F S F S >0: x d =x S =x Contact Conditions: F S =0: x d >x S F S F S =k S x S +c S x S ` Soil x S ( ) ( ) ( ) + + − + − = Ω Ω ⋅ + & & & & 2 m x F c x x k x x m r cos t m g c S d d B G ( d f ) G ( d f ) u u d k S + − + − = & & & & m x c x x k x x m g f f G f d G f d f = + > & F c x k x if F 0 B B d B B Force-Driven Nonlinearity Simulation-Model = F 0 else B F S,max F S,max F S (m f +m d )g F S F S (m f +m d )g (m f +m d )g loss of t Period T t t Period T = 1/f contact Period 2T (Period Doubling) F S,max < 2(m f +m d )g : permanent Contact F S,max > 2(m f +m d )g : periodic Loss of Contact F S,max > 2(m f +m d )g : double Amplitude, Bouncing 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 15

  16. Intelligent Compaction & x d Nonlinear Dynamic Behavoir: x Using a Simulation Tool [12] d Chaos 20 & x 19 d & x 18 d 17 16 15 & x Frame & 14 d x 13 d x elastic suspension d 12 11 10 x 13 kg m 9 d 8 Soil 7 & x 6 d & 5 x d 4 Soil-Drum 3 Interaction 2 x 1 d 0 x d 13 12 11 MathLab/Simulink-Model 10 9 8 0-Pulse 0-Pulse 7 t t t 10 kg m Period T Period T Period T 6 5 Deflection Deflection & 4 x d 3 Ω Ω 2 t t 1 F Z F Z Period T Period T Period T Period T 0 Period 2T Period 2T Period 2T Period 2T k B k B c B c B Amplitude A 1 [ mm ] x 8 d FFT FFT FFT 7 A 1/2 [ mm ] A 1/4 6 Deflection; Time nT Deflection; Time nT 5 7.2 kg m A 1/3 [ mm ] 4 A 1/2 3 A 1 2 A 2/3 [ mm ] 1 f/4 f/4 f/4 f/4 f/2 f/2 f/2 f/2 f=1/T f=1/T f=1/T f=1/T Poor Poor Compaction, k B Compaction, k B Compacted Compacted 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Excitation Frequency [ Hz ] 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 16

  17. Intelligent Compaction ACE plus : Measuring the Soil Compaction [10], [11] Loading the Plate Force F S x S Measuring the Deflection F S F S =k B x S +c S x S Mechanistic Soil model: ` x S F S k B c S Stiffness of Soil: k B = x S 23. & 24. January 2008, Dallas TX 17


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