Intelligence & Security Studies Program Citadel Club of Charleston September 17, 2016 Educa'on For Principled Leaders in Na'onal Security
The LEAD Plan 2018 ( The Citadel’s Strategic Plan to promote Leadership Excellence and Academic Dis@nc@on) ¨ Objec've 2.2 : “Create academic programs of excellence and dis@nc@on within each academic school.”… School of Humani'es and Social Sciences : Develop a center of excellence for criminal jus@ce, homeland security, and intelligence analysis and compete for DNI Center for Academic Excellence designa@on. Objec've 4.1 . “Expand enrollment in The Citadel Graduate College.”
Our Goal: To become THE preeminent leader in intelligence and security studies education in the United States Educa'on For Principled Leaders in Na'onal Security
Our Faculty Educa'on For Principled Leaders in Na'onal Security
Where We’ve Been • Undergraduate Minor in Intelligence & Security Studies • Graduate Certificates • Intelligence Analysis • Homeland Security • 2013 Citadel Intelligence Conference
What We Accomplished in 2015-2016
A Higher Degree of Na.onal Security: (36 Credit Hours) 100% online Cybersecurity and General Concentra@ons; Leadership Concentra@on pending approval. Engaged and highly faculty with both academic and prac@cal experience Flexible schedule designed for working professionals
MA Intelligence & Security Studies The Citadel’s ISS program combines theory and pracBce to provide the real-world LTG Vincent Stewart, Director of skills necessary to enter the Defense Intelligence Agency, speaks at The Citadel’s 2015 and advance in the Intelligence and Homeland Security Enterprise Conference. public and private intelligence arenas.
Intelligence and Homeland Security Enterprise Conference: Achieving a Higher Degree of Na.onal Security September 16-18, 2015
IHSE Conference (350 par'cipants; 18 panel sessions): Some Featured Par'cipants RADM Christopher Towney, LTG Vincent Agatha Glowacki, NCTC Director, JIATF South; U.S.C.G. Stewart, Director DIA Rose Gottemoeller , MG Jim Lariviere, Former Edith Alexander, Director, U/S of State for Arms Deputy Director, Politico-Military IC Centers of Academic Excellence Control & Intl. Security Affairs (Africa), Joint Staff
New Center at The Citadel ¨ Center for Cyber, Intelligence and Security Studies (CCISS) ¤ Mul'-disciplinary center ¤ Program Directors from Department of Criminal Jus'ce and Department of Mathema'cs and Computer Science
The Citadel has been designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CD-E) through academic year 2021 by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security
Rela.onship with IC ¨ Research Projects with NCTC & FBI ¨ 16 2016 Citadel Graduates Commissioned into Various Branches of Military Intelligence ¨ 12 2016 Citadel Graduates Hired by FBI/7 Honors Interns
Where We’re Going
BA in Intelligence & Security Studies ¨ Concentra@ons ¤ Chinese Area Studies ¤ Military Intelligence ¤ Counterterrorism ¤ Business Intelligence ¤ General ¨ Total Credit Hours 45
Interdisciplinary Minor in Cybersecurity ¨ Develop technical skills in cybersecurity ¨ Core knowledge ¤ Computer Networks ¤ Computer Systems ¤ Computer Security ¨ Total Credit Hours 15
IC Center for Academic Excellence, 2017
Citadel Cyber & Intelligence Scholars ¨ Recruit High Performing High School Students ¨ Cohort Model ¨ Enrichment Opportuni@es ¤ Study Abroad ¤ Scholarships ¤ Internships ¤ Capstone Project
Citadel Cyber & Intelligence Scholars ¨ Recruit High Performing High School Students ¨ Cohort Model ¨ Enrichment Opportuni@es ¤ Study Abroad ¤ Scholarships ¤ Internships ¤ Capstone Project
Study Abroad in Estonia, Summer 2017 ¨ Cybersecurity ¨ Russian/Bal@c Area Studies
Conceptual Image of New Capers Hall American Cyber-Lab ¨ ¨ Atrium Secure Work ¨ Na'onal Area/Sensi've ¨ Security Compartmented Classroom Informa'on Facility World ¨ Languages Digital ¨ and Humani'es- Cultures Communica'ons Lab Lab
What Can Our Alumni Do?
Alumni Assistance ¨ Founda@on Ac@vi@es ¨ Provide Opportuni@es for Our Students ¨ Get the Word Out!
Welcoming a Responsibility “ In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it.” -- John F. Kennedy
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