Integrating Stakeholder Preferences in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Potential Uses of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Techniques August 27, 2012 Community Forum
Moderator: Penny Mohr Vice President for Program Development, Cent er for Medical Technology Policy AHRQ’s Communit y Forum proj ect Expert ise in st akeholder engagement and comparat ive effect iveness research Community Forum Community Forum Community Forum
Goals Underst and different formal st ruct ured approaches t o elicit ing and quant ifying st akeholder preferences Compare and cont rast Conj oint Analysis and Analyt ic Hierarchy Processes as preference assessment t ools Describe applicat ions of preference met hods t o inform Comparat ive Effect iveness Research (CER) Community Forum Community Forum Community Forum
AHRQ Community Forum To expand st akeholder involvement in comparat ive effect iveness research in AHRQ’ s Effect ive Healt h Care Program To advance met hods for gat hering public input on value- based healt hcare quest ions Community Forum Community Forum Community Forum
Comparative Effectiveness Research “ … The purpose of CER is to assist consumers, clinicians, purchasers and policy makers to make informed decisions that will improve health care at both the individual and population levels.” ~Institute of Medicine, 2009 Community Forum Community Forum Community Forum
Categories of CER Methods S ystematic reviews of existing research Decision modeling, with or without cost information Retrospective analysis of existing clinical or administrative data Prospective non-experimental studies, including registries Experimental studies, including randomized clinical trials (RCTs) Community Forum Community Forum
Activities of CER Ident ifying maj or gaps in exist ing research S et t ing research priorit ies Refining research quest ions Developing st udy prot ocols Translat ing research findings S hared decision making Community Forum Community Forum Community Forum
Speaker: Maarten IJzerman, PhD Chair, Depart ment of Healt h Technology & S ervices Research, Universit y of Twent e, Net herlands. Expert ise in pat ient report ed out comes, elicit at ion of pat ient preferences in HTA, mult iple crit eria decision making and discret e choice met hods. Dr. IJzerman will provide an int roduct ion t o Mult i-crit eria decision models used for healt hcare decision making. Community Forum Community Forum Community Forum
Speaker: Jerry Krishnan, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine & Public Healt h & Associat e Vice President for Populat ion Healt h S ciences, in t he Office of Healt h Affairs at t he Universit y of Illinois Hospit al & Healt h S ciences S yst em. Chair of t he S t eering Commit t ee for t he COPD Out comes-based Net work for Clinical Effect iveness and Research Translat ion (CONCERT). Dr. Krishnan will describe t he applicat ion of Analyt ic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify patient, clinician & other stakeholder preferences for CER in COPD . Community Forum Community Forum Community Forum
Speaker: F. Reed Johnson, PhD Dist inguished Fellow and principal economist at Research Triangle Inst it ut e (RTI). Chair of t he IS POR Conj oint Analysis (CA) Experiment al Design Task Force. Dr. Johnson will describe t he applicat ion of CA for elicit ing pat ient preferences about healt h out comes t o guide t he design of a st udy prot ocol. Community Forum Community Forum Community Forum
Agenda Introduction 10:30-10:40 AM (Present er: Penny Mohr, Communit y Forum Team) An introduction to the use of Analytical Hierarchy 10:40-11:00 AM (Last 5 minut es Process and Conjoint Analysis in health research reserved f or Q&A) (Present er: Maart en Ij zerman) The use of AHP to elicit stakeholder input for prioritizing 11:00-11:20 AM (Last 5 minut es research reserved f or Q&A) (Present er: Jerry Krishnan) The use of CA to elicit patient preferences in selecting 11:20-11:40 AM treatment endpoints (Last 5 minut es reserved f or Q&A) (Present er: F . Reed Johnson) General Q&A 11:40 AM- 12:00 PM Community Forum Community Forum
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