insulating for roi pp condensation

Insulating for ROI, PP & Condensation ACS CIC Ceramic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Insulating for ROI, PP & Condensation ACS CIC Ceramic Insulation Coating By Advanced Coating Solutions LLC Seattle, WA Proven Energy Savings in Wet Conditions with 1-2 year ROI. Sanitary & Washable

  1. Insulating for ROI, PP & Condensation ACS CIC Ceramic Insulation Coating By Advanced Coating Solutions LLC Seattle, WA

  2. • Proven Energy Savings in Wet Conditions with 1-2 year ROI. � • Sanitary & Washable Insulation. � • 25% to 35% Energy Savings on Steam Applications (Verifiable References). � • Qualifies for California Energy Rebates. � • Prevents Condensation & Corrosion. � • Used by JBT Food Tech, ConAgra, Del Monte Foods and Many Others for Energy Savings. �

  3. Insulating JBT Food Tech Rotary Sterilizers • 25% to 35% Energy Savings and 1 to 2 year ROI based on applications. • Approved for 25% Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Energy Rebate. • Protect personnel from burns. � • Service life = 10 - 15 years. � • Maintain Sanitary Conditions. • Prevents corrosion. �

  4. JBT Food Tech Rotary Sterilizer Insulation Independent Foods, ConAgra – Irapuato, Del Monte Foods, Hanford Yakima Mexico Pennsylvania Stanislaus Foods, ConAgra, Oakdale Modesto

  5. Food Plant Applications Hot Product Line, Exhaust Ducting DA Tank Ingomar Packing Cold Wall Condensation Steam Valve Steam Lines, Control, Stemilt Packing Everywhere


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