instructional practices and global competencies

Instructional Practices and Global Competencies: Strategies for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Instructional Practices and Global Competencies: Strategies for Educators Jackie MacFarlane Senior Research Associate Policy Studies Associates, Inc. Study Questions What can system-level leaders do to promote instruction focused on deeper

  1. Instructional Practices and Global Competencies: Strategies for Educators Jackie MacFarlane Senior Research Associate Policy Studies Associates, Inc.

  2. Study Questions § What can system-level leaders do to promote instruction focused on deeper learning? § What can school leaders do to support instructional practices? § What can teachers do to improve instructional practices? Policy Studies Associates, Inc. 1

  3. Communicating a Vision § Articulate consistent expectations and practices § Adopt common frameworks or strategies Policy Studies Associates, Inc. 2

  4. Using Data to Inform Instruction § Create buy-in for instructional improvement § Identify trends and needs § Prioritize group(s) of students Policy Studies Associates, Inc. 3

  5. Supporting Teachers § Provide common planning time § Offer opportunities to learn from colleagues § Place school leaders in instructional leadership roles Policy Studies Associates, Inc. 4

  6. Collaboration Between Educators § Ensure coherence in policies and practices § Establish continuity between feeder schools Policy Studies Associates, Inc. 5

  7. Continuous Improvement § Be willing to improve practice and try new things § Challenge and engage students through: w Safe learning environments w Multiple points of access w Choices and options w Lessons that are applicable and relatable Policy Studies Associates, Inc. 6

  8. Instructional Practices and Global Competencies: Strategies for Educators § Questions? § Contact Information: w Jackie MacFarlane, Senior Research Associate • • 202-939-9782 Policy Studies Associates, Inc. 7


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