institutional effectiveness survey

Institutional Effectiveness Survey Nashua Community College Nov/Dec - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Institutional Effectiveness Survey Nashua Community College Nov/Dec 2016 Solicited Opinions of Staff & Faculty Level of importance & agreement on statements concerning: College Climate Personal Working Environment College

  1. Institutional Effectiveness Survey Nashua Community College Nov/Dec 2016

  2. Solicited Opinions of Staff & Faculty • Level of importance & agreement on statements concerning: College Climate Personal Working Environment College Communication Professional Development Decision-Making • Assessment of how well NCC meets the needs of students and the community • Level of satisfaction with important college functions and the services provided by various departments • Open-ended questions on College improvement, priorities and what it does best

  3. Respondent Breakdown 46% return rate – 136 of 296 distributed forms returned Total # Responses 3 20 53 35 21 Percent Return 80 Part-time staff Full-time staff Full-time faculty 70.0 65.6 70 60.0 Adjunct faculty Administration 60 44.4 50 32.3 40 30 20 10 0

  4. Level of importance & agreement

  5. My immediate Overall - Avg Importance of Each Statement supervisor Prof Dev-I is fair and objective. 2.6 Ideas-I 2.6 I am comfortable Supervisor-I 2.9 Concerns-I 2.8 discussing concerns Expect-I 2.7 with my direct Rely-I 2.7 Tech-I 2.7 supervisor. Perform-I 2.9 Decision-I 2.5 I have sufficient Participate-I 2.4 information to Timely-I 2.6 perform my job. Resources-I 2.6 Data-I 2.5 NCC is a good Govern-I 2.5 Goals-I 2.5 place to work. Budget-I 2.3 Collaborate-I 2.6 The needs of the Policies-I 2.7 students are Place-I 2.8 Relations-I important to 2.4 Changes-I 2.5 college employees. Diversity-I 2.4 Needs-I 2.9 Overall there is a Promote-I 2.7 Coop-I 2.8 spirit of cooperation Vision-I 2.7 among NCC employees. 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Low Medium High

  6. Overall - % Rating of Importance Prof Dev-I Ideas-I Supervisor-I 67.6 Concerns-I 62.5 Employees are Expect-I provided opportunities Rely-I Tech-I to participate on Perform-I 67.6 important college Decision-I Participate-I 35.3 committees. Timely-I Resources-I Data-I Govern-I Goals-I Communication of Budget-I 32.4 budget decisions to Collaborate-I Policies-I employees is effective. Place-I 61.8 Relations-I Changes-I Diversity-I Needs-I 69.1 Promote-I Coop-I 58.1 Vision-I 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 % No opinion % Low % Medium % High

  7. Overall - Avg Agreement on Each Statement My immediate supervisor is fair Prof Dev-A 3.4 Ideas-A 3.8 and objective. Supervisor-A 4.2 I am comfortable Concerns-A 4.1 Expect-A 3.8 discussing concerns Rely-A 3.9 with my direct Tech-A 3.9 supervisor. Perform-A 4.0 Decision-A 3.6 I can rely on my Participate-A 3.6 colleagues/co-workers, Timely-A 3.0 I have sufficient Resources-A 3.1 when needed, to help Data-A 3.4 information to get the job done. Govern-A 3.3 perform my job. Goals-A 3.1 The college provides Budget-A 3.0 adequate technology Collaborate-A 2.9 Policies-A to do my job. 3.3 Place-A 3.9 Relations-A 3.5 NCC is a good Changes-A 3.0 place to work. Diversity-A 3.7 Needs-A 4.1 The needs of the Promote-A 3.0 students are Coop-A 3.4 Vision-A 3.5 important to college employees. 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

  8. Overall - Avg Agreement on Each Statement Prof Dev-A 3.4 Ideas-A 3.8 Supervisor-A 4.2 Concerns-A 4.1 Decisions are made Expect-A 3.8 Rely-A 3.9 in a timely fashion. Tech-A 3.9 Perform-A 4.0 Communication of Decision-A 3.6 budget decisions Participate-A 3.6 to employees Timely-A 3.0 is effective. Resources-A 3.1 Data-A 3.4 Communication Govern-A 3.3 Overall there have and collaboration Goals-A 3.1 been positive changes among departments Budget-A 3.0 in the NCC work are effective. Collaborate-A 2.9 environment in the Policies-A 3.3 Place-A 3.9 past three years. Relations-A 3.5 Changes-A 3.0 The administration Diversity-A 3.7 Needs-A 4.1 promotes teamwork Promote-A 3.0 and cooperation Coop-A 3.4 among employees. Vision-A 3.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

  9. My immediate Overall - % Rating of Agreement supervisor is fair and objective. Prof Dev-A Ideas-A I am comfortable Supervisor-A 78.2 discussing concerns Concerns-A 78.0 with my direct Expect-A supervisor. Rely-A 70.0 Tech-A 75.0 I can rely on my Perform-A 81.8 colleagues/co-workers, Decision-A Participate-A when needed, to help Timely-A get the job done. Resources-A Many Data-A The college provides statements Govern-A adequate technology had sizable Goals-A to do my job. Budget-A % neutral Collaborate-A I have sufficient Policies-A Place-A information to 70.8 Relations-A perform my job. Changes-A Diversity-A NCC is a good Needs-A 82.3 place to work. Promote-A Coop-A The needs of the Vision-A students are 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 important to % Disagree % Neutral % Agree college employees.

  10. Overall - % Rating of Agreement Decisions are made in a timely fashion. Prof Dev-A Ideas-A Staff & faculty know Supervisor-A what the institution’s Concerns-A strategic long-range Expect-A goals are. Rely-A Tech-A Communication of Perform-A budget decisions Decision-A Participate-A to employees Timely-A 32.6 32.6 is effective. Resources-A Communication Data-A Govern-A and collaboration Goals-A 33.1 42.3 among departments Budget-A 30.3 34.1 are effective. Collaborate-A 37.4 35.1 Policies-A Overall there have Place-A been positive changes Relations-A in the NCC work Changes-A 32.3 35.4 environment in the Diversity-A past three years. Needs-A Promote-A 32.6 37.9 The administration Coop-A promotes teamwork Vision-A and cooperation 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 among employees. % Disagree % Neutral % Agree

  11. Avg Agreement The needs of the students are important to college employees. Communication and collaboration among departments are effective. Communication of budget decisions to employees is effective. I am comfortable discussing concerns with my direct supervisor. My immediate supervisor is fair and objective. Strongly Disagree=1 to Strongly Agree=5

  12. How well does NCC provide the following: Ensure the Campus is Overall - Avg Performance Level Attractive, Safe, Inclusive, and Meets Projected Programmatic Needs. Campus 4.0 Maintain Affordability: Tuition, Financial Aid, and Resource Affordability 3.8 Development. Ensure Institutional Effectiveness through Effectiveness 3.3 Planning, Assessment and Communication. Meet the Evolving Evolving 3.7 Needs of NCC's Region, Community, and Business and Industry Learning 4.0 Partners. Provide Valuable 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Learning Experience Very Poorly Poorly Neutral Well Very Well for All Students.

  13. How well does NCC provide the following: Ensure the Campus is Overall - % Performance Level Attractive, Safe, Inclusive, and Meets Projected Programmatic Needs. Campus 77.3 Maintain Affordability: Tuition, Financial Aid, and Resource Affordability 67.7 Development. Ensure Institutional Effectiveness through Effectiveness 15.6 43.0 41.4 Planning, Assessment and Communication. Meet the Evolving Evolving 63.1 Needs of NCC's Region, Community, and Business and Industry Partners. Learning 81.8 Provide Valuable Learning Experience 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 for All Students. % poorly % neutral % well

  14. Departments & Activities - Avg Satisfaction Orientation Process for New Registrar 4.1 Adjunct Faculty Financial Aid 4.0 Disability Office 4.1 The Level Of Admissions 3.7 Collaboration Acad Success Ct 3.9 Across The Advising Ct 4.0 Institution Online Learning Coord 3.9 Extent To Which Business Office 3.9 Management HR 3.9 Listens & Respond IT 3.9 Appropriately To Presidents Office 3.4 Employee Problems, Media Services 3.8 Complaints & Library 4.0 Suggestions Marketing & PR 3.6 Acad Affairs 3.9 Process For Recruiting Orientation 4.0 And Hiring Faculty Collaboration 3.3 And Staff Response 3.3 Hiring 3.5 Flow Of Information Website 3.3 Between Depts & Flow Info 3.0 Offices Campus Security 4.3 Maintenance 4.1 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied

  15. Departments & Activities - % Satisfaction Registrar 77.9 Financial Aid Disability Office 75.8 Admissions Acad Success Ct 73.0 Advising Ct 76.6 Online Learning Coord The Level Of Business Office Collaboration 70.5 HR Across The 71.3 IT 74.2 Institution Presidents Office Media Services Library 71.8 Extent To Which Marketing & PR Acad Affairs Management Orientation Listens & Respond 67.3 Collaboration 24.6 Appropriately To 46.2 Response 28.1 47.7 Employee Problems, Hiring Complaints & Website 27.5 48.9 Suggestions Flow Info 33.3 36.5 Campus Security 85.1 Maintenance 81.2 Flow Of Information 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Between Depts & Offices % dissatisfied % neutral % satisfied

  16. Average Satisfaction The Level Of Collaboration Across The Institution Extent To Which Management Listens & Respond Appropriately To Employee Problems, Complaints & Suggestions Flow of Information Between Depts & Offices Very Dissatisfied=1 to Very Satisfied=5


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