Insights ¡from ¡simula0ng ¡SDG ¡implementa0on ¡with ¡ The ¡WORLD’S ¡FUTURE ¡Game ¡ Gerid Hager Piotr Magnuszewski
THE WORLD’S FUTURE – A Sustainable Development Goals Game The World‘s Future Game • Introduction and context • Why games? • The World‘s Future: game set-up, goals and insights from yesterday • Underlying human-earth system and SDGs interactions Discussion
IIASA was founded in 1972 and aimed at bridging the west and east through science while political institutions and nations were divided by cold war. IIASA international institute focusing on systems research, science to policy and global science diplomacy around climate change, sustainable development, including e.g. large energy transitions as well as community resilience. The World’s Future Game was developed in the course of the Systems Thinking for Transformation project and in collaboration with the Center for System Solutions. The aim of the project is to promote ST not only in science and research but to promote and better understand Systems Thinking as a critical and core 21 century competence . Targeting young actors in society, next generation decision makers, as well as policy makers of today.
Games policy makers that should play
Games? Seriously?
Hell yeah!!!
African Development Bank June 2017, Abidjan
Maintenance of Maintenance of Drainage System in Drainage System in the Odra River Valley the Odra River Valley
Lords of the Valley
Forest Game designed ¡by ¡
Climate ¡Game ¡ designed ¡by: ¡
Can playing this game affect policy with regard to Nexus challenges? Yes, as an eye-opener for people in the 3 sectors as Definitely; by involving policy well as for people outside the makers to participate and sectors; highlighting the need realize the consequences of for multipurpose development decisions made! of water resources. The game clearly demonstrates the benefits of coordination in country and also working across borders. Water allocation and water resources management should involve all players.
Why games work well for serious goals ?
Information without emotion isn’t retained! Tony Robbins
learning by doing
E n v i r o n m e n t
systems systems thinking
games benefits
Experiencing complexity of policy development and implementation for sustainability
Empathy Machine
Under Understanding standing multiple per multiple perspectiv spectives es
Gaining system perspective: big picture
motivating for change
boration tion Collabor Colla g g n n i i v v o o r r p p m m I I
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
The WORLD’S FUTURE Gameplay @OECD, June 14, 2017
THE WORLD’S FUTURE – A Sustainable Development Goals Game Deepen understanding of the complexities of the global system Identify and acknowledge interdependencies of actions in pursuit of the goals across policies, regions and time. Better understand synergies, trade-o ff s, and feedbacks , as pursuing some goals and targets might undermine the achievement of others. Re fl ect on negotiations patterns, e ff ective communication and collaboration .
“It was entertaining and fun!” “One key take-away for me was the need to better understand what are real incentives stakeholders to implement change in their industries.” “I better understood the dynamics of decision making across the roles within a systems, the reinforced interconnectedness of decisions/policies as well as the adaptive nature of systems.” “I got much clearer insight that policy making is actually messy based on imperfect understanding of the system and incentives and on imperfect information of what others are doing. That said, a common understanding of the goals (i.e. SDGs) can help align actions and achieve greater coherence & better outcomes”
THE WORLD’S FUTURE – A Sustainable Development Goals Game Participant ideas for expanding the game More time for negotiations and fl eshing out SDG interactions • Include aspects of the “political economy”, i.e. elections and • other pressures on decision-makers Include aspects of fi nancial industry • Allow for changes in governance rules and structures •
THE WORLD’S FUTURE – A Sustainable Development Goals Game Underlying human-earth system
THE WORLD’S FUTURE – A Sustainable Development Goals Game Underlying human-earth system
THE WORLD’S FUTURE – A Sustainable Development Goals Game Underlying human-earth system
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