innovative pedagogies for lifelong learning

Innovative Pedagogies for Lifelong Learning SUSS Faculty Learning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Reflecting on & changing our practices takes courage, helped by having some different ways to talk & think about our beliefs and practices Innovative Pedagogies for Lifelong Learning SUSS Faculty Learning Symposium Helen Bound 17

  1. Reflecting on & changing our practices takes courage, helped by having some different ways to talk & think about our beliefs and practices Innovative Pedagogies for Lifelong Learning SUSS Faculty Learning Symposium Helen Bound 17 November 2018

  2. Today we will consider… Lifelong Learning in times of change Being & becoming Our beliefs about learning: implications for practice Using learning spaces 2

  3. LLL in times of change LLL § More than learning to ‘do’ § More than economic impact § More than a focus only on the individual § More than formal courses § More than knowledge as a commodity u Gig economies Includes: u Growth of non-permanent work ► Meeting the needs & aspirations of individuals and society ► Learning to be u Technology & Automation ► Learning to learn ► Deep understanding u Growing range of different ► Ability to co-construct forms of production knowledge 3

  4. Learning to be - being & becoming Professional identity 4

  5. As educators… As educators we: - Seek to develop our learners’ professional identity Is being and becoming a …… explicit in the curriculum AND in our enactment of the curriculum? What does it mean to be and become a…? 5

  6. What do you want your graduates to be and become? Go to mentimeter # 950621 What do you want your graduates to be and become? q use short phrases q enter at least 2 phrases 6

  7. Being & becoming for changing contexts Being & becoming what? ü Agile navigators of change ü Transdisciplinary boundary crossers ü Knowledgeable, caring practitioners ü Critical analyers of problems & solutionists ü Etc. 7

  8. So… In what ways do our beliefs about T&L support being and becoming for changing contexts? Participation • Learners ‘take part’ in the context Acquisition and learn through this process • Learning as a product with a • Identity is constantly evolving identifiable outcomes through participating with others • Content & concepts the in various contexts individual makes sense of • Learners are actively engaged in • Individuals accumulate active sense-making, knowledge knowledge – like commodities co-construction… 8

  9. Where would you place yourself? Go to mentimeter Participation # 950621 • Learners ‘take part’ in the context and learn through this process Acquisition • Identity is constantly evolving • Learning as a product with a through the process of learning identifiable outcomes and participating with others in • Content & concepts the various contexts individual makes sense of • Learners are actively engaged in • Individuals accumulate active sense-making, knowledge knowledge – like commodities co-construction… 2 3 7 1 5 4 6 9

  10. Thinking about spaces of learning Work Classroom Tech-enabled spaces

  11. To work here… listen for: Affordances: Culture & Structure • Setting challenges • Support / guidance • Trust • Team work Capabilities developed: • High expectations • Planning • Belief in the trainees • Being organized • Sharing, dialogue • Team work • Innovation (thinking of new things) • Confidence Development of • Performing meta-cognitive capability • The future… • Asking questions • Taking notes, photographs The individual journeys • Reflection 11

  12. What is learning? a process contributing to an increased capability to act differently and create different relations in and with the environment Being & becoming 12

  13. Workplace learning culture and learning are intertwined ( Lave & Wenger, 1991; Engeström, 1999, 2001), where learning is: • understood as a process of becoming increasingly capable • gaining recognition as a member of the community and/or organisation at the individual level, • learning is situated in a network of relations where knowledge and skills, authorities, resources and artefacts are distributed (Hager 2013: 90). • Learning and working are interdependent. We learn constantly through engaging in conscious goal-directed everyday activities – indeed, as we think and act, we learn. (Billett, 2001, p.21) Thus, “learning is deeply social - meanings, purposes and efficacies are moulded by organisational and cultural factors.” Chia, (2017). Why “culture” and “learning” in SMEs? IAL. What do such theories of learning mean for T&L practices? 13

  14. How pedagogically sound is the lecture format? Output Input Students in classes with traditional stand-and-deliver lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail than students in Molding learners to regurgitate classes that use more innovative pedagogies (Freeman et al, 2014).

  15. Assumptions about T&L: traditional - innovative Traditional assumptions Innovative T&L assumptions Learning is teaching Learning is embodied: use of senses, feel knowing in knowledge, skills, attitudes their bodies. The practices of a vocation / profession encompass being & becoming Learning is a product, Learning is a process incorporating social, cultural and measured in behavioural political dimensions resulting in new sets of relations in a standards or outcomes setting. Learning is not ‘transferred’ from one Learning is ‘transferred’ environment or setting to another, it is recontextualised . Learning happens within the Learning happens through engaging with work practices confines of the educational and through iterative movement between the spaces of institution the educational institution and work Learning is a lock step process Practices in context are complex, multiple and varied requiring complex understandings, interpretations and judgements that are built into learning experiences Knowledge is static & held by Knowledge is dynamic, distributed across tools, sites and the ‘experts’ people. It is co-constructed Theory and practice, technical Learning in work settings is integrated into the total & generic ‘skills’ are learning experience, theory and practice are not separate institutionally separated but enacted together The educator does the work of Learning is designed such that learners learn and take ensuring learners learn responsibility for the strategic work of learning to learn. 15

  16. Example 1 Workplace Learning and Performance (a Masters unit) Throughout learners are expected to read Brings work practices into and contribute actively to class & group the classroom dialogue bringing theory and practice, technical & generic skills together Learners identify a WPL issue To be & become: Expects & demands sharing, L’s Identify their stakeholders, design data ü Knowledgeable workplace critical thinking, knowledge collection tools to inquire into the learning learning solutionists co-construction affordances in their w’place in relation to ü Nurturing people developers their issue. L’s conduct stakeholder ü Critically aware, and agile analysis change agents Analyse the w’place affordances and write ü Curious inquirers Uses an inquiry-based this up for the first assessment for early approach feedback Design learning intervention(s) and develop plan + evaluation plan. Peer feedback is given and meta-frames Introduction of meta-frames, are provided to evaluate their interventions use of self & peer assessment contribute to L2L capabilities Assessment: 2 reports capturing above + contribution to knowledge co-construction 16

  17. Example 2: Iterative movement between classroom & work settings Becoming a (physio) therapy assistant Early in the course, students spend 2 hours X 2 in a workplace Their tasks are to observe Teaching L2L through § Types of patient conditions ü Observation techniques § Lifting techniques ü Peer sharing § How practitioners communicate with their patient ü Valuing learner input – the voice of the learners BEFORE THESE SESSIONS, learners are taught observational techniques ü Naming up what helps Learners are asked to watch a video to identify the lifting techniques learners to ‘see’ Sharing & listing of what each participant ‘saw’ ü Working with principles Discussion of what seems like good practice and what is not Input by educator of the principles of good practice (filling in any gaps in what learners have identified) Watch another video and share what is seen this time Compare with first experience Discussion of what helped them ‘notice’/’see’ what they saw Repeat for communication with patients 17

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