the data selection proposal and supply of minidaq systems


THE DATA SELECTION PROPOSAL AND SUPPLY OF MINIDAQ SYSTEMS FOR APA TESTING Georgia Karagiorgi Columbia University 2 Data Selection Construction Scope Construct the data selection (aka trigger) system for the first two far detector modules,


  2. 2 Data Selection Construction Scope • Construct the data selection (aka trigger) system for the first two far detector modules, assuming to be single phase (procurement, assembly, installation, testing at SURF) • Custom online software system facilitated on commercial processor hardware • Includes MiniDAQ production for APA testing at cold test site (Year 1 of project) • Includes pre-production, deployment, and testing at ProtoDUNE (Year 2 of project) • Consortium of 8 US universities

  3. 3 DS Project Planning: Project Management Structure

  4. 4 DS Project Schedule Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 APA construction (152 APAs) progresses through Year 5 of project. APA cold testing, twice per Tests include mechanical assessment using MiniDAQ, DS groups. year, at PSL, for 10% of APAs. tests at cryo temp, full readout which will be assembled and and noise level deployed (and run) by 75 APA installation WP1 : MiniDAQ construction at CU WP3 : MiniDAQ deployment at PSL WP1 and 2 : DS pre- production system construction at CU and Penn WP4 : Pre-production deployment and testing at ProtoDUNE WP1 and 2 : Procurement for DS production system at CU and Penn WP1, 2 and 5 : Deployment SURF and integration with full and testing of DS system at DAQ DS-specific milestones: Mini-DAQ construction during Year 1, and deployment at PSL. Pre-production of DS system and deployment and testing at ProtoDUNE during Year 2. Procurement of production system components during Year 3, and deployment and testing at SURF during Years 4, 5.

  5. 5 DS Project Planning: Institutional Roles DS Institutes (8 total): Columbia, Penn, Colorado State, UM-Duluth, Duke, Iowa State, SDSMT, UC Davis

  6. 6 Overall SP DAQ Architecture and Data Selection System External timing reference Timing & Sync One of these in Calibration DUNE FD One of these systems External SNEWS, LBNF, etc. Module Level Trigger Trigger Interface Low-Level Data Selection One of these To/from other Upstream Data Flow Module Level Triggers DAQ Orchestrator Low-Level O(10) of these Data Selection One or more of these 10 kton Upstream Event Builder Storage Buffer Detector DAQ WAN to FNAL Module Low-Level Data Selection High Level Upstream Filter DAQ One of these Control, O(100) of these Configuration, Monitoring Detector Cavern Central Utility Cavern On-surface Control Room [TDR]

  7. 7 Data Selection Sub-system DUNE FD Baseline Data Selection Strategy and Hierarchy: TPC-based [TDR]

  8. 8 Data Selection Sub-system [From pre-proposal; similar to TDR]

  9. 9 Data Selection Sub-system Scope of NSF DS construction (For Modules 1 & 2, Single-Phase) [TDR]

  10. 10 DS Hardware Specifications (Production System) Trigger Candidate Generation and Trigger Decision Generation is to be carried out by CPU (O(100) per module). High Level Filter on GPU cluster (5 servers per module). Timing Sub-system interface (commercial GPS and custom hardware for timing/trigger distribution). Modest (rack) infrastructure for above ground deployment at SURF. Specs are being refined, substantiated by simulation studies and demonstration tests at ProtoDUNE.

  11. 11 DS Construction Packages • WP1: DS System Construction • Construction of MiniDAQ system to be deployed (as part of DS WP3) at APA Cold Test Site (PSL) during Year 1; • Construction of DS Production Test system to be deployed (as part of DS WP4) at ProtoDUNE during Years 1 and 2; • Procurement of the components for the DS Production system to be deployed (as part of DS WP5) at SURF during Year 4. • WP2: DS Timing Subsystem • Construction of GPS interface card, fanout module, GPS receivers for two modules during Years 1-4. • WP3: MiniDAQ Deployment & Testing • Deployment at PSL (APA Cold Test Site) during Year 1; • Testing during two two-week periods per year during Years 1-5; • Oversight of these activities, including ensuring training of students/postdocs getting involved in the effort (mainly continuity of expertise). • WP4: ProtoDUNE Deployment & Testing • Deployment at CERN during Year 2; • Testing during Years 2 and 3. • WP5: SURF Deployment & Testing • Deployment at SURF during Year 4; • Testing during Years 4 and 5. *Direct coupling to APA Construction Project

  12. 12 Overall Resources for DS Construction • Technical Staff: 4.2 FTE for WP1, WP3-5 (Columbia) 1 2/3 FTE for WP2, WP3-5 (Penn) 1 FTE for WP5 (UMD) • Undergraduate Labor: Subawards to CSU, UMD, SDSMT for WP3 and WP5 • Equipment (WP1 and 2 to Columbia and Penn, respectively): $2,924,634 + $104,500 (total direct costs) Plus shipping costs, plus 2-5% setup costs • Travel (centrally through U Chicago): $310,532

  13. 13 WP1: Hardware Specifications for MiniDAQ System MiniDAQ construction is at Columbia U. Nevis Labs during Year 1 of the project, as part of WP1; deployed at PSL during Year 1 and used for APA cold tests during Years 1-5 as part of WP3.

  14. 14 WP3: Deployment and Testing at APA Cold Test Site • MiniDAQ hardware is an evolution from what was used in ProtoDUNE for cold box; this is on purpose, reinforcing development of DS- system-specific data flow and run control/configuration. • Externally triggered system (random or software instructed trigger)

  15. 15 WP3: Deployment and Testing at APA Cold Test Site To be discussed, clarified, and agreed upon : • What is to be used as front-end TPC cold electronics and interface? Timing distribution to front-end? Is that costed as part of APA packages, or on loan? Letter(s) of collaboration? • Can we confirm infrastructure (space for ~1 rack; 10Gbps network available at PSL)? • What are the needed run/cold test specifications (run configuration, duration, trigger rate)? • Is two weeks enough for each APA cold test cycle? And is two APA cold test cycles per year sufficient? • Are resources (provided by DS groups) sufficient to support APA cold testing? • 2-3 PD/GS/UG per two-week test period, trained in MiniDAQ system use

  16. 16 WP1&3: MiniDAQ activities MiniDAQ construction is at Columbia U. Nevis Labs during Year 1 of the project, as part of WP1; deployed at PSL during Year 1 and used for APA cold tests during Years 1-5 as part of WP3.

  17. 17 Travel for DS Construction Project Highlighted: travel associated with APA Cold Test Site activities.

  18. 18 DS Construction Proposal Status • Workshop for DS construction proposal held last Tuesday, June 5 • In the process of procuring quotes and refining cost estimates • Need to understand project management structure and how DS fits in within overall structure, given its far smaller scope than APAs • Address questions specific to APA Cold Tests (slide 14)

  19. 19 Backup

  20. 20 DAQ Schedule (TDR)

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