innovative approaches to teaching and learning in

Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Innovative - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Qu Quality ality o of Ed Education and ation and Challenges in allenges in a a Digitally Digitally Netw Ne twor orked W d World, 30-3 rld, 30-31 Oct October ber, 20 2014, , Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Innovative Approaches to

  1. Qu Quality ality o of Ed Education and ation and Challenges in allenges in a a Digitally Digitally Netw Ne twor orked W d World, 30-3 rld, 30-31 Oct October ber, 20 2014, , Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: The Role of Digital technologies in Higher Education: The Role of Digital technologies in Preparing Students for Lifelong Learning and Preparing Students for Lifelong Learning and Successful Careers Successful Careers Mariana Pãtru, UNESCO Mariana Pãtru, UNESCO Evgueni Khvilon, MSPU, Russia Evgueni Khvilon, MSPU, Russia

  2. “ Toda day’s kno y’s knowledge socie ledge societies require talent ies require talented, ed, skilled and competitiv skilled and compe itive w e workf rkforces. This calls f rces. This calls for r robust but also f robust but also flexible education syst ible education systems, including ems, including higher education, capable of adjusting to mee higher education, capable of adjusting t meet ne new w expectations and t pectations and to promo promote learning that is e learning that is rele relevant, accessible and inno nt, accessible and innovativ tive.” .” Irina Bok Irina Bokova, Direct , Director-General of UNESCO, or-General of UNESCO, Visions for Visions for education in the new digital er education in the ne w digital era 2

  3. st centur UNESCO: Mission and R UNESCO: Mission and Rele levance in the 2 nce in the 21 st century Global T Global Trends and Challenges ends and Challenges Access, Equity and Quality in Higher Education Access, Equity and Quality in Higher Education The F The Future of Education A ture of Education Agenda enda 3

  4. 4

  5. UNESCO’s Roadmap UNESCO’s Roadmap 2014-2021 2014-2021 ‣ Serving as a Serving as a laboratory of ideas and laboratory of ideas and generating innovative generating innovative proposals and policy advice proposals and policy advice ‣ Developing and Developing and reinforcing the global agenda through reinforcing the global agenda through policy analysis, monitoring and benchmarking policy analysis, monitoring and benchmarking ‣ Setting norms and standards and supporting and Setting norms and standards and supporting and monitoring their implementation monitoring their implementation ‣ Strengthening international and regional Strengthening international and regional cooperation and cooperation and fostering alliances, intellectual cooperation, knowledge fostering alliances, intellectual cooperation, knowledge sharing and operational partnerships sharing and operational partnerships 5

  6. Global T Global Trends and Challenges ends and Challenges in the Digital A in the Digital Age 6

  7. Drivers of Change Drivers of Change ‣ Democratization of knowledge and access will drive a Democratization of knowledge and access will drive a global ‘education revolution’ global ‘education revolution’ ‣ Increased global competition for domestic and Increased global competition for domestic and international student markets international student markets ‣ Digital technologies Digital technologies ‣ Global mobility Global mobility ‣ Integration with industry Integration with industry ( University of the University of the Future: Future: http://www.ey.c om/Publication/vwLU lication/vwLUAssets/University_of_the_future/ Assets/University_of_the_future/ $FILE/University_of_the_future_2012.pdf $FILE/University_of_the_future_2012.pdf) 7

  8. Policy Level Exchange and Dialogue Policy Level Exchange and Dialogue on ICT in Education on ICT in Education • Fostering institutional change Fostering institutional change with with policy interventions policy interventions • Scaling up teachers’ professional Scaling up teachers’ professional development to support students’ development to support students’ st century skills 21 st 21 century skills • Promoting exchanges among Promoting exchanges among different education stakeholders different education stakeholders at at all levels for up-scaling all levels for up-scaling Mainstreaming school innovations Mainstreaming school innovations • • Continue to think beyond borders Continue to think beyond borders 8

  9. The World of Higher Education Is Changing The World of Higher Education Is Changing Quickly Quickly and Dramatically and Dramatically ‣ Institutions are courting Institutions are courting new student populations new student populations ‣ Creative financing is Creative financing is needed to needed to balance balance shrin shrinking budgets ing budgets ‣ Online learning is the new Online learning is the new frontier frontier http://www.economistin efa ult/files/EIU_AcademicPartns_WEBr1.pdf ult/files/EIU_AcademicPartns_WEBr1.pdf 9

  10. 2014 Horizon Report: Higher Education 2014 Horizon Report: Higher Education Impor Important De ant Developments in Educational T lopments in Educational Technology nology for Higher Education r Higher Education One y One year or ar or Flipped Classroom Flipped Classr oom less less Learning An Learning Analytics alytics 3D Printing 3D Printing Tw Two t to t three ye years Games and Gami Games and Gamification cation Four to Fo to f five Quantif Quantified Self Self years ye Vir Virtual Assistants ual Assistants 10

  11. Significant Challenges Significant Challenges 2014 NMC Horizon Report ‣ Low digital fluency Low digital fluency of faculty of faculty ‣ Relative lack of Relative lack of rewards for teaching rewards for teaching ‣ Competition from new models of education Competition from new models of education (MOOCs) (MOOCs) ‣ Scaling teaching innovations Scaling teaching innovations ‣ Expanding access Expanding access ‣ Keeping education relevant Keeping education relevant 11

  12. EC High Level Task Force EC High Level Task Force on the Modernisation of on the Modernisation of Higher Education Higher Education More information: More information: y/reports/modernisation- y/reports/modernisation- universities_en.pdf universities_en.pdf 12

  13. Harnessing new modes of Harnessing new modes of learning and teaching learning and teaching ‣ The higher education landscape is undergoing significant The higher education landscape is undergoing significant change as a result of technological innovations change as a result of technological innovations ‣ These new technologies have the potential to enhance the These new technologies have the potential to enhance the quality and quality and reach of higher education reach of higher education ‣ Online technologies provide opportunities to learn Online technologies provide opportunities to learn anywhere and anywhere and anytime (essential for non-traditional anytime (essential for non-traditional learners, lifelong learning and learners, lifelong learning and continuous professional continuous professional development ) development ) ‣ Digital technologies can underpin national efforts to drive Digital technologies can underpin national efforts to drive greater collaboration between institutions, combining greater collaboration between institutions, combining expertise and expertise and delivering greater critical mass delivering greater critical mass 13

  14. 14

  15. Scaling Up Good Practices Through Partnerships Scaling Up Good Practices Through Partnerships and Networking and Networking 15

  16. Priority Africa: Priority Africa: Improving Access, Equity and Improving Access, Equity and Quality of African Education with ICT Quality of African Education with ICT 16

  17. OECD: OECD: The State of Higher Education 2013 The State of Higher Education 2013 Higher education is Higher education is increasingly relevant due to increasingly relevant due to the shifting demand in skills the shifting demand in skills 17

  18. Enhancing Teachers’ Competencies Enhancing Teachers’ Competencies to Use Digital Technologies to Use Digital Technologies Supporting countries to Supporting countries to improve the quality and improve the quality and impact of impact of teaching teaching 18

  19. Building a Building a Digital Age Teaching Digital Age Teaching Profession Profession ( ) 19

  20. Canada: Learning and Technology Policy Framework Canada: Learning and Technology Policy Framework 20

  21. Canada: Learning and Technology Policy Framework Canada: Learning and Technology Policy Framework 21

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