innovation space projects

Innovation Space Projects The mission of Farmington Area Public - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Innovation Space Projects The mission of Farmington Area Public Schools, the center of innovation and the cultivation of ideas, is to ensure that each student reaches his or her highest aspirations while embracing responsibility to community

  1. Innovation Space Projects The mission of Farmington Area Public Schools, the center of innovation and the cultivation of ideas, is to ensure that each student reaches his or her highest aspirations while embracing responsibility to community through a system distinguished by: • Supporting individuality while understanding our interdependence • Developing wisdom and integrity of each individual • Nurturing the will to succeed in each student • Personalized learning environments • Deep community collaboration Farmington Community Expo - January 27, 2018

  2. Akin Road ES Overall Plan

  3. Akin Road ES

  4. Akin Road ES

  5. Akin Road ES 3 Class Set Up Closed Glass Partitions

  6. Akin Road ES Large Group Set Up Open Glass Partitions

  7. Farmington ES Overall Plan

  8. Farmington ES

  9. Farmington ES

  10. Farmington ES

  11. Farmington ES

  12. Farmington ES

  13. Meadowview ES Overall Plan

  14. Meadowview ES

  15. Meadowview ES

  16. Meadowview ES

  17. Riverview ES Overall Plan

  18. Riverview ES

  19. Riverview ES

  20. Riverview ES

  21. North Trail ES Overall Plan

  22. North Trail ES

  23. North Trail ES

  24. North Trail ES

  25. Dodge MS Overall Plan

  26. Dodge MS

  27. Dodge MS

  28. Dodge MS

  29. Boeckman MS Overall Plan

  30. Boeckman MS

  31. Boeckman MS

  32. Boeckman MS

  33. Farmington HS – 2 ND Floor Overall Plan 2 ND FLOOR

  34. Farmington HS – 2 ND Floor

  35. Farmington HS – 2 ND Floor

  36. Farmington HS – 2 ND Floor

  37. Farmington HS – Athletics Overall Plan

  38. Farmington HS – Athletics

  39. Farmington HS – Athletics Example of Sorinex Product

  40. Farmington HS – Athletics


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