information graphics amp data visualization why visualize

Information graphics & data visualization Why visualize? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Design & Presentation Information graphics & data visualization Why visualize? Show patterns Identify trends and outliers Communicate relationships Allow readers to discover for themselves or to search for interesting or specic

  1. Design & Presentation Information graphics & data visualization

  2. Why visualize? Show patterns Identify trends and outliers Communicate relationships Allow readers to discover for themselves or to search for interesting or speci�c data points in a larger �eld Get a better understanding of data & inspire new questions for further exploration Via Designing Data Visualization

  3. John Snow's map of London cholera deaths, 1854 Via University of York

  4. Show patterns Via Wall Street Journal

  5. Identify trends … Via NASA

  6. … and outliers Via New York Times

  7. Communicate relationships Via Washington Post

  8. Let the reader discover the point … Via The Guardian

  9. … or let them explore Via ProPublica

  10. Terminology Infographics v. data visualization

  11. Infographics are … manually drawn (more like illustrations) aesthetically rich (strong visual content meant to draw the eye and hold interest) relatively data-poor (because all info must be manually encoded) Via Designing Data Visualization

  12. Via GOOD magazine

  13. Data visualizations are … algorithmically drawn (may have custom touches but is largely rendered with the help of a computer) often less decorative relatively data-rich (large volumes of data are welcome and viable) Via Designing Data Visualization

  14. Via The Guardian

  15. But many interactive projects and graphics are somewhere in between! (Our outside this categorization entirely)

  16. Via The Guardian

  17. Via The Guardian

  18. So you want to visualize some data?

  19. Basic charts types • Bar/column • Line • Pie

  20. Bar chart Via Quartz

  21. Column chart Save Via FiveThirtyEight

  22. Pro-tip: don't truncate your y-axis! Via Heap Analytics

  23. Line chart Via Quartz

  24. Via New York Times

  25. Pro-tip: you might want to truncate your y-axis* *( a contentious subject ) Via Quartz

  26. Pie chart Via Business Insider

  27. Pro-tip: too many slices will make your stomach hurt Via New York Times

  28. Pro-tip: you can't have more than 100% of a pie Via Heap Analytics

  29. Pro-tip: people are bad at comparing areas Via The Economist

  30. Other chart types to keep in mind …

  31. Area chart Via WSJ

  32. Via New York Times

  33. Pro-tip: area v. line Via

  34. Stacked bar chart Via ProPublica

  35. Via ProPublica

  36. Via R Bloggers

  37. Chart-design basics • Labels and alignment • Color

  38. Link for gif

  39. Link for gif

  40. Link for gif

  41. Tools: Chartbuilder Highcharts

  42. Basic map types • categorical • choropleth • dot density

  43. Categorical map Via Wall Street Journal

  44. Choropleth map(s) Via Washington Post

  45. Pro-tip: use choropleth for standardized data Via Directions Magazine

  46. Dot density map Via New York Times

  47. Pin map (now ubiquitous) Via Yelp

  48. How to use (and not abuse) color on maps

  49. Via Eager Eyes

  50. Via Mapbox

  51. Via Penn State

  52. Via Princeton

  53. Via VOX

  54. Pro-tip: test for colorblindness! Via VizWiz

  55. Tools: Carto

  56. The end! Keep in touch:


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