Information Flow Gang Tan Penn State University Spring 2019 CMPSC 447, Software Security
Information Flow 3 Many security requirements can be formulated as what information flow is allowed/disallowed E.g., confidential data should not flow to unauthorized personnel E.g., data from untrusted sources should not taint a database that stores data from trusted sources An information flow policy Provide data with labels E.g., confidential data vs. non‐confidential data E.g., low‐integrity data vs. high‐integrity data Specify how labeled data can/cannot flow in a system E.g., confidential data cannot flow to the network
Multi‐Level Security (MLS) 4 Used in military to classify personnel and data Label L = 〈 rank, compartment 〉 Dominance relation L1 ≤ L2 iff rank1 ≤ rank2 & compart1 compart2 Example: 〈 Unclassified, Iraq 〉 ≤ 〈 Secret, CENTCOM 〉 Mathematically, the relation forms a lattice Subjects: users or processes Label(S) = clearance of S Objects : documents or resources Label(O) = classification of O
MLS Example: A Linear Lattice about Confidentiality 5 Top Secret (TS) Information flows up, but not down! Secret (S) Confidential (C) Unclassified (U) Unclassified Confidential Secret Top Secret
Bell‐LaPadula Model 6 Simple Security Condition: subject S can read object O if and only if L(O) L(S) Example: Person with top‐secret clearance can read secret files “No read up” *‐Property (Star Property): subject S can write object O if and only if L(S) L(O) Example: Person with secret clearance can write top‐ secret files “No write down”
Integrity [Biba 1977] 7 Information flow can be used to enforce integrity as well as confidentiality Low integrity Integrity is the dual of confidentiality High integrity Labels: low‐integrity (tainted); high‐integrity Tainted data should not flow to places that demand high‐ integrity data
What about both Confidential and Integrity? 8 Idea: combine the following two lattices Low integrity Secret High integrity Unclassified Secret and low integrity Secret and Unclassified high integrity and low integrity Unclassified and high integrity
Compartments 9 Provide finer‐grained security labels Suppose TOP SECRET divided into <TOP SECRET, CAT> and <TOP SECRET, DOG> Both are TOP SECRET but information flow restricted between the two kinds A user with <TOP SECRECT, CAT> clearance cannot access data with <TOP SECRET, DOG>, and vice versa. Compartments designed to enforce the need to know principle Even with a top secret clearance, a user cannot access all top secret data
Compartments Example 10 Arrows indicate allowed information flow <TOP SECRET, CAT & DOG> <TOP SECRET, CAT> <TOP SECRET, DOG> <TOP SECRET> <SECRET, CAT & DOG> <SECRET, CAT> <SECRET, DOG> <SECRET> Not all classifications are comparable, e.g., <TOP SECRET, CAT> vs < SECRET, CAT & DOG>
11 Controlling Information Flow * Some slides borrowed from Shmatikov
Mixing Information of Multiple Levels 12 Systems (programs) often mix information of different security levels E.g., an OS manages both secret and public documents and is shared by users of different clearances Q: how do we know such a system respects multi‐ level security? That is, information at a higher level does not flow to information at a lower level
Noninterference 13 A system is modeled as a blackbox with some inputs and outputs Each input/output has a security level Noninterference requires Output at a lower level does not depend on input at a higher level Changing higher‐level input won’t change lower‐level output Output seen by users of Secret documents secret clearance OS Output seen by users of Public documents public clearance
Noninterference for a Two‐Point High Lattice Low 14 High: cannot be observed by the attacker before, after, and during execution Low: can be observed by the attacker before and after the execution, but not during Some of these are inputs and some are outputs H: high input P L in : low input L out :low output Example: web server High input: the server’s private key Low input: user requests to access webpages Low output: returned webpages
Noninterference for a Two‐Point High Lattice Low 15 Noninterference Low output does not depend on high input No matter what the high input is, the system returns the same low output for the same low input E.g., no matter what the private key is, the web server returns the same information for the same user webpage request As a result, the attacker learns no information about the high input by observing the low output H: high input P L out :low output L in : low input
Challenges for Enforcement 16 H: high input P L in : low input L out :low output Goal: low output should not depend on high input An end‐to‐end security policy Enforcement challenges Various channels for information flow (e.g., Implicit flows) Need to track information flow inside P Declassification: downgrade information
Explicit Flows 17 Direct transfer of information E.g., via copying; in “x=y”, the information of y is copied to x E.g., via writing to display, files, sockets, etc., which are visible to the attacker
Explicit Flows Example 18 Example about confidentiality String hi; // security label secret String lo; // security label public Which program fragments (may) cause problems if hi has to be kept confidential? 1. hi = lo; 5. println(lo); 2. lo = hi; 6. println(hi); 3. lo = "1234"; 4. hi = "1234";
Implicit Flows 19 Indirect transfer of information via the control flow of a program Information in a variable x may be correlated to y’s information due to control flow Example: if (hi>0) lo=100; else lo=1000; Note there is no explicit flows such as “lo=hi”; only constants are assigned to lo But at the end the program, lo’s value is correlated with hi’s value By observing lo, an adversary can infer information about hi! We call this an implicit flow
Yet There are Other Channels 20 Termination channel if (hi>0) infinite‐loop(); If the attacker can observe the program’s termination behavior, then there is a leakage Side channels E.g., timing behavior if (hi>0) run‐1000‐cycles(); else run‐1‐cycle(); An end‐to‐end enforcement would require us to control all these possible channels
Enforcement Challenge: Must Track Information Flow Internally 21 The input flows inside a system through intermediate variables and memory To prevent high input to flow to low output, must also track internally how information flows E.g., Need to know x contains hi information in “lo=x” x=hi; lo=x; E.g., if (hi>0) x=0; else x=1; lo=x;
Tracking Information Flow Inside a System 22 Static enforcement E.g., via a type system Dynamic enforcement Straightforward for dynamically tracking explicit flows (taint tracking) Much harder for the case of implicit flows
Jif [Myers] 23 Jif: Java with static information flow control Jif augments Java types with labels int {Alice:Bob} x; Object {L} o; Subtyping follows the lattice order Type inference Programmer may omit types; Jif will infer them from how values are used in expressions
Implicit Flows (1) 24 {Alice:; Bob:} int{Alice:} a; {Alice:} {Bob:} int{Bob:} b; PC label ... {} {} if (a > 0) then { {} {Alice:}={Alice:} b = 4; } This assignment leaks {} information contained in program counter (PC)
Implicit Flows (2) [Zdancewic] 25 {Alice:; Bob:} int{Alice:} a; {Alice:} {Bob:} int{Bob:} b; PC label ... {} {} if (a > 0) then { {} {Alice:}={Alice:} b = 4; } To assign to variable {} with label L, must have PC � L
Jif Caveats 26 No threads Information flow hard to control Active area of current research Timing channels not controlled Explicit choice for practicality Differences from Java Some exceptions are fatal Restricted access to some system calls
Enforcement Challenge: Declassification 27 In realistic systems, disallowing all information flow from a higher level to a lower level is too prohibitive Very often, information need to be declassified to a lower level Jif requires explicit declassification by programmers
Declassification Example 28 A password checking system, H: real password Password Checker L in : user-input password L out : yes/no The low output does depend on the real password It reveals some info about the real password Namely, whether the user‐input password is correct or not However, the amount of information flow is extremely small; so we can declassify that output
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