Tugas Pendahuluan Proyek Akhir INFAQ DATABASE MANAGEMENT BASED ON INFAQ DATABASE MANAGEMENT BASED ON WAP WAP (CASE (CASE STUDY STUDY IN IN YDSF) YDSF) MACHFUDZIN TRIYO 7406.030.079 Lecturer I Umi Saadah, S.Kom 132 256 934 Lecturer II Nur Rosyid , S.Kom 132 297 107 Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Introduction Introduction — Technology increasement in database management and moblie technology’s user has been increasing in a society. Then make us able to aplicate it into a mobile by using WAP, WML, and PHP. One of the technology increasement is Database Management about infaq. — In this Information System, it have 3 moduls : — Donatur and Donasi Management — Donatur and Donasi Management This modul is manage the donatur and all of transaction or it service about donatur donasi, monthly donasi — Mustahik Management This modul is manage some information about mustahik — Donation Management This modul is manage all of the donations from the donatur through available post programs
Problem’s Formula Problem’s Formula — 1. How to create and design the basis of data that implements to the system. — 2. How that application can be created into WAP and can be accessed through mobile. — 3. How this application can run optimally and can be useful for the users.
Problem’s Limitations Problem’s Limitations — In this case, we only get the data from YDSF (Yayasan Dana Sosial Al-Falah). — The system’s implementation designed into WAP selular network. — We use MySQL software for the database.
Final Project’s Purpose Final Project’s Purpose — To give some information about infaq management through selular phone network to the user. That is donatur. donatur.
Reference Reference 1. Information System 2. PHP 3. MySQL 4. WAP 4. WAP
Final Project’s Method Final Project’s Method
— Studi Literatur Literature Study In this step, will be held a literature study about WAP , we need it through internet browsing and library and also technology in hardware or software we need. Use MySQL as the database. — Collecting Data Data and reference of this project’s got from : ü Browse on the internet about sites of WAP ü Real Data from YDSF
S ystem’s Design
S ystem’s Design • Creating WAP System — When we’re connected to wireless network and asking for access to a website that support with WAP, sellular phone will send it into radio signal into the nearest cell and routed into internet directly through a gateway server. Gateway server internet directly through a gateway server. Gateway server translate a request to a HTTP standart format and continue it into a website. If that site give a respons, so it will send a HTML document to gateway server then connected to WML and route it to the nearest antenna. The antenna will send via radio signal to your WAP equipment and finally the micro browser will display that page.
S ystem’s Design DFD level 0 DONATUR ADMIN laporan data report infaq memberikan infaq memanipulasi database 1 MANAGEMEN DATABASE INFAQ + memberikan info mengakses informasi pengelolaan data PEGAWAI USER
System’s Design System’s Design — DFD LEVEL 1 5 pengelolaan data pengelolaan data 2 PEGAWAI pemberian memberikan infaq DONATUR input data infaq infaq data donatur 6 6 memberikan info pemberian data donasi PEGAWAI info laporan data donatur laporan data donasi 7 akses info data informasi 3 informasi laporan data ADMIN pelaporan mengakses informasi data infaq data data infaq USER data transaksi data transaksi manipulasi data 4 data transaksi memanipulasi database 1 pengolahan report infaq ADMIN data DONATUR report
System’s Design System’s Design ERD nama alamat id telp tanggal donatur membayar jenis kelamin jumlah profesi tgl_lahir tanggal id kategori infaq disalurkan penerima id alamat jenis nama jumlah
S ystem’s Implementations — Design of information that sent by WAP usually using WML format — WML is a HTML variant that used for displaying the content of web
Screen shot Screen shot
Via mobile Via mobile
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