indiv ivid idual l facult lty and in instit itutio ional

Indiv ivid idual, l, facult lty and in instit itutio ional l - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Early ly- Career Researchers identity development. Indiv ivid idual, l, facult lty and in instit itutio ional l im impli licatio ions Monts tserrat t Castell Universitat Ramon Llull. Barcelona Who,

  1. Early ly- Career Researchers’ identity development. Indiv ivid idual, l, facult lty and in instit itutio ional l im impli licatio ions Monts tserrat t Castelló Universitat Ramon Llull. Barcelona

  2. Who, What, Why and How?

  3. Who • International Consortium of Researchers • Estonia; UK; Finland; Spain; • Collaborators: Sweden; Denmark; South Africa; Chile • International Organizations and Stakeholders • European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc) • EUA • LERU • Sig-REaC • Coming from interdisciplinary backgrounds • Psychology • Education • Sociology

  4. What 1. To (re)conceptualize the role of ECRs to enable them to successfully face current societal challenges and establish satisfactory careers. 2. To showcase and disseminate proven methodologies, tools and practices to successfully address ECRs researcher challenges in advancing their careers. 3. To design, create and assess interactive research-based resources to help ECRs’ identity development

  5. Why • The need for a new Social Sciences researcher profile ( “science in society” to “science for society”) (Horizon 2020) . • The need to increase our knowledge about the ECRs’ conceptions and experiences, and to develop cross-cultural studies. • The need to promote the development of ECRs’ identity through innovative training tools.

  6. …and How To raise awareness within the European scientific community of the importance of researcher identity and career development. • Research collaboration • Consultancy and advisory tasks • Tools and resources development, Target groups • ECRs in all disciplines. • Supervisors and research leaders • HE institutions and educational stakeholders • Research funding agencies and policy makers

  7. Some research processes and tools • Two cross-cultural questionnaires: PhD and Postdocs • Available in four languages: English, Spanish, Finish and French • 7 Scales validated in different countries and population: • Interest • Supervisory and researcher community support • Engagement • Burnout • Research Writing • Work-life balance • Research conceptions

  8. Some research processes and tools • Network Plot • Journey Plot

  9. FINS-RIDSS Researcher Identity Development OUTCOMES FINS- Researcher Identity Development RIDSS OUTCOMES 2017 2017 2014 2014 T eam Research Instruments Research T eam 10 10 6 On-line Questionnaires (languages: Catalan / Spanish / English; levels: PhD / Postdoc) 6 On-line Questionnaires (languages: Catalan / Spanish / English; levels: PhD / Postdoc) Instruments 1 Interview Protocol 1 Interview Protocol Finland Finland 1 Journey Plot & 1 Network Plot 1 Journey Plot & 1 Network Plot UK UK 1 Web App for longitudinal studies 1 Web App for longitudinal studies 88 88 US USA 39 Published 39 Published A Publications Publications Spain Spain Catalonia Catalonia 11 In press 11 In press 18 Submitted & 20 In progress 18 Submitted & 20 In progress Conferences: papers, posters & symposia Conferences: papers, posters & symposia 114 114 Participants Participants III Interna-onal Congress of Educa-onal Sciences & Development EARLI & JURE EARLI & JURE III Interna-onal Congress of Educa-onal Sciences & Development XXXV Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología XXXV Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicolog í a ISCAR ISCAR Writing Across the Borders Writing Across the Borders 2012 201 FINS-RIDSS International Seminar FINS-RIDSS International Seminar SRHE Annual Research SRHE Annual Research Conference Oxford Learning Institute Oxford Learning Institute AERA Annual Meeting AERA Annual Meeting Conference on Writing Research Conference on Writing Research (CoWR) Conference 67 6 31th International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016) (CoWR) 31th International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016) ATEE Annual ATEE Annual Conference PhD students + PhD students+ Conference 2 Postdoc Postdoc Universitie Universities 7 Training resources Training resources s 13 Videos about Critical Incidents 13 Videos about Critical Incidents 20 20 1 Web App with 368 strategies to cope with 126 1 Web App with 368 strategies to cope with 126 authentic problems authentic problems 6 Training 6 Training courses: courses: Supervision Supervisio Scientific Writing (x2) n Scientific Writing Researcher Identity Development (x2) Critical Incidents Researcher Identity Development Teacher as a researcher Partners Partners: Critical Incidents : Teacher as a researcher Author: Núria Suñé -Soler Author: N ú ria Suñé -Soler


  11. THANK YOU Montserrat Castello

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