indiana department of administration

INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION Divisio ision o of Supplier - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION Divisio ision o of Supplier D ier Diversity ersity (DSD) SD) Program O gram Overvie rview MWBE Statute: IC IC 4-13 13-16 16.5 5 defines the Creation development and responsibilities of the

  1. INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION Divisio ision o of Supplier D ier Diversity ersity (DSD) SD) Program O gram Overvie rview

  2.  MWBE Statute: IC IC 4-13 13-16 16.5 5 defines the Creation development and responsibilities of the Governor's Commission on Minority and Women's Business Enterprises. The Minority Business statute also defines the development of Enterprise (MBE) a division to be the advocate for Minority and Women Businesses in State's Women Business procurement and contracting process. Enterprise (WBE)  MWBE Regulations: 25 25 IAC 5 5 defines the functional requirements of the Minority and Women Business Laws and Regulations Enterprises Division.

  3.  IVOSB Statute: IC IC 5 5-22 22-14 14-1 1 defines Creation “small business“; IC IC 5-22 22-14 14-2 2 defines “small business set-aside“; IC IC 5 5-22 22-14 14- 2.5 5 defines the “veteran” and IC IC 5 5-22 22-14 14- Indiana Veteran 3.5 5 defines the eligibility of IVOSB. Owned Small  IVOSB Regulations: 25 25 IAC 9 9 gives the Business (IVOSB) roadmap to certify eligible IVOSBs and promote and help them in government contracting. The Department “shall perform activities and provide Laws and Regulations educational information to afford IVBE the opportunity to participate in the state's procurement and contracting processes”.

  4.  The Division was established in 1983 and is currently housed within the Indiana Department of DSD’s Administration (IDOA). Mission/Vision  Promote, monitor, and enforce the standards for certification of Minority and Women Business Enterprises.  November 2018 – IVOSB is added to DSD’s mission.  Provide equal opportunity to Minority, Women and Veteran Business Enterprises in the state’s procurement and contracting process.

  5. M/W/V /VBE BE P Parti ticipati ation on Goals

  6. DSD O Org rg Chart

  7. DSD’ D’s 3 3 Main F n Func ncti tions ons Funct nction 1 ion 1 Funct nction 2 ion 2 Funct nction 3 ion 3 MBE/W /WBE/ BE/ Business Contract t IVOSB Outreach Ou Compli pliance ce Certifica cation

  8. Benefi efits ts o of Certi tifi ficati ation on – MBE/ E/WBE E Certification gives MBE/WBEs 3 years where: Funct nction 1 ion 1  Certification opens doors once closed to MBE/WBEs. Certified MBE/WBEs qualify for subcontracting  opportunities on state contracts. Certifica cation  Certified MBE/WBEs qualify as an MBE/WBE for purchasing by casinos and state universities, as well as other public and private organizations. Certified MBE/WBEs receive notification of state  business opportunities.

  9. Benefi efits ts o of Certi tifi ficati ation on - IVO IVOSB Certification provides IVOSBs: Funct nction 1 ion 1  Ability to be counted for participation as an IVOSB on state contracts.  There is a 3% set-aside for IVOSBs. Certifica cation  Certified IVOSBs receive notification of state business opportunities.

  10. Eligi gibi bility ty R Requi uirem ements ents – MBE/ E/WBE E  Basic requirements for the business owner are: Ownership  Funct nction 1 ion 1  Control  U.S. Citizenship  For the business itself: it must show that it is a functional business “with a reasonable chance of success in the public sector.” Certifica cation Must show what work it has performed/goods  sold Must demonstrate proof of payment   Must be financially stable

  11. Owner ershi hip p – MBE BE/WBE BE  Must demonstrate that the business is at least 51% or Funct nction 1 ion 1 more owned by qualifying minority* or woman. The term is “Qualifying Member”(QM).  *Minority groups include: African American, American Indians, Hispanics and Asian Americans or as defined by 13 CFR 124.103. Certifica cation  Documentation of how the ownership interest was gained is required. What was the initial investment and what evidence of it can be shown?

  12. Contro rol l – MBE/ E/WBE E  Does the QM control the business? Funct nction 1 ion 1  Does the QM control the business enterprise by making day to day and long-term decisions? Do they have final hiring/firing and financial decisions?  Does the QM control the board of directors? Certifica cation Are they the highest ranking officer of the corporation?

  13. Citi tizens nshi hip p – MBE/ E/WBE  Either born in the U.S. or a naturalized citizen. Funct nction 1 ion 1  The program does not accept permanent residents. Certifica cation  Proof of citizenship is often from a passport and naturalization certificate.

  14. Eligi gibi bility ty R Requi uirem ements ents - IVO IVOSB  Basic requirements for the business owner are: Funct nction 1 ion 1  Ownership  Control  U.S. veteran or on active duty  Can be either certified by the US VA’s OSDBU, or Certifica cation seek certification directly by the State.  Federally certified firms expire in 3 years  State certified firms expire in 2 years

  15. Firm rms A Alre ready y Federa rall lly C y Certif ifie ied - IVO IVOSB  For recognition of Federal Certification – must Funct nction 1 ion 1 provide:  Copy of VA OSDBU certification letter  To be listed in the directory of certified firms : Certifica cation Application form  ID   DD214 or NGB-22  W9

  16. Non-Feder ederal ally C Certi tifi fied F ed Firms - IVO IVOSB  For State Certification - must provide: Funct nction 1 ion 1  Application form  ID DD214 or NGB-22  W9  Certifica cation  NOTE: Non-Indiana based firms have additional requirements!

  17. Firms S Seek eking S g State C te Certi tifi ficati ation n - IVO IVOSB  Non-Indiana based must meet one of 3 criteria: Funct nction 1 ion 1  Majority of its payroll goes to IN residents  Employs Indiana residents as a majority of its employees Makes a significant capital investment in Indiana   Applicant must state which criteria it meets and provide Certifica cation documentation to be certified.  The veteran does not have to live in Indiana.

  18. Co Conn nnecting MB MBE/WB WBEs an and d IVOSBs t to the he O Opp ppor ortunities  Division offers an assortment of networking opportunities Funct nction 2 ion 2 throughout the year for our certified minority and women businesses.  The goal of the MBE/WBE and IVOSB Business Outreach team is to provide small business owners with tools they need to help their business succeed. Busi siness ss  The networking opportunities allow those small Ou Outreach businesses to connect with decision-makers at local and large corporations they would not normally have the opportunity to connect with.

  19. Bus usiness Outreach I Initiatives  The Division hosts business conferences each year Funct nction 2 ion 2 throughout the State of Indiana.  Outreach Schedule at a glance:  Weekly w webinar ars throughout t the Month of M May s star arting M May 6 th Busi siness ss  Programming and agendas of these conferences vary, based on the region/ongoing projects. Ou Outreach

  20. Bef efore Con Contract  Promote the utilization of M/W and IVOSB through presenting information at pre-proposal meetings. Funct nction 3 ion 3  Post bid opportunities on the Division of Su pplier Diversity website.  Assist primary contractors in search of subcontractors to include in subcontractor participation plan. Cont ntrac act  Compli pliance ce This list is updated every 24 hours.

  21. During Con Du Contract  Monitor M/W and IVOSB utilization on contracts through the Pay Audit System and/or other reporting tools. Funct nction 3 ion 3  Act as the liaison between the prime and subcontractor when compliance issues arise.  Ensure subcontractor commitments are met. Cont ntrac act  Serve as final approval authority on requests to Compli pliance ce change subcontractor participation plan.

  22. Contr ntract C act Compl pliance iance P Proce cess Funct nction 3 ion 3 Cont ntrac act Compli pliance ce

  23. Contr ntract C act Compl pliance iance P Proce cess Funct nction 3 ion 3 Sta tate e DSD appro rove ves / / Agency/ y/Prim ime DSD verif ifie ies di disapproves es th the e DSD notifies all ll requests ts c change infor ormat ation on w with request st an and concerned p parti ties es in sub ubcont ntractor both th parti ties make kes partic icip ipatio ion p plan recommendat ation Cont ntrac act Compli pliance ce


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