Independent Novel Project: Google Slides Document Criteria Students will read a novel independently and create a fifteen-slide Google Slides document according to the slide outline below. They should include bulleted points, at least eighteen- point font size, graphics, and an appropriate color theme. Text should be clearly visible and easy to read. Documents should be proofread for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, and shared with Ms. Coyne at This is a summative assignment. Slide 1: Title (italicized), author, student name Slide 2: About the Book Title: italicize novel title Author: include first and last name Genre: What type of novel is it? o Mystery Fiction o Crime Fiction o Suspense Novel/Thriller o Horror Fiction o Science Fiction o Fantasy Fiction o Romantic Fiction o Historical Fiction o Action and Adventure Fiction o Western Fiction (life on America ’ s post-Civil War frontier) o Children ’ s and Young Adult Fiction Publisher: Who published the book? Publication date: When was the book published? Awards: What major awards has the book won, if any? Include a picture of the book cover. Slide 3: Setting Explain when and where the story takes place. Include pictures related to the setting. Slide 4: Protagonist Describe the protagonist. Include a picture. Slide 5: Antagonist Describe the antagonist. Include a picture. Slide 6: Major Characters Include all major characters. Describe each one. Slide 7: Minor Characters Include all minor characters. Describe each one.
Slide 8: Plot Summary Describe major plot points from the book. Do not use more than two slides. Slide 9: Conflict What force is the protagonist struggling against? o Character vs. Self o Character vs. Character o Character vs. Nature o Character vs. Society o Character vs. Fate/God(s) o Character vs. Technology/Machinery o Character vs. Supernatural/Unknown/Extraterrestrial How does the conflict force the protagonist to act in ways that reveal him or herself? Slide 10: Resolution How is the conflict resolved in the book? Slide 11: Theme Include at least three themes from the book. Explain how each plays out in the story. Slide 12: Symbolism Include at least three symbols from the book. Describe what each symbol represents. Include a picture of each one. Slide 13: Favorite Quotations Include at least three quotations. Add page numbers. State name of character who says each one. Slide 14: About the Author Where and when was the author born? Where did the author study? Does the author have any degrees? How many books has the author written? Has the author won any awards? Where does the author live now? Are there any other interesting facts about the author? Include a picture of him or her. Slide 15: Review Rate the book out of five stars. Explain why you rated the book as you did. Include a graphic of your rating.
Independent Novel Project: Google Slides Document Rubric Exceptional: Accomplished: Meeting: Developing: Unsatisfactory: 96-100% 90-95% 80-89% 65-79% 50-64% Content All slides contain All slides contain All slides contain Some information is Information is abundant, accurate and a good adequate and accurate there, but is limited on limited or missing accurate, and amount of information for the certain slides. Some on multiple slides. insightful information for the reader. information may be Information information for the reader. inaccurate. included is reader. inaccurate. Organization All required slides All required slides All required slides are All slides are present, Some slides are appear in correct appear in correct present, but may be but are out of order. The present, but are out order. Bullets are order. Bullets are slightly out of order. flow of the entire of order. There is no effectively used to used to present Bullets are used to presentation is severely flow or logic to the present supporting supporting ideas. present supporting impacted. ideas included. ideas. The The presentation ideas. The presentation presentation has has good flow. has good flow. excellent flow. Theme The theme The theme selected The theme selected fits The theme selected The theme selected selected fits fits well with the with the theme and tone nearly fits with the does not fit at all exceptionally well theme and tone of of the book. theme and tone of the with the theme and with the theme and the book. book. tone of the book. tone of the book. Graphics There are at least There are more than There are five graphics. There are five graphics. There are fewer ten graphics. five graphics. Graphics are mostly Graphics are somewhat than five graphics. Graphics are crisp Graphics are crisp crisp and clear, sized fuzzy, and awkwardly Graphics are fuzzy, and clear, sized and clear, sized well, and placed well. sized and placed. They too small or large, appropriately, and appropriately, and They enhance the do not add to the and placed audie nce’s audience’s placed effectively. placed effectively. awkwardly. They They greatly They enhance the understanding of the understanding of the have little to do audience’s enhance the presentation. presentation. with the audience’s understanding of presentation. understanding of the presentation. the presentation. Slide Design There is excellent There is good There is adequate There is little contrast There is no contrast contrast between contrast between contrast between the between the text and between the text the text and the text and text and background on background on the and background on background on all background on all most slides. A minimum slides. Some slides have the slides. Most slides. A minimum slides. A minimum of eighteen-point font is less than an eighteen- slides have less than of eighteen-point of eighteen-point used on all slides. Slide point font size. Slide an eighteen-point font is used for all font is used for all title font size is larger title font sizes are not font size. Slide title text. Slide title text. Slide title font than body text size. always larger than body font sizes are the font size is larger size is larger than Most slides are fairly text size. Some slides same size or smaller than body text body text size. All attractive and easy to are difficult to read. than body text size. size. All slides are slides are attractive read. Slide design attractive and easy and easy to read. detracts to read. significantly from content, and is difficult to understand. Spelling, Spelling, Spelling, Spelling, capitalization, There are several errors There are multiple Capitalization, capitalization, capitalization, punctuation, use of of spelling, errors of spelling, Punctuation, punctuation, use of punctuation, use of italics, and grammar are capitalization, capitalization, Use of Italics, italics, and italics, and grammar mostly correct punctuation, use of punctuation, use of and Grammar grammar are are almost throughout the slides. italics, and grammar italics, and grammar correct throughout completely correct throughout the slides. throughout the the slides. throughout the slides. slides.
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