Increasing the Active Safety by Electronification of Road Vehicles Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., Dr. h.c. (Brno) Christian von Glasner , CEng, FIMechE, GTE, JSAE, JUMV, SAE, VDI President of the European Association for Accident Research and Accident Analysis (EVU), Daimler AG, retired XIV. International Conference of European Association for Accident Research Traffic Accident Analysts, and Accident Analysis Brno, 6th of June, 2009 Prof. von Glasner
Conventional braking- and traction control systems The electronification of vehicles in the nineties of the last century Electronic braking system (EBS) as basis for todays driver assistance systems Future driver assistance systems Autonomous driving (X-by-wire systems, platooning, autopilot, etc.) European Association for Accident Research Content of the Contribution and Accident Analysis Prof. von Glasner
Stability and Preservation of Steerability when Braking under all driving conditions for every driver in well-balanced optimization for shortest possible braking distance European Association Main Requirements on for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Anti-Lock Braking Systems (ABS) Prof. von Glasner
Air reservoir Brake cylinder Water drain valve Brake pedal (Service brake valve) Solenoid control valve Brake Electronic unit Sensors with pole wheel European Association Principle of a Conventional for Accident Research ABS-System and Accident Analysis in a Heavy Commercial Vehicle Prof. von Glasner
Road speed V e h i c l e s p e e d Wheel Wheel speed acceleration Wheel deceleration Line pressure Deceleration time European Association ABS-Control Philosophy: for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Individual Control for Rear Axles Prof. von Glasner
High wheel (concrete, dry) Modified Speed (km/h) individual Vehicle speed control (MIR) Low wheel (ice, wet) Time Low wheel Line pressure (bar) High wheel (ice, wet) (concrete, dry) Modified Individual Control European Association for Accident Research Philosophy for Front Axle Wheels, and Accident Analysis when Braking on µ-split-Roads Prof. von Glasner
1 sensor and pole wheel 2 membrane cylinder 3 solenoid control valve (ABS) 4 engine control 5 membrane spring actuator combination cylinder 6 solenoid control valve 7 two way valve 8 3/2- way solenoid (traction control) 9 electronics (ABS/Traction control) 10 control lights a towing vehicle b towed vehicle c connecting cables 11 reservoir (front axle circuit) 12 reservoir (rear axle) 13 ABS-socket (towed vehicle) Anti-lock and Traction Control European Association for Accident Research for a Conventionally and Accident Analysis Braked Commercial Vehicle Prof. von Glasner
� When all drive wheels have no traction (spinning wheels) slip reduction takes place through Engine management � When only one wheel loses traction,slip reduction takes place through Differential - braking control In this case the wheel without traction will regain traction by slowing it down with the wheel brake European Association Control Philosophies for for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Traction Control (ASR) Prof. von Glasner
Engine control Driven wheels spinning on ice Pole wheels and sensors Electronic Control Unit for ABS and ASR European Association Traction Control (ASR) for Accident Research and Accident Analysis - Engine Control Prof. von Glasner
Speed of Speed of driven wheels ASR-response vehicle threshold Driven wheels spinning on ice Speed Time Traction Control (ASR) - European Association for Accident Research Engine Control and Accident Analysis on Icy Road Surface Prof. von Glasner
Solenoid control valve Differential brake valve two-way valve ABS/ASR- Electronic from Control Unit Brake cylinder brake valve Pole wheel and sensor Spinning driven wheel on ice Compressed air tank European Association Traction Control (ASR) – for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Differential Braking Control Prof. von Glasner
Spinning driven wheel µ-split road surface: Speed of on ice wheel on ice driven Wheel on wheel on concrete wheels concrete Speed Traction control response threshold Speed of vehicle Line pressure Time European Association Traction Control (ASR) – for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Differential Braking Control Prof. von Glasner
���������� ���������� �������������� ������������� �������������� Electronification ��������������� ����������� European Association Main Working Areas for Mechatronic for Accident Research Driver Assistance Systems and Accident Analysis during the years 1990 - 2000 Prof. von Glasner
European Association Mechatronic for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Drive-by-Wire Systems (1) Prof. von Glasner
Weiterer Vorteil: Lenkkräfte können situativ variabel (nach Kennfeldern) eingestellt werden European Association for Accident Research Steer-by-Wire and Accident Analysis Prof. von Glasner
European Association Mechatronic for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Drive-by-Wire Systems (2) Prof. von Glasner
European Association Suspension-by-Wire for Accident Research and Accident Analysis (Damp/spring-by-wire) Prof. von Glasner
European Association Mechatronic for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Drive-by-Wire Systems (3) Prof. von Glasner
ECU Principal Design: von Glasner/Micke, 1987 European Association Electronic Braking System (EBS) for Accident Research and Accident Analysis (Hybrid Brake-by-wire) Prof. von Glasner
- Rapid build-up of braking pressures - Activation of anti-lock- and traction control - Integration of braking forces of endurance braking systems - Tractor/trailer-compatibility control - Brake pad wear control - Hill holder - Braking assistance - Vehicle stability control - Roll-over protection European Association Subsystems of an Electronic for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Braking System EBS (1) Prof. von Glasner
European Association Opportunities for Accident Research and Accident Analysis to Shorten Braking Distance Prof. von Glasner
- Rapid build-up of braking pressures - Activation of anti-lock- and traction control - Integration of braking forces of endurance braking systems - Tractor/trailer-compatibility control - Brake pad wear control - Hill holder - Braking assistance - Vehicle stability control - Roll-over protection European Association Subsystems of an Electronic for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Braking System EBS (2) Prof. von Glasner
0,3 Vehicle deceleration Driver demand 0,2 Deceleration 0,1 Service braking system [s] 0 2 4 6 Braking time Braking torque of retarder 3000 3 a r d e r R e t Line pressure [bar] 2000 2 Service braking system 1000 1 0 0 2 4 6 Braking time [s] Integration of Retarders European Association for Accident Research into Service Braking Systems and Accident Analysis (Iveco) Prof. von Glasner
Coupling Forces Acting on Tractor, European Association for Accident Research when Decelerating a and Accident Analysis Tractor-/Trailer Combination Prof. von Glasner
Correction of the trailer braking pressure within the limits defined by ECE R.13 Band of control possibilities for trailer coupling force control Pm European Association Tractor / Trailer for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Compatibility Control Prof. von Glasner
- Rapid build-up of braking pressures - Activation of anti-lock- and traction control - Integration of braking forces of endurance braking systems - Tractor/trailer-compatibility control - Brake pad wear control - Hill holder - Braking assistance - Vehicle stability control - Roll-over protection European Association Subsystems of an Electronic for Accident Research and Accident Analysis Braking System EBS (3) Prof. von Glasner
European Association Working Principle for Accident Research and Accident Analysis of a Braking Assistance Prof. von Glasner
European Association for Accident Research Control Philosophy of ESP and Accident Analysis Prof. von Glasner
with ESP without ESP without ESP with ESP F = Braking Force B F = Lateral Force L Working Principle of a European Association for Accident Research Dynamic Stability Control (ESP), and Accident Analysis when Negotiating a Turn Prof. von Glasner
Electronic Braking System (EBS) as Platform for Driver Assistance Systems with Integration of ABS and Traction Control as well as Retarder- and/or Engine Braking Control, Vehicle Dynamics Control (ESP/VDC) with Roll- over-Protection (ROP), Tractor/Trailer Compatibility Control, Lining/Pad Wear Control, Worldwide Activities on European Association for Accident Research Driver Assistance Systems (1) and Accident Analysis (in series production) Prof. von Glasner
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