incorporating tmdls into

Incorporating TMDLs into Masons MS4 Program Kathy Dorman, City of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Incorporating TMDLs into Masons MS4 Program Kathy Dorman, City of Mason Kelly Kuhbander, City of Mason, Strand Associates Mason Background Located in Southwest Ohio in Warren County Population Approx. 30,000 Area Approx. 18.6 Square

  1. Incorporating TMDLs into Mason’s MS4 Program Kathy Dorman, City of Mason Kelly Kuhbander, City of Mason, Strand Associates

  2. Mason Background • Located in Southwest Ohio in Warren County • Population Approx. 30,000 • Area Approx. 18.6 Square Miles • Lower Little Miami River Watershed Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  3. Locating Mason’s TMDLs • Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  4. Lower Little Miami TMDLs • Specific TMDLs that have been developed and are described in the TMDL report include: o Pathogens (using E coli as an indicator of contamination) o Nutrients (using total phosphorus as the indicator) o Oxygen demand o Sediment o Habitat Which of these apply to Mason?? Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  5. Locate Mason’s HUCs • TMDL Fact Sheet – Mason is part of 10 digit HUC 08 (05090202-08) and HUC 09 (05090202-09) Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  6. Locate Mason’s HUCs • Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  7. Locate Mason’s HUCs • Three HUC 12 watersheds within Mason Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  8. Mason’s Stream Impairments Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  9. Mason TMDLs • Little Muddy Creek o Siltation = TMDL for Sediment • Muddy Creek o E Coli = TMDL for E Coli o Siltation = TMDL for Sediment Now what are we supposed to do? Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  10. Mason MS4 Permit • “You shall develop, implement, and enforce an SWMP designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from your small MS4 to the maximum extent practicable (MEP), to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 6111 and the Clean Water Act.” • “Where applicable, BMPs shall be selected to address U.S. EPA approved TMDL recommendations for identified water quality problems associated with MS4 discharges within your MS4’s watershed(s).” Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  11. TMDL Data – Digging Deeper Mason MS4 does not have a numeric WLA – focus on improving impaired streams to the MEP standard. Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  12. TMDL Data – Digging Deeper Bacteria Sampling • indicates non- attainment downstream of WWTP only. Conclusion – bacteria • impairment is not applicable to MS4 and E. Coli TMDL is not applicable to MS4 Need to focus on • Sediment impairment Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  13. Sediment TMDL Information • The Qualitative Habitat Evaluative Index (QHEI) evaluates six general aspects of physical habitat that include channel substrate, instream cover, riparian characteristics, channel condition, pool/riffle quality, and gradient. • Sediment degrades stream habitat. • “The QHEI captures the deleterious results of excessive fine sediment loading therefore, it is appropriate to use in developing sediment TMDLs .” • Sediment TMDLs & Impairments are based on QHEI Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  14. TMDL Data – Digging Deeper Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  15. TMDL Data – Digging Deeper • Sediment Impairment Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  16. Recommended Actions • Little Muddy Creek – 08-02 Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  17. Recommended Actions “The cause of aquatic life use impairment at RM 3.22 on Little • Muddy Creek is poor substrate quality largely due to coarse substrates being embedded by sand. The primary source is the channelized nature of the stream in this area…” “The sandy soils adjacent to an unnamed tributary to Swamp • Run (enters Little Muddy Creek at RM 3.4) and along the lower portion of Swamp Run are likely to be exacerbating the sediment issues on Little Muddy Creek. There is little buffering in this area and it is possible that a significant amount of sand originates from these soils…” “The bank erosion that is likely occurring due to the stream • channelization can also be a significant source where the sandy soils of the banks are transported downstream following bank failure .” “Buffers , bank stabilization and surface erosion controls are of • highest priority in this area of the HUC 12 watershed .” Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  18. Recommended Actions Agricultural Category= Coordinate with Local Soil and Water Conservation District Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  19. Little Muddy: Next Steps for Mason Walk the stream segments within the City tributary to RM 3.22 • to evaluate bank erosion condition for possible sediment sources. Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  20. TMDL Data – Digging Deeper • Sediment Impairment Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  21. TMDL Data – Digging Deeper NO ACTION REQUIRED FROM CITY OF MASON Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  22. Recommended Actions • Little Muddy Creek – 09-01 Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  23. Recommended Actions • Two sites were impaired for recreation uses in this watershed (Muddy Creek at river miles 2.5 and 0.54). Suspected sources are urban runoff from Mason , Lebanon and South Lebanon, and possible effects from the wastewater treatment plant. Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  24. Recommended Actions Agricultural Category= Coordinate with Local Soil and Water Conservation District Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  25. Little Muddy: Next Steps for Mason Walk the stream segments within the City tributary to RM 0.54 to • evaluate bank erosion condition for possible sediment sources. Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  26. Putting TMDL in Perspective Limitations • One EPA watershed evaluation every 15 years (2007, 2022) o Limited number of samples, at limited locations o Watersheds are dynamic – sampling provides a snapshot of water quality o Know your community • Do what makes sense o Other potential impairments – Algal blooms? o Resource Limitations • Do what you can o Focus on biggest issues/projects first o TMDL is a tool to help guide you • Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  27. Other TMDL Tools Guidance and Fact Sheets (developed by NE Ohio) • • Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  28. Mason Stream Restoration Projects • Restoration Projects 7 Completed • Working together Flood Reduction Projects Sanitary Sewer Projects Grant Opportunities Roadway Improvements • Look for Opportunity Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  29. St Susanna’s Project: 1,400 LF Stream Restored Partners: Church, School, SWCD, OEPA Funding: 319 Grant & Local In-kind Match Design: $69,000 Construction: $189,000 Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  30. St Susanna’s Project: 1,400 LF Stream Restored Partners: Church, School, SWCD, OEPA Funding: 319 Grant & Local In-kind Match Design: $69,000 Construction: $189,000 Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  31. Quinn Park Project: 1,400 LF Stream Restored Partners: OEPA Funding: Issue II & Local Match Design: $45,000 Construction: $206,000 Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  32. Marival/ Broadview Farms Project: 3,200 LF Stream Partners: OEPA, HOA, SWCD Funding: 319 Grant & Local In-kind Match Design: $67,000 Construction: $155,000 Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015

  33. Questions? Ohio Stormwater Association August 20, 2015


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