11/7/2014 + + inclusion [ ɪ n klu ʒə n] n 1. the act of Meeting the Needs of Students with including or the state of being Disabilities in Pre-K Settings included Rebecca Hines, Ph.D. University of Central Florida + + Bailes We began this journey Elementary School considering: How will we build an inclusive school? Where are we now? Where do we start? 1
11/7/2014 + + Full Inclusion From Bailes Charter: The mission of UCP East Orange (EO) Charter School is to create a fully inclusive learning community where all students, parents, and professionals appreciate and value diversity in all forms. We will educate students to become conscientious, responsible citizens, whereby they assume the role of life-long learners as they reflect upon and contribute to the cultural and civic life of the community. All students will be supported to achieve high standards in both their academic and personal development through a research based educational program utilizing brain based and constructivist approaches and designed to engage students in problem solving activities at levels appropriate to their individual needs. + + Project-Based Inquiry Learning 2
11/7/2014 + + Student-Centered General Curriculum Aspects: Learning integrated from many areas into projects. The traditional single subject approached will be replaced with an interdisciplinary form of integrated learning The school has a technology enriched learning environment – making extensive use of technology to allow us to bridge barriers and integrate the power of technology to facilitate and improve student performance. These same principles are part of the Pre-K, but include an enhanced use of communication tools. (ALL classrooms have an independent reading center that can be used to extend learning or as a “cool down” corner) + + Cont… Neighborhood Design Creative and expressive Pre-K K-1 1-2 2-3 activities such as theater, dance, music, visual arts, and writing Increased Instructional Staff play major roles in day to day Individualized Instruction Flexible Movement Increased Hands-On Learning activities. Flexible Grouping Increased Computer-Assisted Instruction Teachers work in teams in each classroom, including co-teachers and assistants. 3
11/7/2014 + + 13 Virtual Learning Lab Project Based Learning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK8Ya0UsEQk 11/7/2014 http://us.educationcity.com/ + + 4
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