ecrisis social inclusion in austria

eCrisis & Social Inclusion In Austria Health Community - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

eCrisis & Social Inclusion In Austria Health Community inequalities Employment ??? Housing Games ??? ??? Education Inclusion benefits and challenges everyone involved. (OBrien 2014, 9) PARTICIPATION Inclusion: Education

  1. eCrisis & Social Inclusion In Austria

  2. Health Community inequalities Employment ??? Housing Games ??? ??? Education “ Inclusion benefits and challenges everyone involved. ” (O´Brien 2014, 9)

  3. PARTICIPATION Inclusion: Education & Research WITH people instead of ON or ABOUT people!

  4. Activities & Results from Austria

  5. partners & co-researchers in Austria Students People with Refugees disabilities People with Teachers learning difficulties People with migrant Academic background Staff

  6. Austria Core Stakeholders: ● Iris Grasel - Caritas Lanzendorf ● Jacqueline Hechmati, Marlene Zwettler - Integrative Workshop Brigittenau ● Andrea Schweiger - Centre for Inclusive Schooling 1180 Vienna ● Theresia Schmall, Bernhard Zangl - Higher Vocational School Oberwart ● Lisa Moehlen, Daniel Pfeiffer - University of Vienna Challenges in Austria: ● Bullying, Mobbing ● Racism / Discrimination ● Language Barriers ● Socio-economic differences ● Access to parents ● Need for supervision

  7. Prototypical Learning Scenario Setting: 1 ½ hours, one Tables with games, accessible to everyone Agenda: 1. Intro (5 min) 2. Gaming-Session (55min) 3. Reflection & Diskussion (25min) (Schmölz, Kremsner, Proyer, Pfeiffer, Möhlen, Karpouzis, Yannakakis, 2017)

  8. Austria Experiences from Austrian Stakeholders: ● Iris Grasel - Caritas Lanzendorf ● Andrea Schweiger - Centre for Inclusive Schooling 1180 Vienna ● Theresia Schmall, Bernhard Zangl - Higher Vocational School Oberwart ● Lisa Moehlen, Daniel Pfeiffer - University of Vienna

  9. Barriers for Social Inklusion with Games (Kremsner, Schmölz, Proyer, 2018)

  10. Publications Kremsner, G.; Schmölz, A. & Proyer, M. (2018): A (Dis-)Abling Gaming Model for playful inclusion: Playing (digital) games with people with disabilities, refugees, teachers and students. In: Ellis, Katie; Kent, Mike & Leaver, T. (eds.): Gaming Disability: Disability perspectives on contemporary video games. London: Routledge, under review Koenig, O., & Schmölz, A. (2018). Inklusive Forschung mit Medien? In. Schluchter, J (Hrsg.) Inklusion und Medienbildung (S. o.S). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Proyer, M., Schmölz, A., Kremsner, G., Karpouzis, K., Yannakakis, G., Pfeiffer, D., ... Koulouris, P. (2017). Doing social inclusion: Aiming to conquer crisis through game-based dialogues and games. in M. Pivec, & J. Gründler (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2017 (S. 554-561). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. Schmölz, A.; Kremsner, G.; Proyer, M.; Pfeiffer, D.; Möhlen, L.; Karpouzis, K.; Yannakakis, G. (2017): Inklusiver Unterricht mit Digitalen Spielen. In: Medienimpulse: Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, Nr. 2, 2017, S. 1-15.


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