in your “fi field” at home Gayland Kitch WX5MOR South Canadian Amateur Radio Society
Does the Club get Credit for my QSOs? • A temporary rule waiver for 2020 allows par�cipants from any class to op�onally include a single club name with their submi�ed results • So, should I include SCARS in my own Class 1D/1E home sta�on results, my results will be published AND my score will be combined with the club score. • IMPORTANT!! “In order for results to be tabulated correctly, all club par�cipants must enter the club’s official name exactly the same, avoiding abbrevia�ons or acronyms. This is important!” “South Canadian Amateur Radio Society” My Submission??? • Yes. You are a Field Day par�cipant. You need to submit your results via the ARRL web applet just like the club.
Emergency Management Communica�ons Drill Gayland Kitch COML / COMC State COMU AUXCOMM Coordinator
COEMA Comms Drill • Every month, the Oklahoma City area emergency managers conduct a communica�ons drill • The drill’s facilitator is passed around…including Moore, Edmond, Oklahoma City/County Health, Medical Emergency Response Center • The overall goal of our monthly drill is to test our ability to coordinate with each other – which helps us maintain regional situa�onal awareness during emergencies • This month’s drill is being facilitated by Moore, and will occur from 2- 4 pm next Saturday – during Field Day
COEMA June Objec�ves 1. Test non-EOC components of emergency management communica�ons; 2. Develop and/or further rela�onships with local Amateur Radio groups; 3. Support local Amateur Radio group “Field Day” ac�vi�es; 4. Test the ability to send wri�en emergency management documents without the use of normal EOC or EM office equipment; 5. Test the ability to send wri�en emergency management documents via radio pathways.
COEMA June Tasks for E.M.’s 1. Check-in on various “normal” channels and modes – using portable or mobile equipment 2. Visit a local Field Day opera�on 3. Complete an ICS-213 Message Form, ask the hams to send it to their Sec�on Manager or Sec�on Emergency Coordinator 4. Ask the hams to make the amateur radio contacts requested on the comms plan 5. Transmit an ICS-214 Ac�vity Log to the exercise facilitator via a portable method 6. Ask the hams to send the wri�en ICS-214 document to another amateur group using a radio pathway (yes, the document, not just the message).
COEMA June Objec�ves (revisited) 1. Test non-EOC components of emergency management communica�ons; 2. Develop and/or further rela�onships with local Amateur Radio groups; 3. Support local Amateur Radio group “Field Day” ac�vi�es; 4. Test the ability to send wri�en emergency management documents without the use of normal EOC or EM office equipment; 5. Test the ability to send wri�en emergency management documents via radio pathways.
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