in market data for law firms marketing channel let me

In-Market Data for Law Firms MARKETING CHANNEL LET ME INTRODUCE YOU - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

In-Market Data for Law Firms MARKETING CHANNEL LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO OUR IN-MARKET DATA Normally, you would pay for a marketing channel, like a newspaper ad, radio or tv commercial, online We track over 15 billion data-points across the

  1. In-Market Data for Law Firms

  2. MARKETING CHANNEL LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO OUR IN-MARKET DATA Normally, you would pay for a marketing channel, like a newspaper ad, radio or tv commercial, online We track over 15 billion data-points across the ads, etc, etc) and hope of receiving as many replies internet that monitor browser behavior of more or leads as possible. This illustrates the problems than 225 million Americans. With our data, with marketing today. You have to target your technology and smart market systems, we entire market evenly because any one of them create campaigns that are designed to control could be the buyer. the conversation with the 3% of the market who are actually ready-to-buy and eliminate the 97% The problem is that in any given market, only 3% who aren't. of prospects are typically prepared to buy. Our solution is simple, to show your Marketing That means that the spray and pray method, Ad, ONLY to the people actively searching for advertising to all types of general people, includes legal services. We are subjected to over 5,000 the 97% of people that are not looking for legal ads on a daily basis and no one can recall a CUT THROUGH THE CLUTTER services. single one from 24 hours ago. Cut through the clutter and advertise to just the people that are WHAT IF YOU COULD ELIMINATE THAT 97% OF already searching – they will remember you PEOPLE FROM YOUR ADVERTISING LIST AND YOU because you will be everywhere. COULD JUST FOCUS ON THE 3% THAT ARE MOST LIKELY TO HIRE YOU? THINK OF IT AS TARGETING OUR DATA IS SO PRECISE THAT WE CAN NOW THE NEEDLES OF THE HAYSTACK, VS THE ENTIRE SOLELY TARGET THOSE INDIVIDUALS LOOKING HAYSTACK ITSELF. FOR LEGAL SERVICES IN YOUR AREA. It allows you to slash your advertising expenses 25-75% because you no longer need to market to a wide pool of people who aren’t in market for your service. MARKETOP • IN-MARKE T DATA FOR LAW FIRMS MarkeTop luigimartinez

  3. MARKETING CHANNEL LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO OUR IN-MARKET DATA Normally, you would pay for a marketing channel, like a newspaper ad, radio or tv commercial, online We track over 15 billion data-points across the ads, etc, etc) and hope of receiving as many replies internet that monitor browser behavior of more or leads as possible. This illustrates the problems than 225 million Americans. With our data, with marketing today. You have to target your technology and smart market systems, we entire market evenly because any one of them create campaigns that are designed to control could be the buyer. the conversation with the 3% of the market who are actually ready-to-buy and eliminate the 97% The problem is that in any given market, only 3% who aren't. of prospects are typically prepared to buy. Our solution is simple, to show your Marketing That means that the spray and pray method, Ad, ONLY to the people actively searching for advertising to all types of general people, includes legal services. We are subjected to over 5,000 the 97% of people that are not looking for legal ads on a daily basis and no one can recall a CUT THROUGH THE CLUTTER services. single one from 24 hours ago. Cut through the clutter and advertise to just the people that are WHAT IF YOU COULD ELIMINATE THAT 97% OF already searching – they will remember you PEOPLE FROM YOUR ADVERTISING LIST AND YOU because you will be everywhere. COULD JUST FOCUS ON THE 3% THAT ARE MOST LIKELY TO HIRE YOU? THINK OF IT AS TARGETING OUR DATA IS SO PRECISE THAT WE CAN NOW THE NEEDLES OF THE HAYSTACK, VS THE ENTIRE SOLELY TARGET THOSE INDIVIDUALS LOOKING HAYSTACK ITSELF. FOR LEGAL SERVICES IN YOUR AREA. It allows you to slash your advertising expenses 25-75% because you no longer need to market to a wide pool of people who aren’t in market for your service. MARKETOP • IN-MARKE T DATA FOR LAW FIRMS MarkeTop luigimartinez

  4. THE END OF SPRAY AND PRAY AD CAMPAIGNS 100% ACCURACY ONLINE ADVERTISING Our marketing firm MarkeTop, has CLIENT MATCH access to the data of clients that are ready to hire an attorney in your city. This data integrates into WHAT IS IS: a FaceBook or Google Ad A method of using data mining and internet user campaign and shown to them. We profiling to target specific individuals with ads can then corroborate that the instead of guessing at audiences. leads who clicked on the Ad, are from our in-market data we Our “Smart Ads” tactics simply pick up where provide. everyone else leaves off. Giving you 100% accuracy clients Most marketers can only guess at general match accountability. demographics and broad online behavior when they decide who to spend their money You don’t have to wonder anymore advertising to. how the money you spend on advertising is affecting your profits. We call this spray and pray because there is no precision in who actually sees the ads. FaceBook Ad Campaign Even agencies that are really good at Facebook targeting can’t get the results we can. The reason? No advertising platform, not even Facebook, offers the ability to specifically target select individuals based such granular behaviors as we can when we use our tactics. Thus, advertisers have to make up for lack of precision with massive volume. Given an unlimited budget, this can work. But we’ve never worked with clients who had unlimited budgets MARKETOP • IN-MARKET DATA FOR LAW FIRMS MARKETOP • IN-MARKE T DATA FOR LAW FIRMS MarkeTop luigimartinez

  5. THE END OF SPRAY AND PRAY AD CAMPAIGNS 100% ACCURACY ONLINE ADVERTISING Our marketing firm MarkeTop, has CLIENT MATCH access to the data of clients that are ready to hire an attorney in your city. This data integrates into WHAT IS IS: a FaceBook or Google Ad A method of using data mining and internet user campaign and shown to them. We profiling to target specific individuals with ads can then corroborate that the instead of guessing at audiences. leads who clicked on the Ad, are from our in-market data we Our “Smart Ads” tactics simply pick up where provide. everyone else leaves off. Giving you 100% accuracy clients Most marketers can only guess at general match accountability. demographics and broad online behavior when they decide who to spend their money You don’t have to wonder anymore advertising to. how the money you spend on advertising is affecting your profits. We call this spray and pray because there is no precision in who actually sees the ads. FaceBook Ad Campaign Even agencies that are really good at Facebook targeting can’t get the results we can. The reason? No advertising platform, not even Facebook, offers the ability to specifically target select individuals based such granular behaviors as we can when we use our tactics. Thus, advertisers have to make up for lack of precision with massive volume. Given an unlimited budget, this can work. But we’ve never worked with clients who had unlimited budgets MARKETOP • IN-MARKET DATA FOR LAW FIRMS MARKETOP • IN-MARKE T DATA FOR LAW FIRMS MarkeTop luigimartinez


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