in 30 minutes we ll teach you how to bid on a state

In 30 minutes, well teach you how to bid on a state contract o Why - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

State of Illinois Chief Procurement Office S MALL B USINESS S ET-ASIDE P ROGRAM Putting together the States Procurement Puzzle September 17, 2014 1 How Do I Win a State Contract? In 30 minutes, well teach you how to bid on a state

  1. State of Illinois Chief Procurement Office S MALL B USINESS S ET-ASIDE P ROGRAM Putting together the State’s Procurement Puzzle September 17, 2014 1

  2. How Do I Win a State Contract? In 30 minutes, we’ll teach you how to bid on a state contract o Why join the Small Business Set-Aside Program (SBSP)? o Where do I see what the State wants to buy? o How do I win a State contract? 2 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  3. Welcome, we’re here to Help Jean Krysti Joe Sandstrom Rinaldi Kim 3 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  4. What is Procurement? 60 State Agencies, I L Boards Commissions P R O C U Procurement R (Contracting) E M E N T Supplier Community C Private Sector, Non-Profits, Corrections, O Government D E 4 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  5. SBSP Drives Contracting  The Chief Procurement Office runs the Small Business Set- Aside Program (SBSP).  The CPO approves $10 billion of procurements each year!!  Illinois has a goal that not less than 10% of state contracts go to Illinois’ small businesses.  $242 million spent with Illinois small business in FY13.  State Agencies use SBSP to meet their 10% goal. 5 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  6. What is a Set-Aside?  “Set-Asides” limits competition for contracts to qualified businesses.  When a procurement is a “small business set-aside”, only vendors who are qualified in SBSP are considered for an award.  SBSP shelters small businesses in Illinois from competing with large businesses for state awards and contracts.  The Chief Procurement Officer designates what goods and services will be set-aside. 6 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  7. Which Contracts are Set-Aside?  673 Product and Service Categories  $50,000 one-time purchase - most any product or service qualifies 7 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  8. How do I apply for SBSP?  Go to the Illinois Procurement Gateway (IPG) at  Open the IPG Quick Start Guide  Create a User Name and Password  Fill-out Illinois’ Disclosures and Certifications  Click Submit 8 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  9. Where do I get Help with the IPG?  Krysti, Jean, and Joe will help  Webinars show you how to complete your application  FAQs and Quick Start Guide  Phone or Email the CPO’s procurement experts 9 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  10. Where do I see what the State wants to buy?  Register with the Illinois Procurement Bulletin (IPB)  Receive Email notice of solicitations > $50K from IPB  Receive Email requesting a price quote on solicitations < $50K directly from buyers 10 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  11. Who wins State contracts?  IFB  Responsible and Responsive Bidder with lowest price wins  RFP  Responsible and Responsive Offeror with best value wins 11 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  12. Responsive? Responsible?  Meet tests of Responsibility and Responsiveness  Board of Elections  Public Contract #  Secretary of State Authorized to Do Business  Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest  Standard Certifications 12 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP

  13. Questions? Thank You! Please visit us at our booth if you have questions. 13 Chief Procurement Office – SBSP


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