in 2006 in north somerset we launched the postnatal

In 2006 in north Somerset we launched the Postnatal pathway for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

In 2006 in north Somerset we launched the Postnatal pathway for maternal mental health and early attachment . Ref: Milford R. Community practitioner Aug 2006 Hospit pital l Anxie iety ty Sca cale (HAD) This is divided into two aspects

  1. In 2006 in north Somerset we launched the Postnatal pathway for maternal mental health and early attachment . Ref: Milford R. Community practitioner Aug 2006

  2.  Hospit pital l Anxie iety ty Sca cale (HAD)  This is divided into two aspects depression and anxiety.  Depressi ession on  A score of 7 or lower is low concern  A score of 8-9 is moderate concern  A score of 10 or more is high concern  Anxiety ety  A score of 7 or lower is low concern  A score of 8-9 is moderate concern  A score of 10 or more is high concern

  3.  Mother ers s Objec ect t Re Rela latio ions ns Sc Scale les s (MORS RS)  Warmth and Invasion scores  Warmth h scale le  A score of 11 and lower is high concern  A score of 15 - 10 is moderate concern  A score of 16 and above is low concern  Invasi asion on scale le  A score of 17 and above is of high concern  A score of 12 -16 is of moderate concern  A score of 11 and below is of low concern

  4. No concern rn Moderat rate concern rn High concern rn No further GP & Mental Health Up to 6 listening action Routine Health specialists visits (review) Visiting service (NICE Guidance) Wait, watch and Refer to Mental Health Additional appropriate Specialist for services offered from a menu wonder/ Theraplay based consultation of complementary care packages including Attachment group BABY MASSAGE FOR ALL Referral to Adult Mental * GP Counselling Health Team IAPT (NICE Guidelines)

  5.  We no longer use the HAD and now use  PQ9  GAD 7  We have commenced a pilot for the complimentary antenealt care pathway which aims to pick up women with mental health concerns at the first booking clinic

  6.  A secure attachment relationship between mother and infant is recognised as a protective factor and a key component in increasing the likelihood of children developing positive mental health in adulthood (Oates et al., 2007).  Recent research suggests  23% of non-clinical mothers have insecure-dismissive attachment,  19% insecure-preoccupied attachment and  58% secure attachment (Bakermans-Kranenburg and Van IJzendoorn, 2009).  By considering a possible links between maternal attachment style and the dyadic relationship with the infant, this study looked at the effectiveness of infant massage in promoting improved mother-infant attachment and dyadic attunement. cure attachment relationship between mother and infant is recognised as a protective factor and key component in children developing positive mental health in adulthood (Oates et al. , 2007). Recent research suggests 23% of non-clinical mothers have insecure-dismissive attachment, 19% insecure-preoccupied attachment and 58% secure attachment (Bakermans- Kranenburg and Van IJzendoorn, 2009). Acknowledging these links between maternal attachment style and the dyadic relationship with the infant, this study looked at the effectiveness of infant massage in promoting improved mother-infant attachment and dyadic attunement.

  7.  NICE guidance for planning and commissioning children’s services suggests that health visitors and midwives should consider evidence-based interventions, such as baby massage, as part of provision for the social and emotional well- being of new mothers and the under 5’s.  Robust evidence of the effectiveness of baby massage courses would give confidence to decision makers about funding these resources within perinatal services.  Cut in local offer- lack of research used as a reason.

  8.  A Systematic review was conducted using 4 databases, including publications from January 1980 to May 2016.  The criteria included massage or touch, when used as an intervention on more than one occasion.  Two reviewers screened the extracted data for eligibility and quality, using standardised forms .


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