improving patient health federal health initiative


Fall 2016 MEANINGFUL TECHNOLOGY TOOL-KIT TO IMPROVING PATIENT HEALTH FEDERAL HEALTH INITIATIVE: MEANINGFUL USE The Medicaid EHR Incentive Program provides incentive payments for eligible healthcare providers to adopt and use electronic


  2. FEDERAL HEALTH INITIATIVE: MEANINGFUL USE  The Medicaid EHR Incentive Program provides incentive payments for eligible healthcare providers to adopt and use electronic health record (EHR) technology in ways that can positively affect patient care  Objectives are established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) using a certified EHR; program is run by individual States

  3. 10 OBJECTIVES: MEDICAID AND MEDICARE STANDARDS Protect Patient Health Information 1 Clinical Decision Support (CDS) 2 Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) 3 Electronic Prescribing (eRx) 4 Health Information Exchange 5 Patient Specific Education 6 Medication Reconciliation 7 Patient Electronic Access 8 Secure Electronic Messaging 9 Public Health Reporting 10

  4. GOAL: USE EHR TO IMPROVE HEALTH  Improve quality, safety and reduce health disparities  Achieve better clinical outcomes  Engage and empower patients  Improve care delivery, coordination and public health  Build more robust research data on health systems

  5. A VISION FOR UCSF  Adopt clinic workflow to align with federal (CMS) standards  Be at the forefront of the intersection of technology and human health  Prepare to become integrated with UCSF Health System

  6. THE KEY TO OUR EXCELLENCE IS OUR….  Students  Faculty  Staff  Everyone has a role  What is YOUR role?

  7. FACULTY START CHECKS  Students are proxy providers  Chart documentation is tracked by faculty and by student  No start check = no tracking for faculty, so please obtain a start check at every session!!!

  8. MEDICAL HISTORY  Update allergies  Update problem list  eRx query and manage Medications Hx  Review meds in “medications” tab by clicking “reviewed button”

  9. VIDEO DEMO  1. Alerts/Allergies  2. Patient problem list  3. eRx managing medication history  4. Reviewing medications

  10. MU TAB: THIS IS NEW!  @ every visit!  Key to track continuous quality metrics related to diabetes, hypertension, BMI, referral pattern, etc.  In EHR, select “forms”, click  Select “MU tab form” from pull down menu  Fill out MU 2 Measures Form  THIS IS A KEY FORM FOR TRACKING VARIOUS INTERVENTIONS!

  11. VIDEO DEMO  5. How to fill out the MU form

  12. NEED R X ? – IT’S ALL IN E R X  Prescribe under faculty log-in in eRx  Print and have faculty sign  If Schedule II drugs (ex: Vicodin, Norco, etc.), then ask faculty to take the printed eRx to the dispensary and request the secure Rx pad

  13. UC PROTOCOL FOR DISPENSING MEDS  Available medications:  Amoxicillin 500mg  Clindamycin 150mg  Acetaminophen 500mg and 325mg  Ibuprofen 200mg  Enter code Q0203 in AxiUm as “complete” in the patient’s EHR  Enter a progress note and indicate a). Medication name, b). Dose, c). Primary reason for administration.  The attending faculty must provide an electronic signature  Enter the medication prescription into eRx, have the faculty sign it electronically and print it  At the dispensary window, provide the staff member with the patient’s EHR number, printed eRx prescription, and ask a staff member for the requested medication

  14. VIDEO DEMO  6. Prescribing medications in eRx Remember: your faculty must have an eRx password!!!  See a Clinic Director if faculty doesn’t have one

  15. CLINICAL DECISION SUPPORT (CDS)  5 programmed prompts  Follow the prompts when they pop up This is an example only, not actual CDS

  16. PATIENT EDUCATION  CAMBRA: In CRA click “yes, recommendations given” and print the correct info for patient  New: tobacco cessation  New: BMI (letter for patients with BMI <17.8 or >25)  Go to “patient attachments”  Click under “letters and general letters”  Select from a list of letters relevant to your patient

  17. VIDEO DEMO  7. Patient education letters  Smoking cessation  Metabolic health (obesity)

  18. SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY  Reciprocal determinism: behavior is a result of and part of a continual interaction between individuals and their social and physical environment.  What role does UCSF School of Dentistry have in creating an influential environment for our patients?

  19. SMOKING IS ONE OF THE LEADING CAUSES OF STATISTICS From January- December 2015:  We saw 10,700 patients in predoc  1,763 said “yes” to smoking  225 clinic instruction days  16.5% of our patients smoke  12% of people smoke in CA  Oppor Opportunity: 7-8 patients/da unity: 7-8 patients/day

  20. 5 DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH  Medical Care – 10%  Genetics – 20%  Health behaviors – 40%  Social circumstances – 20%  Physical environment – 10%  70% of what influences health is rooted in broader social conditions that structure individual’s risk of being at risk – need social justice approaches  Remedial Approach

  21. MESSAGING WITH PATIENTS: NEW  Send a “welcome message”  All in axiUm email  Green name color = patient  Can also use Exan DoctorAccess to view these emails remotely

  22. PATIENT ONLINE ACCESS TO EHR  High level information  Medication list  Problem list  Notes and details are not viewable to patients  Patients go to:  Patients log in with access code provided at the front desk  Please engage your patients in this process  FA and ACC staff maybe of help to patients

  23. VIDEO DEMO  8. Patient online access  9. Patient messaging

  24. SO, WHAT DO I NEED TO DO STARTING OCTOBER 3RD?  At Every Visit:  Get a start check from your faculty  Ensure MU Tab form is filled out/updated  Ensure Medications are “reviewed” and stamped with ”today’s” date  In General, when appropriate:  Update allergy and problem list  Use eRx for every prescription you write  Provide relevant patient education materials  Engage your patients in online experience:  Help patients log-in to their EHR online  Send the patient a “welcome” email

  25. THANK YOU!  Acknowledgements:  Dr. Mark Kirkland and the Dean’s office  Lenh Tsan – Project Manager  Tom Ferris and NIS team  Maria Guerra  Dr. Sean Mong  Dr. Nakahara and Dr. Singh


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