implementing agile everywhere

Implementing Agile Everywhere End User Computings Service/Support - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Implementing Agile Everywhere End User Computings Service/Support teams SITE SERVICES CARE4CUSTOMER SUPPORT` Global Team Team provides innovative infrastructure support that enables Business capabilities: Customer Relationship

  1. Implementing Agile Everywhere End User Computing’s Service/Support teams

  2. SITE SERVICES CARE4CUSTOMER SUPPORT` Global Team Team provides innovative infrastructure support that enables Business capabilities: • Customer Relationship Management • End User Computing incident and problem management Service Channels • Global Real Estate project delivery • Campus/Home Based Servicing support • Deployment support for new products and capabilities 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 2

  3. OUR JOURNEY In 2014, the Site Services team embarked on a journey to redefine end user computing support and service for employees From To Managed Service Insourced Model with staff augmentation Focus on Contracts, SLAs, Penalties Customer centric, outcome oriented High Customer Satisfaction; transactional Low Customer Satisfaction; bi-annual surveys surveys; customer insight sessions Directive, oversight laden, damage control Empowered, customer centric, proactive Risk averse, mistakes hidden/covered up Risk takers, learning from mistakes 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 3

  4. OUR CHARTER Hire the right people and empower Develop or procure tools that create Our People Our Tools them to own and resolve the issue the experiences that are easily first time transferred from home to office  Leverage Relationship Care practices  Integrate Service and Care4Customer into our Site Services DNA Our Leadership Design every process with the End Our Processes Enable the execution of Site User in mind Service Next Gen  Shift left strategy  Leverage Leadership to  Innovate where needed, always remove barriers look for continuous improvement  Ensure global  Evaluate and measure: alignment/consistency of Accuracy, Resolution Time, experience Customer Satisfaction 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 4

  5. 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 5

  6. Focus on the Customer 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 6

  7. CO-DESIGN WORKSHOPS Our Customers said:  Own fixing my problem  Listen to (and hear) what I am really saying  Don’t make me repeat myself (again)  Don’t make me have to follow up or chase things down  Don’t Waste My Time or Make Me Wait Enhanced Support Model 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 7

  8. Focus on the Employee 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 8


  10. And then we added Agile-- 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 10

  11. SITE SERVICES AGILE MODEL Product(s): Services/Support Capabilities: Features:    Queue Ticket Set Survey  Onboarding  Onboarding Management Up Deployment   Security Security   Ticket Set Up Desktop  Home support  Home support Share  Break-fix  Break-fix  Survey  Service  Service Deployment     Onboarding Requests  Onboarding Onboarding Onboarding Requests Onboarding/Offboarding     Security    Security Security Security Consulting Knowledge Share Security     Refresh  Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh  Break-fix Functions:     Home support Break-fix Break-fix Break-fix     Service  Service Service Service Break-fix Requests  Requests Requests Requests Service   Consulting Consulting Requests    Training Training Consulting  Training  Programs = Scrum= New initiatives (MVP/Sprints with definitive start/stops)  BAU= KanBan (Work queues and repeatable processes)  Onboarding  Security  Break-fix  Service Requests 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 11

  12. CONTEXT : EUC TEAM MATURITY WHEEL Agile Tools and Techniques Understanding and use of appropriate agile minded methods and techniques (e.g. Lean, Kanban, Scrum) as well as the tools (e.g. Jira) available to Innovation Customer facilitate agile ways of working. Centred IMPROVE APPL LEAR Continuous Improvement Y N Striving for perfection by continually looking for ways to improve what we do and how we do it. Agility Product Lifecycle Prioritization by Value Deciding what to do next based on estimated benefit. Things may change in the future so we should do the most valuable things now. 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 12

  13. AGILE GROUND RULES All EUC Teams • One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to Agile • But there are some things we need all EUC teams to do the same • We want to keep that list as short as possible Groups of EUC teams who do similar work 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 13

  14. AGILE GROUND RULES: EXPECTATIONS OF EVERY EUC TEAM Daily Collaboration Granular Tasks Whole team speaks live Small units of work with no every single day wait time All EUC Iterations Teams Deliver. Assess. Enhance. Repeat. All Tasks as a Backlog Monitor Progress New work added to a highly Data that describes how the visible backlog. Reprioritize team has improved over time frequently. 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 6

  15. TEAMS EXPERIMENTED WITH AGILE • Real Estate projects tried both Scrum and KanBan • Scrum teams found it difficult to “iterate” at times with teams that were not practicing Agile methodologies • Teams became more focused on the “experience” then tasks on a project plan • Servicing Teams leveraging their ITSM tool as a KanBan board via dashboards • Servicing teams have also imbedded members into the End User Computing engineering teams in a similar “dev ops” role • Ensure both customer and support experience is positive • TechCare portal development teams, leveraging Scrum 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 15

  16. AGILE GROUND RULES : ONE LEVEL DOWN • Each director will be part of a cohort with their peers who lead similar teams • Each cohort has access to an agile coach • Each cohort will select the most appropriate agile methodology (e.g. Scrum, Kanban) • Directors + coach will agree any additional ground rules that build on the five already shared • Each director is responsible for implementing Groups of EUC agile methodology and ground rules in their team teams who do similar work • Cohort continues to meet to actively share best practices and overcome challenges 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 16

  17. LEVERAGING COACHES 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 17

  18. TRANSFORMATION PROGRESS We’ve made good strides on our Agile journey so far. Here’s our overall progress to date regarding how many teams achieved each of the six measurements. 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 3

  19. KEEPING THE MOMENTUM GOING 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 19

  20. Reinforcing Agile Ways 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 20

  21. AGILE COMMUNICATION We leverage both a Confluence site to house content and a SLACK channel for communicating with each other 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 21

  22. REINFORCING AGILE WAYS 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 22

  23. REINFORCING AGILE WAYS 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 23


  25. CELEBRATING FAST FAILURES Taking the time to call out failures and celebrating them is still a work in progress.. 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 8

  26. Our Return on Investment 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 26

  27. KEY INDICATORS Shift Left Results: • 180K Tickets shifted to the Remote Desktop Care team from other more expensive channels • 17% reduction of our Service Desk calls Customer Satisfaction: 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 27

  28. SUCCESSES- QUICK Q Quick Q opens a ticket in Service Now and places the employee in a Queue, removing the need to stand in a line and allowing the Engineer to focus on the service, not the ticket Quick Q was a 2015 “hackathon project” that won the Internal Hack for all of Technology 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 28

  29. SUCCESSES- CASE AND RESOLUTION LIAISON(CARL) CARL allows our Customer Care Professionals to send a Level 2 ticket directly to the work group and sends an email to the appropriate team. This MVP cut 15 minutes off the employee’s call handling time. MVP was rolled out in 30 days after working closely with the Business team. 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 29

  30. Retrospectively speaking… Outcomes Count-Did we Begin with the End in Mind? 19-Oct-17 AXP Public 30


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