Impacts of Migration on Community Resilience and Service Delivery in Hounslow MHCLG, Controlling Migration Fund project
Trends emerging 1) Hounslow’s “East-West divide”, seems to be widening, with higher scoring areas clustered in the East and lower scoring areas clustered in the west of the borough. The scoring, as a whole, corresponds to IMD rankings, confirming the strong link between deprivation and resilience. 2015 Predictive data lowest scoring areas 2015 Predictive data highest scoring areas
Trends emerging cont. 2) Hounslow is experiencing starker fragmentation at local levels, reflected in the prevalence of positive and negative areas right next to each other. 2015 predictive data levels of community resilience mapped to LSOA level.
Trends emerging cont. 3) Mapping the number of licensed HMOs between 2009 – 2015 highlights the increase and concentration of HMOs in the Centre and East of the borough. With this comes an increase in local population size, churn and instability. Licensed HMOs in 2009 Licensed HMOs in 2015
Trends emerging cont. 4) Some areas identified as having weak community resilience have seen the largest new housing developments, raising questions about communities capacity to deal with change. The number of residential units in each development determines the size of each point. Areas outlined are the lower scoring LSOAs in the predictive data 2015.
Hounslow Migration Intelligence Briefings 1. Migration and public health 2. Migration and education 3. Migration and housing 4. Migration and adult social care 5. Migration and community resilience. 6. Migration in Hounslow
Cranford Stronger Together Findings from supporting residents
Supporting and Learning from Residents 1. We must create and maintain community spaces 2. Do not underestimate the power of volunteering 3. Lacking English skills limits engagement 4. Are support services flexible and collaborate enough to assess the person holistically before providing targeted interventions?
Case Study (individual 5) : This individual in a young man in his thirties who lives with his partner and two children. He has struggled with drug abuse on and off, as well as depression for many years. He has a sickly 2-year old daughter who has life-threatening seizures. He has tried several times to get assistance for his drug abuse through his GP. He was told he couldn’t get referred to a rehab and that he couldn’t get counselling for his various issues until he was completely off cannabis. His partner and himself have been struggling to cope with their daughter and have been through multiple services and specialists that say she doesn’t qualify for the type of care they feel she needs. They feel there is no follow up or sense of urgency with the specialists. They have not been offered basic paediatric first aid training for when their daughter is having seizures at home and stops breathing. It’s a “tick box system and we don’t qualify by 1 point”. As a result, both adults have had ‘mental breakdowns’ as they feel they are not prepared and equipped to look after their daughter effectively. Their eldest son is often late to school or sometimes misses it as they need to take their daughter into hospital for her appointments and when emergencies arise. His partner cannot mentally cope on her own so he has to go with her, not making it possible to take their son to school on these occasions. Despite having a case conference to explain the situation with the school, they were initially fined by the school and not offered any additional support. They have no supportive family or friends around them, besides his father who is also struggling. They are now in state of crisis. As a result of his situation, this individual did not have the capacity to continue in this project.
Thoughts from individuals who have completed the project “I feel like my wellbeing has improved from the beginning. I “Very helpful. When you explained have been socializing more, this how I can be involved in these has helped me to have activities, it gets me thinking. Its confidence. Before I used to stay hard if you don’t have anyone to in a lot.” explain. Before it was just daily routine. I was stuck or not thinking I can do it. My thinking changed. I “I have so many contacts and “ It has made me overcome a lot and take a step then realised I could do more friends. My friend circle is open up. It has helped me be more it. In the beginning I thought it big now, after going for English confident with meeting new people. might be a waste of time but it’s class and yoga I know more... I Volunteering has helped be build my been helpful.” confidence in my abilities. Being am getting to know people and complimented has made me want to talking more closely with them try new things. I can see my kids in the group… new connections respect me more for doing this, connect me to new activities getting out and doing something and other people, like the that I enjoy. I also feel like I have allotment project, other yoga more support. I can talk to the people class.” at the Hub about my daily life.”
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