impact on the large and impact on the large and complex

Impact on the Large and Impact on the Large and Complex Bureaucracy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Impact on the Large and Impact on the Large and Complex Bureaucracy of Complex Bureaucracy of the EU the EU Jan Foghelin 23 ISMOR 2006-08-28 09-01 New Place Hampshire 1(22) Contents Contents Introduction - Cases Introduction - Cases

  1. Impact on the Large and Impact on the Large and Complex Bureaucracy of Complex Bureaucracy of the EU the EU Jan Foghelin 23 ISMOR 2006-08-28 – 09-01 New Place Hampshire 1(22)

  2. Contents Contents Introduction - Cases Introduction - Cases EU – Anatomy and physiology EU – Anatomy and physiology EU – Terrorism. EU – Terrorism. Threat assessment and countermeasures Threat assessment and countermeasures EU – How to have an impact on EU EU – How to have an impact on EU EU – EU – a typical large organization? EU – EU – a typical large organization?

  3. Introduction - Cases Introduction - Cases PASR 1. Project: SeNTRE PASR 1. Project: SeNTRE PASR 2. Project proposal: EUROSECURITY PASR 2. Project proposal: EUROSECURITY PASR 3. Project proposals: BIO3R and PASR 3. Project proposals: BIO3R and STACCATO STACCATO Project for the Swedish Emergency Project for the Swedish Emergency Management Agency: Management Agency: Threat perceptions in the EU concerning Threat perceptions in the EU concerning terrorism. Assessment processes terrorism. Assessment processes

  4. EU. Anatomy and physiology EU. Anatomy and physiology

  5. Source: Crisis Group Europé Report No 160, 17 January 2005

  6. Source: Crisis Group Europé Report No 160, 17 January 2005

  7. Decision Making in the EU Institutions Decision Making in the EU Institutions According to EU Guy Peters, interplay within the According to EU Guy Peters, interplay within the EU takes place at three different levels. EU takes place at three different levels. Firstly , the Member States try to push Firstly , the Member States try to push through their interests and gain as much as through their interests and gain as much as possible from cooperating with one another. possible from cooperating with one another. Secondly , there is interplay between the Secondly , there is interplay between the various institutions. The Commission, in various institutions. The Commission, in somewhat simplified terms, guarantees the rights somewhat simplified terms, guarantees the rights of the European Union, while the European of the European Union, while the European Council protects national interests (which is Council protects national interests (which is intimately connected to the interplay between the intimately connected to the interplay between the Member States). Member States).

  8. Continoue.. Continoue.. Thirdly , there is a bureaucratic play Thirdly , there is a bureaucratic play between dthe different Directorates-Generals between dthe different Directorates-Generals (DG), which all have their own organizational (DG), which all have their own organizational culture, interests and views on different policy culture, interests and views on different policy sectors. According to Peters (1992; 1996), the sectors. According to Peters (1992; 1996), the DGs are often involved in conflicts concerning DGs are often involved in conflicts concerning who should take responsibility for borderline who should take responsibility for borderline questions in their policy sectors. Conflicts also questions in their policy sectors. Conflicts also exist betwween different groupings and exist betwween different groupings and individuals. individuals. Larsson S., Olsson E-K., Ramberg B.: Crisis decision Making in the European Larsson S., Olsson E-K., Ramberg B.: Crisis decision Making in the European Union. CRISMART. Stockholm 2005. p 9. Union. CRISMART. Stockholm 2005. p 9.

  9. Crisis Management Capacities within Crisis Management Capacities within EU´s three pillars EU´s three pillars Crisis management capacities exist within each of Crisis management capacities exist within each of EU´s three pillars: the European Communities (at EU´s three pillars: the European Communities (at the supranational level) Commission, the the supranational level) Commission, the ESDP/CFSP (at the interstate level), and the ESDP/CFSP (at the interstate level), and the Justice and Home Affairs (at the interstate level). Justice and Home Affairs (at the interstate level). The first pillar provides a framework for the The first pillar provides a framework for the community institutions. The European community institutions. The European Commission is basically the main actor and Commission is basically the main actor and essentially all discussions on the first pillar focus essentially all discussions on the first pillar focus on the activities of the European Commission. on the activities of the European Commission.

  10. Continue.. Continue.. Consequently, the crisis management capacity of the Consequently, the crisis management capacity of the first pillar is more or less managed and finaced by the first pillar is more or less managed and finaced by the European Commission. European Commission. The second pillar deals with establishing a The second pillar deals with establishing a common foreign and security policy for the EU. The common foreign and security policy for the EU. The aim is uniting the Member States on major foreign aim is uniting the Member States on major foreign and security policy issues so that it is possible to and security policy issues so that it is possible to execute joint actions. Likewise, the second pillar execute joint actions. Likewise, the second pillar addresses issues regarding community values, addresses issues regarding community values, international cooperation, defense, and European international cooperation, defense, and European security. This is a challenge since many of the security. This is a challenge since many of the Member States have quite different security and Member States have quite different security and defense policies (e.g., NATO, WEU, nuclear defense policies (e.g., NATO, WEU, nuclear weapons, etc.). weapons, etc.).

  11. Continue… Continue… In order for the EU to strengthen its role as an In order for the EU to strengthen its role as an international crisis mangager, it is of crucial that international crisis mangager, it is of crucial that the EU displays a solid, united front. the EU displays a solid, united front. The third pillar (cooperation in justice and The third pillar (cooperation in justice and home affairs) focuses on cooperation between home affairs) focuses on cooperation between police and judicial authorities in the Member police and judicial authorities in the Member States in an attempt to eliminate crime, racism, States in an attempt to eliminate crime, racism, and xenophobia (European Union, down loaded and xenophobia (European Union, down loaded in December 2004). in December 2004). Larsson S., Olsson E-L., Ramberg B.: Crisis Decision Making in the European Larsson S., Olsson E-L., Ramberg B.: Crisis Decision Making in the European Union. CRISMART. Stockholm 2005. p 25-27. Union. CRISMART. Stockholm 2005. p 25-27.

  12. EU. Terrorism EU. Terrorism Threat assessment and Threat assessment and countermeasures countermeasures

  13. Initial hypotheses concerning Initial hypotheses concerning threat perceptions (terrorism) threat perceptions (terrorism) React: History repeats itself React: History repeats itself Proact: Scenarios, Gaming and Simulation Proact: Scenarios, Gaming and Simulation Worst – case Worst – case ”Most preferred aggression” ”Most preferred aggression” Intelligence assessments Intelligence assessments

  14. Threat assessments and Threat assessments and countermeasures (terrorism). countermeasures (terrorism). Observations Observations Policy guidelines only on a high level (ESS from 2003) Policy guidelines only on a high level (ESS from 2003) There is an EU Counter-Terrorism Co-ordinator but There is an EU Counter-Terrorism Co-ordinator but without real power (budgetary, legal …) without real power (budgetary, legal …) Intelligence assessments are used but only for short- Intelligence assessments are used but only for short- term term Scenarios are used by some (EUMS, DG Environment) Scenarios are used by some (EUMS, DG Environment) but not coordinated but not coordinated

  15. Continue… Continue… Protection against terrorism is important for Protection against terrorism is important for many parts of EU. No common threat many parts of EU. No common threat perception (ESS is an exception) perception (ESS is an exception) Every part of EU has its own perspective Every part of EU has its own perspective (protection of international operation, protection (protection of international operation, protection of critical infrastructure, protection of citizens, of critical infrastructure, protection of citizens, legal cooperation …) legal cooperation …) To avoid recurrence of recent incidents is a To avoid recurrence of recent incidents is a major concern. major concern. Priorities are not set in a transparent manner. Priorities are not set in a transparent manner.

  16. Threat Perceptions (Terrorism) – EU Threat Perceptions (Terrorism) – EU Impact from the USA after 9/11 ”The National M ” Security Strategy” (2002) F S e r terrorism (WMD), containers.. o x d ESS (2003) Catastrophic ( m p I i R e f f A r e U i r e , K e n E n c t T o t e A s F , . i n R l a A n F d … ” ) EU:s ”counterterrorism” Threat before 9/11. TREVI, Perceptions Maastricht, Europol … Scenarios etc. (Terrorism) Long.-term threat - EU assessment I n Important ( t (9/11, Madrid, i n e a incidents f l f s l o r i s g o r e m e m s n a London) M s c t m e i S o e : n s n ) a t n d


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