commission s proposal for a regulation to complete the

Commissions proposal for a Regulation to complete the Telecoms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Commissions proposal for a Regulation to complete the Telecoms Single Market and to achieve a Connected Europe eCommunications Forum 4 th October 2013 Objectives To provide a brief background of the proposed Regulation published by the

  1. Commission’s proposal for a Regulation to complete the Telecoms Single Market and to achieve a Connected Europe eCommunications Forum 4 th October 2013

  2. Objectives To provide a brief background of the proposed Regulation  published by the Commission 11 September. To discuss the preliminary views on the Regulation.  To present anticipated next steps in the legislative process  leading to the adoption of amendments to the current EU telecom package. Slide 2

  3. The Electronic Communications Framework Review Current EU Framework comprises 5 Directives, 2  Regulations, and number of Decisions and Recommendations. Last review started in November 2007. A final text was  adopted in December 2009, with a transposition deadline of May 2011. On 11 September 2013, Commission launched a Regulation  aimed at the completion of the Telecoms Single Market. Slide 3

  4. Commission’s desired timeline Publication of Proposal: 11 September 2013 European Council: 24/25 October 2013 Slide 4

  5. Main themes To facilitate provision of electronic communication services and networks across different MS Enable Introduce coordinated Enhance concept of access to protection of single EU spectrum across end-users and authorisation the EU + harmonization for ‘European crossborder related rules providers’ access to ‘essential inputs’ Slide 5

  6. Freedom to provide services and networks across MS Single EU authorisation. Concept of Home NRA & Host NRA  EC veto on remedies imposed on European operators.  European operators entitled to equal treatment by the NRAs  of different MS in objectively equivalent situations. Preliminary opinion: Significant additional bureaucracy and less legal clarity.  Different rules for European operators vs. local operators.  Could lead to forum shopping practices by operators.  Proposed veto on remedies goes counter to subsidiarity  principle. Slide 6

  7. Enable cross- border access to ‘essential inputs’ (1) Member States’ decisions to grant rights of use subject to  approval by the Commission. All harmonised wireless broadband spectrum to be re-  assigned through harmonised procedures by 2025. Preliminary opinion: Important shift in balance of powers from MS to the  Commission with respect to a national resource. EC becomes ‘de facto’ Euro spectrum regulator. Possible impact on spectrum fees with negative implications  on Government revenues. Slide 7

  8. Enable cross- border access to ‘essential inputs’ (2) SMP operators obliged to offer virtual access to their  networks via EU harmonised product. Symmetric obligation on operators to provided an assured  service quality connectivity product. Preliminary opinion: Rational for proposals and implications are unclear.  Not apparent that these measures will address an identified  need in the European telecoms market. Slide 8

  9. Net Neutrality Establishes freedom of end-users to access and distribute  information and content, run applications and use services of their choice. Sets rules for internet traffic management.  Allows deals between content providers and ISPs to ensure  quality of service. Sets rules for minimum QoS and monitoring at an EU level.  Preliminary opinion: Agreement with general principles.  The detailed provisions need to be analysed carefully to  assess possible implications. Slide 9

  10. Harmonization of rules related to end-users Transfers USD provisions to the Regulation.  Extends these to grant more rights and protection of end-  users. Preliminary opinion: New end-user provisions generally in line with current local  framework. Provisions in the Regulation will be established as maximum  End User rights across the EU. Regulation will severely limit Malta’s ability to adapt end user rules to reflect local issues. European operators will still be subject to different rules  under general consumer protection rules, etc. Slide 10

  11. International calls and Roaming Charges for international fixed calls to be same as domestic  tariff, unless objectively justified. Charges for incoming roaming calls prohibited.  Current roaming regulation obligations will be reduced if  operators join a coalition to apply domestic tariffs to roaming customers. Preliminary opinion: Likely negative implications on small operators and the EU  mobile market. Proposed exemptions from the current Regulation undermine  predictable regulatory environment. Slide 11

  12. BEREC Chairman BEREC Chairman to be a full-time employee appointed by an  open procedure for a three year term. Procedure to heavily involve the Commission. Administrative Manager of the BEREC Office to be appointed  for a five year term, renewable once (currently one year appointment). Preliminary opinion: Current troika system is working well.  Proposal likely to infringe on the independence of BEREC.  Slide 12

  13. Concluding general views Support the objectives of the proposed regulation -  competition, investment and innovation, as well as the new objective of the overall competitiveness of the EU. Not convinced that Regulation will deliver the desired  objectives. The Regulation would centralise many competences within  the Commission significantly extending its powers in the sector. Particular concerns about spectrum provisions. Consumer related provisions would limit MS ability to react  to national sector specific consumer issues. Likely that the majority of the objectives can be achieved  with less administrative complexity, bureaucracy and regulatory cost. Slide 13

  14. Next Steps BEREC input European Commission MCA / Malta European  Initial position Parliament  Negotiations between MS [Committees] Member States European Council in October & TTE Council of MCA’s EC Forum Ministers  Feedback from local industry Slide 14

  15. Thank You Malta Communications Authority Valletta Waterfront, Pinto Wharf, Floriana, FRN 1913 Tel: (+356) 21 336 840 Fax: (+356) 21 336 846


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