ii meeting of nordic stakeholders relaunching the


II MEETING OF NORDIC STAKEHOLDERS RELAUNCHING THE COOPERATION BETWEEN NORDIC-LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN COUNTRIES Stockholm 13 14 November 2017 Organized by: In collaboration with: Supported by: Background The conclusions of the I


  2. Background The conclusions of the I Meeting of Nordic Stakeholders: Nordic Perspectives on Strengthening Higher Education, Research and Innovation Cooperation with Latin America & the Caribbean , held in Stockholm on 1-2 June 2016, emphasized the need to promote and to deepen activities in higher education and scientific cooperation between the Nordic and the LAC regions. On the one hand, the Nordic countries are perceived as democratic, innovative and with high investments levels in education and research have allowed them to successfully position as technological hubs of international prestige. These countries have a platform of higher education, science, technology and innovation that has seen many of today’s most successful start -ups emerge and turn into/become success stories. On the other hand, during the last decades Latin America and Caribbean countries have achieved sustained economic growth, which has reduced poverty and increased development. This new reality includes an improvement in higher education with quality and international academic excellence. To achieve these objectives, several governments in LAC region have created scholarship programs that foster studies and research stays abroad, with focus in the best universities and research centers and institutes around the world. At the same time, the Nordic triangular approach of the ‘triple helix of innovation’ also pr ovides mutual opportunities for cooperation, where Nordic companies may have access medium-high income markets through technological and skill transfers in the establishment of industrial activities. In this sense, Latin America and Caribbean is a region of opportunities. Latin American and Caribbean governments have identified higher education, science, technology and innovation as the main areas to generate growth, prosperity and sustainable development with social inclusion. Within this context, the Nordic countries’ experiences in these areas would offer a good opportunity to relaunch the relation between Nordic countries & Latin American and Caribbean countries. For this reason, the European Institute of International Studies, in collaboration with the Swedish Council for Higher Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, is organizing the II Meeting of Nordic Stakeholders: Relaunching the cooperation between Nordic-Latin American and Caribbean Countries . The II Meeting will take place in Stockholm on 13-14 November 2017. Aims: The specific aims of this meeting of Nordic Stakeholders are the following: - To relaunch the relations between Nordic countries-Latin American and Caribbean countries with focus in areas such as higher education, sciences, technology and innovation - To promote the Nordic countries as "destination countries" for studies and research stays at international level - To exchange experiences in policies and best practices in the areas of higher education, science, technology and innovation - To foster cooperation and academic mobility between Nordic countries-Latin American and Caribbean countries - To encourage the development of academic programs and joint research projects between Nordic Countries-Latin American and Caribbean countries

  3. DAY 1 Monday, November 13 th UHR premises - Wallingatan 2, 6th floor, Stockholm - Sweden 08.30-09.00 Registration 09.00-09.50 Welcome words and aims of the II Nordic Meeting  Mr. Ulf Melin, General Director Swedish Higher Education Council  Dr. Mario Torres Jarrín, Director European Institute of International Studies  Mr. Anders Carlsson, Americas Department Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden 09.50.-10.50 Panel I: Latin American and Caribbean Scholarship Programs for Academic Mobility and Research Exchange  Amb. Nélida Contreras de Ecker, Ambassador of Argentina in Sweden  Amb. José Goñi, Ambassador of Chile in Sweden  Amb. Sonia Durán, Ambassador of Colombia in Sweden with concurrency to Denmark  Amb. Laura Faxas, Ambassador of Dominican Republic in Sweden Q&A 10.50-11.00 Official photo 11.00-11.15 Coffee break 11.15-12.30 Panel I (cont): Latin American and Caribbean Scholarship Programs for Academic Mobility and Research Exchange  Amb. Lautaro Pozo Malo, Ambassador of Ecuador in Sweden  Amb. Francisco Gross Hernández-Kramer, Ambassador of Guatemala in Sweden with concurrency to Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania  Amb. Agustín Gasca Pliego, Ambassador of Mexico in Sweden  Mrs. Jazmín Ayala Roa, Charge d´affaires of Paraguay in Sweden with concurrency to Denmark, Norway and Finland  Amb. José Beraún Aranibar, Ambassador of Peru in Sweden with concurrency to Denmark Q&A 12.30-14.00 Lunch break 14.00-14.50 Panel II: Nordic Experiences in Higher Education and Research Policies  Mr. Kai Koivumäki, Senior Adviser at Nordic Council of Ministers  Mrs. Tina Vihma-Purovaara, Counsellor of Education at Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Finland  Dr. Andreas Göthenberg, Executive Director at STINT (Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education)  Mrs. Lena Alakangas, Professor at LTU and Director of CAMM - Center for Advanced Mining and Metallurgy at Luleå University of Technology", Luleå University of Technology  Mr. Bernhard Dold, Chair Professor in Applied Geochemistry, Luleå University of Technology 14.50-15.40 Interactive session & networking

  4. 15.40-15.55 Coffee break 15.55-16.35 Panel III: Academic Mobility Programs  Mrs. Johanna Jeppsson, Deputy Head of the Talent Mobility at Swedish Institute  Mrs. Catrine Åkerblom, Programme Officer-Linnaeus Program at Swedish Higher Education Council  Dr. Joakim Appelquist, Director of International Collaboration and Government Relations at Vinnova  Mr. Gustaf Cars, Team Leader Externally Funded Projects at Uppsala University 16.35-17.15 Interactive session & networking 18.30-21.00 Cocktail Reception at the Residence of Embassy of Peru Venue: Engelbrektsgatan 19, 1 Floor, 114 32 Stockholm Day 2 Tuesday, November 14 th UHR premises - Wallingatan 2, 6th floor, Stockholm - Sweden 09:00-10.00 Panel IV: Internationalization Strategies and Policies  Mr. Daniel Edquist, Head Unit at Swedish Higher Education Council  Mr. Juha Ketolainen, Counsellor of Education, Head Unit Internationalisation Services for Higher Education at Education at Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)  Dr. Ciro Vasquez Program Director of International Affairs at Vinnova  Dr. Andres Palacio, Associate Senior Lecturer at Lund University: Internationalization Case in Colombia: Externado University  Mrs. Guðlaug Jakobsdóttir, Head International Office at Reykjavik 10.00-10.50 Interactive session & networking 10.50-11.00 Coffee break 11.00-12.00 Panel V: Experiences and Mechanisms to promote cooperation between Nordic Countries-Latin American and Caribbean Countries  Mrs. Kajsa Ekroos, Senior Planning Officer, FinCEAL+/ Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID)  Dr. Jacobo Ramirez, Assistant Professor at Copenhagen Business School: Latin America Business Forum  Mr. Miguel Cornejo Herrera, Regional Manager for Latin America and International Coordinator at Strategic Partnership and Networks-Lund University  Dr. Hans Egil Offerdal, Adviser for International Affairs at Bergen University  Mr. Hans Lundin, Regional Adviser for Latin America at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)  Leif Kirsebom Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor for internationalisation and Kay Svensson, International Coordinator, Uppsala University Interactive session & networking 13.00 Final words


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