iec conference 76th general meeting

IEC CONFERENCE, 76th General meeting HELD IN OSLO NORWAY OCTOBER - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IEC CONFERENCE, 76th General meeting HELD IN OSLO NORWAY OCTOBER 2012 The IEC International Electro technical Commission TC 31 The IEC have various branches around the world As we are a O member country we dont have the power to

  1. IEC CONFERENCE, 76th General meeting HELD IN OSLO NORWAY OCTOBER 2012

  2. The IEC International Electro technical Commission TC 31 • The IEC have various branches around the world • As we are a O member country we don’t have the power to vote or add input (only P countries can) • Even though we cannot vote and so forth they do value our opinion • If you get any documents to read from the IEC, give your opinion as this could influence our standards as well • Should we become a P member? • Yes and No • The meetings are held world wide and incur large costs and time to which companies require a return for this expenditure • As a P member we will be able to add our inputs into standards relating to Ex industry or possibly get involved in the working groups

  3. Why did I attend? • I attended this conference to represent the SAFA committee and to see what opportunities there is for our country and various companies • As a association we need to be up to date with world standards and this gave me the insight to see how we compare to the world standards • I attended some of the working group meetings and TC meetings. • Within these meetings I got to see that we as a country are up to date with world standards only with our SA twist.

  4. The Conference • The conference was held in OSLO capital of Norway • Meetings were held at various establishments within the city centre • Fortunately you could either walk or catch a tram

  5. Opening Ceremony • The opening ceremony was held at the Radisson blue hotel and followed at the City Hall

  6. The new and the old Maintain there old sites Electric cars are very popular Nice space and fuel saver

  7. Some of the places I got to see Old boats, their fort, parks in the city centre and the city hall

  8. This is the actual Olympic ski slope

  9. The Viking museum

  10. The Royal Palace, Konticky museum & Vigeland Sculpture Park



  13. In closing • The closing ceremony was held at the Oslo Congress centre • Our opinion is valued and therefore lets not sit back • Giving our input can possibly change a standard you use • A standard you know or have had input into is always easier to apply and maintain and even for you teach someone • The next meeting going to be held in India New Deli • Thanking you for your time

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