idgf international desktop grid federation

IDGF International Desktop Grid Federation First Release of Desktop - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IDGF International Desktop Grid Federation First Release of Desktop Grids for e-Science Road Map Taipei, 2011-03-18 Ad Emmen, AlmereGrid DEGISCO project 1 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1 Desktop Grids Introduction IDGF 2 DEGISO WP4

  1. IDGF International Desktop Grid Federation First Release of Desktop Grids for e-Science Road Map Taipei, 2011-03-18 Ad Emmen, AlmereGrid DEGISCO project 1 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  2. Desktop Grids Introduction IDGF 2 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  3. EC Vice President Kroes 3 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  4. EC Vice President Kroes “On average, a desktop computer remains idle for around 60-85% of the time. Networks like EGI distribute computing tasks involving large amounts of data among the processing capacity of many thousands of separate desktop computers, putting their idle processor cycles to productive use. EGI-InSPIRE will give European researchers access to the aggregated processing power of 200,000 desk-top computers hosted by more than 300 centres around the world. The Commission is contributing € 25 million over four years to the € 73 million project. Other funding is provided from national sources such as National Grid Initiatives (NGI). “ 3 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  5. EC Vice President Kroes “On average, a desktop computer remains idle for around e b 60-85% of the time. Networks like EGI distribute computing s l l t i c w e tasks involving large amounts of data among the j t o i r y p l processing capacity of many thousands of separate l F a e G u s t e D c h I desktop computers, putting their idle processor cycles to A / t O o - C t e S productive use. EGI-InSPIRE will give European u n I r o G T i E l l y i D researchers access to the aggregated processing power of m l e / I r G 3 i t n D t 200,000 desk-top computers hosted by more than 300 u e E o t h b o g a N centres around the world. The Commission is contributing u s o e r v h € 25 million over four years to the € 73 million project. Other i g t e h funding is provided from national sources such as National S Grid Initiatives (NGI). “ 3 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  6. Importance of Desktop Grids for Science: Number of Computers per Grid for a number of European Grids. These figures count computers (Desktop Grids) and nodes (Service Grids). The number of CPU's/cores can be larger. A computer can be part of more than one Grid. The BBC Climate Change project is currently not active. Resources owners per Grid for a number of European Grids. This figure count resource owners: users for Desktop Grids and sites for Traditional Service Grids. Note the large difference between Desktop Grids and Service Grids. 4 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  7. Importance of Desktop Grids for Science: Number of Computers per Grid for a number of European Grids. These figures count computers Desktop Grids are big (Desktop Grids) and nodes (Service Grids). The number of CPU's/cores can be larger. A computer can be part of more than one Grid. The BBC Climate Change project is currently not active. Resources owners per Grid for a number of European Grids. This figure count resource owners: users for Desktop Grids and sites for Traditional Service Grids. Note the large difference between Desktop Grids and Service Grids. 4 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  8. IDGF The International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF) brings together: Desktop Grid operators Application developers Everyone else interested in Desktop Grid computing Open membership 5 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  9. Desktop Grids Projects supporting IDGF 6 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  10. Desktop Grids ʼ splendid isolation First decade of Desktop Grids: Isolated projects Did do everything on their own Seti@Home, Folding@Home, WCG,.. But science is changing. Collaboration is getting more and more important Computational infrastructures for scientists did change. Emergence of EGI, DEISA, PRACE Integrating scientific user environments Integrating infrastructures 7 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  11. EDGeS project Several local efforts to connect Desktop grids into wider computational infrastructures existed An effort to do this globally for Europe: EDGeS EDGeS was EC project 2008 - 2010 Connected Desktop Grids to EGEE Xtremweb, BOINC gLite Ported two dozen applications to this infrastructure Connected about 120.000 Desktop PC ʼ s 8 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  12. EDGeS Grid infrastructure 9 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  13. Generic Grid - Grid Bridge (3G) Job Job Source gLite database BOINC gLite (EGI) BOINC Plugin Grid handler interface Job handler interface Client Job Source Unicore XtremWeb- HEP- E Unicore Grid X-Web Plugin Client Queue Manager Job Source Arc KnowArc Grid OurGrid OurGrid Plugin Client Bridge 10 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  14. Today: Coordinated support Set-up of the International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF) to gather people, expertise and experience IDGF Launch: September 2010, Amsterdam at EGITF Initial support by two projects: EDGI 2010 – 2012 DEGISCO 2010 – 2012 11 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  15. Scope of the EDGI project EDGI scope EDGeS for both scope only compute and for compute data intensive intensive applications applications for EMI/EGI for EGEE (gLite, ARC, (gLite) Unicore) Extend Desktop Grids with Clouds for QoS 2010-04-27 12

  16. DEGISCO project “Expand European DCIs into ICPC countries by supporting the creation of new Desktop Grids for e-Science in those countries and in Europe and by connecting them using the EDGeS bridge technology. Support applications on this expanded infrastructure, disseminate, promote and provide training about this expanded infrastructure and its usage”. European e-Infrastructure EDGeS did connect 120.000 Desktop Grid computers with 150.000 core EGEE and other service Grids, including EELA2, SEE-Grid Goal of DEGISCO: Connect non-EU countries (ICPC countries in Europe, Asia and Latin-America) to this European infrastructure Help them to set-up local Desktop Grids 13 RI-261561 WP4 2010-08-12

  17. Support provided by IDGF Support to use Desktop Grids by NGIs/EGI is provided by the International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF) IDGF provides a number of services Your institute, organisation, or company and you as a person can become member of IDGF Help connecting Desktop Grids into the EGI infrastructure is an important goal So integrating Desktop Grids into EGI infrastructure, into the European Distributed Computing Infrastructure 14 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  18. Providing services for its members IDGF is a member organisation You can become member, your organisation can, your company can, so do it IDGF provides services to its members. Services aimed at improving cooperation between those involved in Desktop Grids: Member administration, including interest group and chapter management Dissemination services News service Discussion fora Support services Meetings and event organisation 15 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  19. Know other members and their area of expertise Member administration, including interest group and chapter management There are several interest groups that one can join. Two chapters: European and International Dissemination services Tell what you do, know what others do. Share experiences. Joint campaigns News service Blog, RSS/Atom, Twitter News for and from members Discussion fora 16 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  20. Joint campaigns Create material for citizens that works If it does: translate and reuse in other countries In IDGF already: French, Dutch, Hungarian, Russian, Chinese, Danish, Portuguese, Spanish, and even English speakers Re-use campaign elements that work: material for schools media campaigns Do joint campaigns 17 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  21. Joint campaigns Create material for citizens that works If it does: translate and reuse in other countries In IDGF already: French, Dutch, Hungarian, Russian, Chinese, Danish, Portuguese, Spanish, and even English speakers Re-use campaign elements that work: material for schools media campaigns Do joint campaigns NewsKey=5479D73C07E37DA0C12575A5004E84D5 17 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  22. Joint Campaign EDGeS@Home - Donate to Energy Research Good message With EDGeS@Home you can help solve the world ʼ s energy crisis Donate unused computing time to fusion research Program ISDEP of Spanisch scientists Good initial coverage Fusion communication departments Press, radio Available in local languages, local press releases But... Also lessons learned 18 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  23. Joint Campaign EDGeS@Home - Donate to Energy Research Good message With EDGeS@Home you can help solve the world ʼ s energy crisis Donate unused computing time to fusion research Program ISDEP of Spanisch scientists Good initial coverage Fusion communication departments Press, radio Available in local languages, local press releases But... Also lessons learned 18 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1

  24. Joint Campaign EDGeS@Home - Donate to Energy Research Good message With EDGeS@Home you can help solve the world ʼ s energy crisis Donate unused computing time to fusion research Program ISDEP of Spanisch scientists Good initial coverage Fusion communication departments Press, radio Available in local languages, local press releases But... Also lessons learned 18 DEGISO WP4 2011-03-18 version 1


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