ICPD+25 GLOBAL AND REGIONAL REVIEWS Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov Director, Policy and Strategy Division UNFPA
Follow-up of ICPD Beyond 2014 2011 : UN General Assembly reaffirmed ICPD beyond 2014, until the full achievement of its aims 2013 : Regional 20 year reviews and outcomes, led by UN Regional Economic Commissions, in each region 2014 : Finalization of global 20 year review, negotiated outcome at the 47 th CPD including recognition of regional outcomes 2015 : Integration of ICPD aims into the 2030 Agenda 2015-2017 : Implementation, development of monitoring frameworks lined to SDGs, institutionalization of ICPD regional reviews; alignment of ICPD review cycle in CPD with that of the 2030 Agenda (every four years)
Follow-up of ICPD Beyond 2014 2018 : Regional reviews Approximately 100 national reports around the world 5 data-driven regional review reports 5 intergovernmental conferences, August - November Close collaboration between Member States, RECs, UNFPA other regional institutions, CSOs 2019 : CPD 52 theme, “Review and appraisal of the Programme of Action of the ICPD and its contribution to the 2030 Agenda”
Linking the regional and global reviews Outcomes of the regional reviews, including the review reports, should be transmitted to the UN Commission on Population and Development Reports of the Secretary General for the CPD will be based on the findings and outcomes of the regional reviews Member State deliberations at the regional conferences, together with the strong evidence base of the regional reviews, can support deliberations and leadership at the CPD
Linking ICPD and the 2030 Agenda 2030 Agenda resolution calls for review to be supported by reviews of the ECOSOC functional commissions – CPD is one Profound links between ICPD and the 2030 Agenda SDGs, e.g., 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, are addressed in depth in the Programme of Action and the ICPD Beyond 2014 Evidence base from the regional and global reviews of ICPD will be vital for understand how to achieve the aims of the 2030 Agenda, how to address lagging areas, and how to reach the furthest behind Transmitting results: Regional reviews should inform the Regional Sustainable Development Forums, and Voluntary National Reports as appropriate Global review and CPD outcomes to inform the HLPF
ICPD is Central to the 2030 Agenda “…the core message of the ICPD PoA: investing in individual capabilities, dignity and human rights, across multiple sectors and throughout the life course, is the foundation of sustainable development.” ECE Regional Review Report, page 12 A profound truth that is the basis of the human-centred approach that defines sustainable development. ICPD can carry this to and ensure it in the 2030 Agenda.
ICPD+25 The 25 th Anniversary of the Programme of Action is a vital global opportunity to: Recommit to fulfilling our aims Celebrate gains Advance progress Beyond the CPD, this means engaging all of ICPD’s stakeholders: Governments, civil society, the private sector, people who are the intended beneficiaries: young, old, female, male, migrant, indigenous, disabled, LGBT, and more UNFPA is working with partners to create or add to existing forums throughout 2019 to do so, and we are building on the 50 th anniversary of the founding of UNFPA to raise attention to ICPD and our partners.
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