ib ambassadors

IB Ambassadors 2019-20 What is an IB Ambassador? IB Ambassadors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IB Ambassadors 2019-20 What is an IB Ambassador? IB Ambassadors are 5th grade students who represent F.AVE to other students and the community. You are expected to be role models who demonstrate the attributes of the learner profile in school,

  1. IB Ambassadors 2019-20

  2. What is an IB Ambassador? IB Ambassadors are 5th grade students who represent F.AVE to other students and the community. You are expected to be role models who demonstrate the attributes of the learner profile in school, at home and in the community. You follow the school wide expectations and want to help to make F.AVE a great place for all students.

  3. DUTIES 1) To provide support to F.AVE by performing duties a) Flag b) Recycling c) Lost & Found d) PE equipment set up & take down e) Media Center f) Deliver notes g) Assist non-classroom teachers h) Give tours to rising 3rd graders in the Spring & possibly to visiting new families

  4. DUTIES 1) Assist teachers with hallway displays of work that highlights IB - learner profile and units of inquiry. 2) Design and create public displays of the learner profile a) Posters b) Painting stairs c) Mural 3) Promote student Action a) Film stories for the news show b) Take photos to be shared at the “Cast Party” 4) Initiate and lead schoolwide action

  5. REQUIREMENTS Create a presentation that highlights how you have incorporated the learner profile into your own life. Format: poster, oral presentation, Google slideshow, video Examples: I am a risk taker because I started swim team this summer even though I had never done it before and most of my friends could swim better than I do. I am caring because I set up a lemonade stand to help out a family who had a tree fall on their house.

  6. DUE DATES AUGUST 30 - PRESENTATIONS DUE - Video, Google slide presentations can be shared with lhanson@csdecatur.net Posters can be dropped off at the front desk Oral Presentations can be scheduled for the morning of August 30 (schedule at the front desk) DON’T FORGET TO PUT YOUR FIRST/LAST NAME ON THEM AND INCLUDE YOUR TEACHER

  7. START DATES We will assign jobs the week of September 3 and have a meeting on Friday, September 6 to announce the assignments. ALL JOBS START SEPTEMBER 9

  8. OUR MOTTO! Everyday F.AVE Falcons rise up to be: R isk Takers who I nquire about global issues. S triving to be open minded, E xcellent and U nique in every way. F.AVE students are P owerful young minds who lead the way!

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