IASC Presentation � IFRC Observer � IFRC Observer “The 31 st International Conference of the Mission to the UN – Mission to the UN- NY Delegation NY Delegation Red Cross � www.ifrc.org � Saving lives, changing minds.
International Red Cross and � IFRC Observer Mission to the UN- Red Crescent Movement NY Delegation � The Movement � The oldest and largest humanitarian network in the world � ICRC � Guardian of the Geneva Conventions, IFRC ICRC helping victims of war, prisoners of war and political detainees. � Coordinates the Movement’s relief activities in conflict situations. � IFRC � Supports National Society activities through organizational development and capacity building. � Coordinates the Movement’s relief activities in natural disasters � 187 National Societies National Societies � www.ifrc.org � Saving lives, changing minds.
� IFRC Observer Statutory Meetings - 2011 Mission to the UN- NY Delegation � 18 th General Assembly . � Council of Delegates � 31 st International Conference � www.ifrc.org � Saving lives, changing minds.
The Council of Delegates � IFRC Observer Mission to the UN- NY Delegation -All members meet to discuss matters that concern the Movement as a whole. - Meets every two years and comprises the 186 national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, the ICRC and the International Federation. - Issues on the agenda such as access to victims and vulnerable people; neutral and independent humanitarian action; respect for diversity and fighting discrimination; promoting international humanitarian law, and the adoption of an additional emblem to the red cross and red crescent. � www.ifrc.org � Saving lives, changing minds.
� IFRC Observer International Conference of Red Cross & Red Crescent Mission to the UN- NY Delegation � www.ifrc.org � Saving lives, changing minds.
What is the International Conference ? � IFRC Observer Mission to the UN- NY Delegation supreme deliberative body for the Movement". - At the International Conference, representatives of the components of the - Movement meet with representatives of the States Party to the Geneva Conventions (…). Together they examine and decide upon humanitarian matters of common interest and any other related matter" (Art. 8). The Conference meets - in principle - every four years. It brings together the - • Recognized Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (186) • States party to the Geneva Conventions (194) • International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Each of these members has one vote. � www.ifrc.org � Saving lives, changing minds.
Resolutions Adopted at 31 st International � IFRC Observer Mission to the UN- NY Delegation Conference Resolution 1 Strengthening legal protection for victims of armed conflicts � Resolution 2 4-Year Action Plan for the Implementation of international humanitarian Law Resolution 3 Migration: Ensuring Access, Dignity, Respect for Diversity and Social Inclusion Resolution 4 Furthering the auxiliary role: Partnership for stronger National Societies and volunteering development Resolution 5 Health Care in Danger: Respecting and Protecting Health Care Resolution 6 Health inequities: reducing burden on women and children Resolution 7 Strengthening normative frameworks and addressing regulatory barriers concerning disaster mitigation, response and recovery Resolution 8 Implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement on Operational Arrangements dated 28th November 2005 between Palestine Red Crescent Society and the Magen David Adom in Israel Resolution 9 Our World. Your Move – for Humanity � www.ifrc.org � Saving lives, changing minds.
Delegation of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to the United Nations � 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 2811 � New York, NY 10170 � Tel.: +1 212 338 0161 � Fax.: +1 212 338 9832 � Email: delegation.newyork@ifrc.org
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