I nterna l net w or k o f 4 comp l ementar y f aci l ities Ex terna l net w or k o f researc h , tec h no l o g y , pac k a g in g , in g redient , e q u ipment & contract man u f act u rin g s u pp l iers NZFIN acts as a “ datin g a g enc y”
How might this help you? Value added products from concept to market • N e w P rod u ct idea C oncept • C oncept is assessed f or f easibi l it y and mar k et opport u nit y F easibi l it y • D e v e l opment pro j ect and reso u rces de f ined Pl annin g • N e w prod u ct de v e l opment D e v e l opme nt • C ommercia l samp l es are introd u ced to mar k et Mar k et test • P rod u ct mo v es to commercia l prod u ction C ommercia l
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE NZ FOOD INNOVATION NETWORK? • NZFIN Food Portal - allowing companies to connect services and expertise • Project Jigsaw – assisting companies through commercialization – designer programme • Non-Dairy Drying project
Researc h on f u nctiona l in g redients / protot y pin g prod u ct t h ro u g h e q u ipment F orm u l ation and s h e l f l i f e de v e l opment N o v e l f ood prod u ct and process de v e l opment
P i l ot Pl ant at L inco l n U ni v ersit y • T ec h nica l and mar k et ad v ice • P rod u ct de v e l opment f oc u s • S ma l l sca l e prod u ction ( 2 0 to • 2 0 0 l trs ) Ex port comp l iant •
S ca l e - u p and sma l l sca l e P rotot y pe commercia l isation de v e l opment f or e x port c u stomer v a l idation T ec h nica l and e x port mar k et assessment
22 0 pieces o f mod u l ar • e q u ipment 7 e x port comp l iant m u l ti - • p u rpose s u ites T ec h nica l ad v ice • 10 – 1 0 0 0 l tr v o l u mes •
Industrial Kitchen
P roo f o f concept w or k be f ore mo v in g onto l ar g e T estin g ne w processin g sca l e s y stems to j u sti f y l ar g e man u f act u r in v estment er C oncept de v e l opment , u ps k i l l ed in f ood sa f et y / man u f act u rin g , commercia l prod u ction g ro w in g to settin g u p o w n f actor y
FoodWaikato adding value Export Value produced at FoodWaikato • 2014 -2015 $35M • 2015 -2016 $49M • 2015 -2016 $52M Capital investment in NZ inc $90M + • Dairy Goat Cooperative; $65 M • Sheep Milk $6M • Central Dairy Goat $10M • New Image $15M More than 80 new jobs for New Zealand,
The report has focused on three fundamental areas 1.Raw materials within New Zealand 2.Technology Stretch 3.Commercial Opportunities .
Raw materials within New Zealand • Meat & blood proteins and Hydrolysates • Fruit – high Brix • Fruit & veg – low Brix, high fibre • Honey (high Brix) • Seafood proteins and Hydrolysates (*) • Forestry (aqueous extracts) (*) – (*) identified but not explored in any depth Slide
Current NZ Drying Options • Bucher Unipekin • Drying Solutions (Rexmoi) • FoodWaikato / AgResearch / FoodPilot /Agri-Labs • Cuddon Freeze Dry /Horowhenua Freeze Dry / Country Treats / Freeze Dried Foods • Pacific Flavours • ENZAQ • Dry Fresh • Flavorsense Slide
26 Countries : 125+ VBD machines Bucher-Alimentech Limited P O Box 14-258, Auckland France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Korea, USA, Holland, Malaysia, Japan, Level 1, 10 Arthur Brown Place, Mt Wellington, Auckland · New Spain, Nigeria, UK, Belgium, Ireland, Norway, Philippines, South Africa, Zealand Jamaica, Singapore, PR China, Brazil, Czech, Thailand, Australia, Indonesia, Phone +64 9 573 1333 ext 2 Mobile + 64 21 657 996 Vietnam . Typical applications Fruit Liquids : Herbs / spices Dairy products Seafood Vegetables for ZEODRATION Apple Anthocyanin Basil Colostrum Fish Artichoke Donkey’s milk Apricot Béchamel Camomile Prawns Aubergine Goat’s milk Banana Chicory Chervil Seaweed Broccoli Bilberry Coffee Chilli Grated cheese Surimi Carrot Fruit Black currant Flavouring Chives Lactide Leek Cherry Fruit cordial Curry Lacto ferrin Meat Onion Vegetable Mare’s milk Fig Sauce base Flower Beef Pea Herbs & spices Grapefruit Sauce concentrate Garlic Powdered milk Chicken Pepper Grape Soya milk Mint Ricotta Duck Potato Meat Kiwi Vegetable stock Parsley Roquefort Sausage Purée Lychee Pepper Stew Sweet corn Seafood Mango Pink peppercorn Turkey Tomato Egg products Biotechnology Melon Omega 3 Plant Bacteria Dairy products Orange Omelette Rosemary Blood cell Cosmetic Mushrooms Peach Quails egg Tea Human cell Natural extracts with Cepe Egg products Pear Thyme Lactic bacteria hight active substance Chanterelle Pineapple Vanilla Plasma and no fillers like : Cultivated Mushrooms Miscellaneous mushroom Prune Nougat Yeast Cinnamon, Corn Horns of plenty Biotechnology ( life cells ) Raspberry Polysaccharide Grean tea Morel Strawberry Wheat germ Grean coffee Natural food colours Red ginseng Papaya, Pinneaples others Jasmin, Iris
Wise Words 1/ Will they buy it 2/ Can we make it 3/ Can we sell it 4/ Can we profit
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