Committed to Connecting the World Regional Preparatory Meeting for the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2010 (WTDC-10) I nform ation Society Statistical Profiles 2 0 0 9 Arab States Dam ascus, Syria 1 7 -1 9 January 2 0 1 0 Telecommunication Development Bureau
Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States • Benchmarking the Information Society January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends - Overview - Mobile telephony - Internet and broadband January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Significant incom e differences am ong the Arab States GDP per capita, 2008 GDP per capita in the Arab States, GDP per capita in the Arab States, Source: ITU, based on IMF January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World I CT Developm ents in the Arab States Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Strong annual grow th in all I CT services By the end of 2008: • 215 million mobile cellular subscriptions • 55 million Internet users • 35 million fixed telephone lines • 4.3 million fixed broadband subscribers and 11.4 million mobile broadband subscriptions Annual ICT Growth (CAGR) Mobile cellular Fixed telephone I nternet users subscriptions lines 2003-2008 Arab States 44% 37% 6% W orld 23% 17% 2.5% Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World I CT uptake in the Arab States and the w orld, 2 0 0 8 Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends - Overview - Mobile telephony - Internet and broadband January 2010
Mobile cellular penetration by region Source: ITU Committed to Connecting the World January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Arab States w ith m obile cellular penetration rates above ( left) and below ( right) 1 0 0 per cent, 2 0 0 8 Countries at the bottom of the list, are among the poorest worldwide Source: ITU Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Mobile cellular subscriptions in the Arab States by incom e grouping, 2 0 0 0 -2 0 0 8 Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends - Overview - Mobile telephony - Internet and broadband January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World I nternet users penetration rates by region Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World I nternet user penetration: significant differences am ong the Arab States Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Average international I nternet bandw idth per inhabitant, Arab States Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Fixed broadband penetration by region Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Mobile broadband penetration by region Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States • Benchmarking the Information Society January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States - Overview - Mobile Sector Development - Internet Sector Development - Role of Policy Makers and Regulators January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Mobile cellular and I nternet user penetration: GCC ( top) com pared to non-GCC ( bottom ) countries Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States - Overview - Mobile Sector Development - Internet Sector Development - Role of Policy Makers and Regulators January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Mobile sector liberalization Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Mobile operators’ m arket shares in selected Arab States Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Arab States operators are currently am ong the top m ost valuable brands Source: Intangible Business January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States - Overview - Mobile Sector Development - Internet Sector Development - Role of Policy Makers and Regulators January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Dial-up and fixed broadband shares of total I nternet subscribers in the Arab States, 2 0 0 8 Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Lack of Arabic online content is a bottleneck A key factor hindering Internet uptake in the Arab States is the reported lack of available on-line Arabic content According to the World Bank, there are currently 320 million Arabic speakers around the globe (around 6 % of total population), yet less than 1 % of online content is available in Arabic More than half of Arabic-speaking Internet users do not speak English A number of online content and portals exists (e.g.,,; however, their contribution to the overall available Arabic content on the Internet is rather small January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States - Overview - Mobile Sector Development - Internet Sector Development - Role of Policy Makers and Regulators January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Policy m akers have launched national I CT plans In most Arab States, policy makers have launched a set of national plans for ICT development Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) in 2005 published its plan for ICT sector development Egypt’s Ministry of Communications has launched a set of initiatives targeting to enhance digital inclusion and increase PC and Internet penetration Jordan’s Ministry of ICT and IT industry players devised a 5-years plan, REACH, to develop a solid, export-oriented IT services sector Monitoring and measurement mechanisms are needed to track progress and identify shortcomings January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World The role of national regulatory authorities In almost all the Arab States, an independent Telecommunication National Regulatory Authority has been established Effectiveness and timely intervention depend on their overall administrative and financial independence Key challenges for market liberalization include high government stakes in incumbent operators and restrictions in foreign ownership Recent developments, including open consultation processes, indicate countries’ commitments to liberalize the sector and issue new licenses January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States • Benchmarking the Information Society January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Benchm arking the inform ation society ICT Development Index ICT Price Basket Available at ict January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World I CT Developm ent I ndex ( I DI ) Track ICT progress over time Address all countries – global index Measure digital divide Capture ICT development potential 11 indicators Two years: 2002 and 2007 Update of I DI ( 2 0 0 8 data) w ill be available in early 2 0 1 0 January 2010
Source: ITU Committed to Connecting the World I DI – W eighting of indicators January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Source: ITU Regional I DI results January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Correlation of I CT levels and incom e levels GNI per capita US$ 20 0 7 Source: ITU and IMF January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Main factors of I DI grow th in the Arab States I nternational I nternet bandw idth per I nternet user Mobile cellular penetration : from 8 per cent in 2002 to 52 per cent in 2007 Increase in international connectivity (see chart) Source: ITU Bits / s / user January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Low I CT use grow th in the Arab States: broadband uptake Source: ITU January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World 2 0 0 8 I CT Price Basket Fixed telephone Mobile cellular Fixed broadband Internet US$, PPP$, % of monthly GNI per capita Updated I CT Price Basket ( 2 0 0 9 ) available in early 2 0 1 0 January 2010
I CT Price Basket m ethodology Source: ITU Committed to Connecting the World January 2010
Regional I CT Price Basket by country Source: ITU Committed to Connecting the World January 2010
Committed to Connecting the World Top ten econom ies w ith the least costly fixed broadband I nternet sub-basket in the Arab States Source: ITU January 2010
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