i nform ation society statistical profiles 2 0 0 9 arab

I nform ation Society Statistical Profiles 2 0 0 9 Arab States Dam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Committed to Connecting the World Regional Preparatory Meeting for the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2010 (WTDC-10) I nform ation Society Statistical Profiles 2 0 0 9 Arab States Dam ascus, Syria 1 7 -1 9 January 2 0 1 0

  1. Committed to Connecting the World Regional Preparatory Meeting for the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2010 (WTDC-10) I nform ation Society Statistical Profiles 2 0 0 9 Arab States Dam ascus, Syria 1 7 -1 9 January 2 0 1 0 Telecommunication Development Bureau

  2. Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States • Benchmarking the Information Society January 2010

  3. Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends - Overview - Mobile telephony - Internet and broadband January 2010

  4. Committed to Connecting the World Significant incom e differences am ong the Arab States GDP per capita, 2008 GDP per capita in the Arab States, GDP per capita in the Arab States, Source: ITU, based on IMF January 2010

  5. Committed to Connecting the World I CT Developm ents in the Arab States Source: ITU January 2010

  6. Committed to Connecting the World Strong annual grow th in all I CT services By the end of 2008: • 215 million mobile cellular subscriptions • 55 million Internet users • 35 million fixed telephone lines • 4.3 million fixed broadband subscribers and 11.4 million mobile broadband subscriptions Annual ICT Growth (CAGR) Mobile cellular Fixed telephone I nternet users subscriptions lines 2003-2008 Arab States 44% 37% 6% W orld 23% 17% 2.5% Source: ITU January 2010

  7. Committed to Connecting the World I CT uptake in the Arab States and the w orld, 2 0 0 8 Source: ITU January 2010

  8. Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends - Overview - Mobile telephony - Internet and broadband January 2010

  9. Mobile cellular penetration by region Source: ITU Committed to Connecting the World January 2010

  10. Committed to Connecting the World Arab States w ith m obile cellular penetration rates above ( left) and below ( right) 1 0 0 per cent, 2 0 0 8 Countries at the bottom of the list, are among the poorest worldwide Source: ITU Source: ITU January 2010

  11. Committed to Connecting the World Mobile cellular subscriptions in the Arab States by incom e grouping, 2 0 0 0 -2 0 0 8 Source: ITU January 2010

  12. Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends - Overview - Mobile telephony - Internet and broadband January 2010

  13. Committed to Connecting the World I nternet users penetration rates by region Source: ITU January 2010

  14. Committed to Connecting the World I nternet user penetration: significant differences am ong the Arab States Source: ITU January 2010

  15. Committed to Connecting the World Average international I nternet bandw idth per inhabitant, Arab States Source: ITU January 2010

  16. Committed to Connecting the World Fixed broadband penetration by region Source: ITU January 2010

  17. Committed to Connecting the World Mobile broadband penetration by region Source: ITU January 2010

  18. Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States • Benchmarking the Information Society January 2010

  19. Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States - Overview - Mobile Sector Development - Internet Sector Development - Role of Policy Makers and Regulators January 2010

  20. Committed to Connecting the World Mobile cellular and I nternet user penetration: GCC ( top) com pared to non-GCC ( bottom ) countries Source: ITU January 2010

  21. Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States - Overview - Mobile Sector Development - Internet Sector Development - Role of Policy Makers and Regulators January 2010

  22. Committed to Connecting the World Mobile sector liberalization Source: ITU January 2010

  23. Committed to Connecting the World Mobile operators’ m arket shares in selected Arab States Source: ITU January 2010

  24. Committed to Connecting the World Arab States operators are currently am ong the top m ost valuable brands Source: Intangible Business January 2010

  25. Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States - Overview - Mobile Sector Development - Internet Sector Development - Role of Policy Makers and Regulators January 2010

  26. Committed to Connecting the World Dial-up and fixed broadband shares of total I nternet subscribers in the Arab States, 2 0 0 8 Source: ITU January 2010

  27. Committed to Connecting the World Lack of Arabic online content is a bottleneck  A key factor hindering Internet uptake in the Arab States is the reported lack of available on-line Arabic content  According to the World Bank, there are currently 320 million Arabic speakers around the globe (around 6 % of total population), yet less than 1 % of online content is available in Arabic  More than half of Arabic-speaking Internet users do not speak English  A number of online content and portals exists (e.g. Maktoob.com, Jeeran.com, Nassej.com); however, their contribution to the overall available Arabic content on the Internet is rather small January 2010

  28. Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States - Overview - Mobile Sector Development - Internet Sector Development - Role of Policy Makers and Regulators January 2010

  29. Committed to Connecting the World Policy m akers have launched national I CT plans  In most Arab States, policy makers have launched a set of national plans for ICT development  Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) in 2005 published its plan for ICT sector development  Egypt’s Ministry of Communications has launched a set of initiatives targeting to enhance digital inclusion and increase PC and Internet penetration  Jordan’s Ministry of ICT and IT industry players devised a 5-years plan, REACH, to develop a solid, export-oriented IT services sector  Monitoring and measurement mechanisms are needed to track progress and identify shortcomings January 2010

  30. Committed to Connecting the World The role of national regulatory authorities  In almost all the Arab States, an independent Telecommunication National Regulatory Authority has been established  Effectiveness and timely intervention depend on their overall administrative and financial independence  Key challenges for market liberalization include high government stakes in incumbent operators and restrictions in foreign ownership  Recent developments, including open consultation processes, indicate countries’ commitments to liberalize the sector and issue new licenses January 2010

  31. Committed to Connecting the World Agenda Inde • ICT Recent Trends • Towards Digital Inclusion in the Arab States • Benchmarking the Information Society January 2010

  32. Committed to Connecting the World Benchm arking the inform ation society  ICT Development Index  ICT Price Basket Available at www.itu.int/ ict January 2010

  33. Committed to Connecting the World I CT Developm ent I ndex ( I DI )  Track ICT progress over time  Address all countries – global index  Measure digital divide  Capture ICT development potential  11 indicators  Two years: 2002 and 2007 Update of I DI ( 2 0 0 8 data) w ill be available in early 2 0 1 0 January 2010

  34. Source: ITU Committed to Connecting the World I DI – W eighting of indicators January 2010

  35. Committed to Connecting the World Source: ITU Regional I DI results January 2010

  36. Committed to Connecting the World Correlation of I CT levels and incom e levels GNI per capita US$ 20 0 7 Source: ITU and IMF January 2010

  37. Committed to Connecting the World Main factors of I DI grow th in the Arab States I nternational I nternet bandw idth per I nternet user  Mobile cellular penetration : from 8 per cent in 2002 to 52 per cent in 2007  Increase in international connectivity (see chart) Source: ITU Bits / s / user January 2010

  38. Committed to Connecting the World Low I CT use grow th in the Arab States: broadband uptake Source: ITU January 2010

  39. Committed to Connecting the World 2 0 0 8 I CT Price Basket  Fixed telephone  Mobile cellular  Fixed broadband Internet  US$, PPP$, % of monthly GNI per capita Updated I CT Price Basket ( 2 0 0 9 ) available in early 2 0 1 0 January 2010

  40. I CT Price Basket m ethodology Source: ITU Committed to Connecting the World January 2010

  41. Regional I CT Price Basket by country Source: ITU Committed to Connecting the World January 2010

  42. Committed to Connecting the World Top ten econom ies w ith the least costly fixed broadband I nternet sub-basket in the Arab States Source: ITU January 2010


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