presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series 1
Questions to Answer Why is it a MUST to consume Halal and ONLY Halal? What are the harms of consuming Haram? What does 100% Halal mean? What does Zabiha Halal mean? How can we ensure the meat I buy is ZABIHA HALAL? How can we ensure the restaurants I buy from are ZABIHA HALAL? 2
The Need to Eat Ḥ alāl 10 Āyāt of the Holy Qur`ān about Islamic Dietary Laws اًۭبِ يَط ًۭلبٰـَلَح ِضأرَألۢٱ ىِف اَ مِم ْاوِّلِّك ِّساَ نلٱ اَهِّ يَأٰٰٔـَي ِتٲَوِّطِّخ ْاوِّعِبَ تَت َلَُو ﴿ ِنٰـَطأيَ شلٱ ٍّنْيِبِّ م ٍّ وِّدَع ْمِّكَل هَ نِإ ﴾ 1 . “O people, eat permissible good things ( ṭ ayyib) out of what lies in the earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Shay ṭ ān ; indeed, he is an open enemy for you.” (al- Baqarah:168) ْمِّكاَنْقَزَر اَم ِتاَبِ يَط ْنِم اوِّلِّك اوِّنَمَآ َنيِذَ لا اَهِّ يَأ اَي ﴾ ﴿ 2 . “O you who believe, eat of the good things ( ṭ ayyib) We have provided to you and be grateful to All āh” (al-Baqarah:172 ) 3
The Need to Eat Ḥ alāl 10 Āyāt of the Holy Qur`ān about Islamic Dietary Laws ﴾ ٌۭميِلَع َنوِّلَمأعَت اَمِب ىِ نِإ اًحِلٰـَص ْاوِّلَمأعٱَو ِتٰـَبِ يَ طلٱ َنِم ْاوِّلِّك ِّلِّسِّ رلٱ اهِّ يَأٰٰٔـَي﴿ 3 . “ O messengers, eat from the good things ( ṭ ayyib) , and act righteously. Of whatever you do, I am fully aware.” (al- Mu’minoon: 51) ﴾ ِّتٰـَبِ يَ طلٱ ِّمِّكَل َ لِحِّأ ألِّق ۖأمِّهَل َ لِحِّأ آَذاَم َكَنوِّلَ ـأسَي ﴿ 4 . “ They ask you as to what has been made lawful for them. Say, “Made lawful for you are good things ( ṭ ayyib) ” (al- Maa’idah : 4) 4
The Need to Eat Ḥ alāl 10 Āyāt of the Holy Qur`ān about Islamic Dietary Laws ِّهَنوِّدِجَي ىِذَ لٱ َ ىِ مِّألۢٱ َ ىِبَ نلٱ َلوِّسَ رلٱ َنوِّعِبَ تَي َنيِذَ لٱ ىِف أمِّهَدنِع اًبوِّتأكَم ۥ ﴿ ِّمِّهَل ِّ لِحِّيَو ركنِّمألٱ ِنَع أمِّهٰٮهأنَيَو ِفوِّرأعَمألٱِب مِّهِّرِّمأأَي ِليِجنِألۢٱَو ِةٰٮَرأوَ تلٱ َثِ ٮٰٰٔـَبَخألٱ ِّمِهأيَلَع ِّمِ رَحِّيَو ِتٰـَبِ يَ طلٱ ﴾ 5. ” Those who follow the Messenger, the Ummiyy (unlettered) prophet whom they find written with them in the Tawr ā h and the Inj ī l , and who bids them what is fair and forbids what is unfair, and makes lawful for them good things (tayyib) , and makes unlawful for them impure things (khab ī th) ” ( al- A’raaf: 157) 5
The Need to Eat Ḥ alāl 10 Āyāt of the Holy Qur`ān about Islamic Dietary Laws ِّةَقِنَخأنِّمألٱَو ۦِهِب َِ للْٱ ِرأيَغِل َ لِهِّأ أَمَو ِريِزنِخألٱ ِّمأحَلَو ِّمَ دلٱَو ِّةَتأيَمألٱ ِّمِّكأيَلَع أتَمِ رِّح ﴿ أَمَو ِّةَحيِطَ نلٱَو ِّةَيِ دَرَتِّمألٱَو ِّةَذوِّقأوَمألٱَو َلَكَأأمِّتأيَ كَذ اَم َ لُِإ ِّعِّبَ سلٱ﴾ 6 . “Prohibited for you are: Maytah (carrion), blood, the flesh of swine, and those upon which (a name) other than that of Allāh has been invoked (at the time of slaughter), animal killed by strangulation, or killed by a blow, or by a fall, or by goring, or that which is eaten by a beast unless you have properly slaughtered it ;” (al- Maa’idah: 3) 6
The Need to Eat Ḥ alāl 10 Āyāt of the Holy Qur`ān about Islamic Dietary Laws ﴾ قسفل هنإو هيلع للوا مسا ركذي مل امم اولكأت لُو ﴿ 7 . “Eat not (of meats) on which Allāh's name has not been pronounced, and surely it is a sin...” (al- An’aam: 121) ِهأيَلَع ًءآَرِتأفٱ اَهأيَلَع َِ للْٱ َمأسٱ َنوِّرِّكأذَي َ لُ ٌۭمٰـَعأنَأَو اَهِّروِّهِّظ أتَمِ رِّح ٍّمٰـَعأنَأَو ﴾ ﴿ 8 . “…and there are cattle over which they do not pronounce the name of Allāh, __ all being fabrications against Him.” (al- An’aam: 138) 7
The Need to Eat Ḥ alāl 10 Āyāt of the Holy Qur`ān about Islamic Dietary Laws ﴾َِ للْٱ ِرأيَغِل ۦِهِب َ لِهِّأ أَمَو ِريِزنِخألٱ َمأحَلَو َمَ دلٱَو َةَتأيَمألٱ ِّمكأيَلَع َمَ رَح اَمَ نِإ ﴿ 9 . “He has only prohibited for you Maytah (carrion), blood, the flesh of swine and that upon which a name of someone other than ‘All ā h’ has been invoked.” (al-Baqarah:173) ِهأيَلَع َِ للْٱ ِّمأسٱ َرِكِّذ اَ مِم ْاوِّلكأأَت َ لَُأ أمِّكَل اَمَو ﴾ ﴿ 10 . “What should cause you to avoid eating of that upon which the name of All ā h has been invoked” (al- An’aam: 119) 8
The Need to Eat Ḥ alāl ملسو هيلع للوا ىلص للوا لوسر لاق لاق ةريره يبأ نع: « ابيط لُإ لبقي لُ بيط ىلاعت للوا نإ » Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (may Allāh be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allāh (Allāh bless him and give him peace) said: “Allāh, the Almighty, is ṭ ayyib ( pure) and accepts only that which is ṭ ayyib .” (Sahih Muslim, 1015) 9
The Need to Eat Ḥ alāl «ىلاعت لاقف نيلسرملا هب رمأ امب نينمؤملا رمأ للوا نإو: ِتاَبِ يَ طلا َنِم اوِّلِّك ِّلِّسِّ رلا اَهِّ يَأ اَي ﴿ ﴾ ٍّميِلَع َنوِّلَمْعَت اَمِب يِ نِإ اًحِلاَص اوِّلَمْعاَو.ىلاعت لاقو: ْنِم اوِّلِّك اوِّنَمَآ َنيِذَ لا اَهِّ يَأ اَي ﴿ ﴾ ْمِّكاَنْقَزَر اَم ِتاَبِ يَط.» ( ملسم هاور1015) Allāh has commanded the faithful to do that which he commanded the Messengers, and the Almighty has said: “O messengers, eat from the good things ( ṭ ayyib) , and act righteously.” (al- Mu’minoon: 51) “O you who believe, eat of the good things ( ṭ ayyib) We have provided to you and be grateful to Allāh” (al- Baqarah:172) (Sahih Muslim, 1015) 10
BECOME MUSTAJĀB AD - DA’AWĀT (He Whose Du’ā is Accepted) ةَوْعَ دلا َباَجَتْسِّم ْنِّكَت َكَمَعْطَم ْبِطَأ ِّدْعَس اَي» « Sayyiduna S'ad ibn Abi Waqqas (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “O S'ad purify your food (and as a result) you will become one whose supplications are accepted.” People used to flock to Sayyiduna Sa’d (may Allāh be pleased with him) to get their Du’ā answered (Tabrani, 6495) 11
A Dusty Traveler’s Du’ā Unanswered همعطمو براي بر اي ءامسلا ىلإ هيدي دمي ربغأ ثعشأ رفسلا ليطي لجرلا ركذ « هل باجتسي ىنأف مارحلاب يذغو مارح هسبلمو مارح هبرشمو مارح» The Messenger (Allāh bless him and give him peace) mentioned (the case of) a man who, having journeyed far, is disheveled and dusty and who spreads out his hands to the heavens (saying): “O Lord! O Lord!” — while his food is unlawful, his drink unlawful, his clothing unlawful, and he is nourished unlawfully, so how can he be answered!” (Sahih Muslim, 1015) 12
Will Not Enter Jannah مارحلاب يذغ دسج ةنجلا لخدي لُ» « The body which has been nourished with Ḥ arām WILL NOT ENTER JANNAH. (Baihaqi, 6110) 13
Good Deeds Unaccepted ِّلَ بَقَتِّي اَم ِهِفْوَج يِف َماَرَحْلا َةَمْقِّ للا ِّفِذْقَيَل َدْبَعْلا َ نِإ ،ِهِدَيِب ٍدَ مَحِّم ِّسْفَن يِذَ لاَو « اًمْوَي َنيِعَبْرَأ َلَمَع ِّهْنِم» The Prophet (peace be upon him): “I swear by Him in whose hands the soul of Mu ḥ ammad lies, verily a servant (of Allāh) puts a ḥ arām food morsel in his stomach (due to which) no good deed is accepted from him for 40 days ” (Tabrani, 6395) 14
Avoid the Doubtful ٍّريِثَك اَهِّمَلْعَي َلُ ٍّتاَهَ بَشِّم اَمِّهَنْيَبَو ،ٍّنِ يَب ِّماَرَحْلاَو ٍّنِ يَب ِّلَلبَحْلا « ْنَمَو ،ِهِضْرِعَو ِهِنِيِدِل َأَرْبَتْسا ِتاَهَ بَشِّمْلا ىَقَ تا ِنَمَف ،ِساَ نلا َنِم ْنَأ ِّكِشوِّي ،ىَمِحْلا َلْوَح ىَعْرَي ٍعاَرَك ِتاَهِّبِّ شلا يِف َعَقَو ِّهَعِقاَوِّي. ِهِضْرَأ يِف َِ للْا ىَمِح َ نِإ َلَُأ ،ىًمِح ٍكِلَم ِ لِّكِل َ نِإَو َلَُأ ِّدَسَجْلا َحَلَص ْتَحَلَص اَذِإ ًةَغْضِّم ِدَسَجْلا يِف َ نِإَو َلَُأ ،ِّهِّمِراَحَم ِّهِّ لِّك ِّدَسَجْلا َدَسَف ْتَدَسَف اَذِإَو ،ِّهِّ لِّك. ِّبْلَقْلا َيِهَو َلَُأ» 15
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