i motivation why do we focus on apprenticeship ii

I) Motivation Why do we focus on apprenticeship II) Definition - PDF document

Irmgard Nbler ILO Workshop on Apprenticeship in the West African Region 3 - 4 May 2007 International Labour

  1. ��������������� ������������������� �������� Irmgard Nübler ILO Workshop on Apprenticeship in the West African Region 3 - 4 May 2007 International Labour Organization EMP/SKILLS Department Geneva, Switzerland 1 Apprenticeship – a multi-dimensional approach ������ I) Motivation Why do we focus on apprenticeship II) Definition What do we mean by “apprenticeship” III) The Challenge Improving the outcomes of apprenticeship IV) Analytical Framework The role of institutions in apprenticeship 2 1

  2. � ���������� Why do we focus on apprenticeship 3 I) Motivation: Why do we focus on apprenticeship ��������������� - is a widely used approach: - historically, in pre-industrial Europe and America - in developing countries (informal economy) - developed countries (formal economy) - is a cost-effective training method - has the potential to adjust to new challenges 4 2

  3. �� ���������� What do we mean by apprenticeship 5 II) Definition: What do we mean by apprenticeship ����������������������� Apprenticeship is a system which provides training in productive skills and a financing scheme to meet financial constraints of young people 6 3

  4. II) Definition: What do we mean by apprenticeship ���������������������������������������� 1) Contract between master trainer and apprentice 2) Training integrated into production process 3) Training and learning process: „cognitive“ apprenticeship 4) Training for occupational competence 5) Restricted to young people 6) Sharing costs and benefits of training between M&A* 7) Duration of apprenticeship is fixed in advance • M&A = Master craftsperson or trainer and Apprentice 7 �� ������������� Improving the outcomes of apprenticeship 8 4

  5. III) The challenge: Improving the outcomes of apprenticeship ������������������������� ��!���"�#��� ���� …working… …but well? - Relevance / quality of skills? M&A have incentives to conclude a contract and - Equity of Access? participate in apprenticeship - Employability of apprentices? - Productivity and compe- titiveness of enterprises? Functional Development outcome outcome 9 �$ �����������%���� ��! The role of institutions in apprenticeship 10 5

  6. IV) Analytical framework: The role of institutions in apprenticeship ����&������������������� Institutional Framework (rules + enforcement) Functional Development outcome outcome - Relevance / quality of skills? Provide incentives for M&A to participate in apprenticeship - Equity of Access? - Employability of apprentices? - Productivity and compe- titiveness of enterprises? 11 IV) Analytical framework: The role of institutions in apprenticeship %����������'������ Apprenticeship agreements - are a set of promises on future behaviour training & allowances Apprentice Master labor & fees Embedded in institutional framework - Apprenticeship agreements are non-simultaneous => risks & uncertainty 12 6

  7. IV) Analytical framework: The role of institutions in apprenticeship �(���������������������������������������������������� 1) expected benefits of training justify the costs 2) they trust in each others cooperative behavior How does the institutional framework create these conditions? 13 IV) Analytical framework: The role of institutions in apprenticeship ����������������������� ��!� 1) increases expected returns to training - cost-effective training methods - employable skills - sharing costs and benefits 2) reduces uncertainty by making behavior predictable (enforcement of rules) 14 7

  8. IV) Analytical framework: The role of institutions in apprenticeship ������������'������ Institutional framework also affects the outcome of apprenticeship in terms of: - skills development - decent work “Good” institutions… - control for the quality of skills (standard setting) - Support recognition of skills in labor markets (certification) - ensure diffusion of new skills and technologies - improve access for girls - provide access to the very poor (microfinance?) - respect the rights of workers 15 IV) Analytical framework: The role of institutions in apprenticeship ���������� This conceptual framework suggests that policies to upgrade apprenticeship need to reform, design and redesign institutions such that they 1.) Improve skills development and decent work (development objective) whilst 2.) protecting and strengthening the incentives for masters and apprentices to participate in training (functional objective) 16 8

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