i llinois medicaid ehr i ncentive program for eps

I llinois Medicaid EHR I ncentive Program for EPs A Guide to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Chicago HIT Regional Extension Center Bringing Chicago together through health IT I llinois Medicaid EHR I ncentive Program for EPs A Guide to Attesting for the 2017 Program Year in the eMIPP System Milton F. Garrett III February 13 th ,

  1. The Chicago HIT Regional Extension Center Bringing Chicago together through health IT I llinois Medicaid EHR I ncentive Program for EPs A Guide to Attesting for the 2017 Program Year in the eMIPP System Milton F. Garrett III February 13 th , 2018 Moderator: Zaina Awad

  2. Expected Audience Today Some familiarity with the MU program is expected  Eligible Professionals  MU Coordinators I f you w ant help w ith any m eaningful use questions, call 8 5 5 6 8 4 3 5 7 1 or em ail hfs.ehrincentive@I llinois.gov Monday-Friday, 8 :3 0 a.m .-5 :0 0 p.m .

  3. Milton F. Garrett I I I  Provider Support Specialist  Staff at IL Medicaid EHR Incentive Help Desk (312) 503-4278 mgarrett@chitrec.org

  4. About CHI TREC The Chicago Health I nform ation Technology Regional Extension Center ( CHI TREC) is a collaboration between Northwestern University the Alliance of Chicago Community Health Services and more than 40 local and national partners focused on HIT adoption and use within the city of Chicago.  Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) contracted with CHITREC to operate a Meaningful Use Help Desk (855-MU-HELP-1) for the Illinois Medicaid EHR Incentive Payment Program  Proudly contracted by CMS for QPP , SURS and TCPI initiatives.

  5. Agenda  Logging into IMPACT; accessing eMIPP  Searching for attestation by CMS ID  Entering eligibility data  Entering MU objectives and CQM data  Uploading documents  Submitting attestation  Tracking attestation

  6. I MPACT: Login  Visit https: / / impact.illinois.gov  Enter user ID and password, click Login

  7. I MPACT: Hom e Page  Click “IMPACT”

  8. I MPACT: Dom ain/ Profile  Select the individual provider for whom you are attesting from the first drop-down box  Don’t see the provider name? You’re not administrator!

  9. I MPACT: Dom ain/ Profile  Select Domain Administrator (or EHR Domain Administrator) profile from the second drop-down; click “Go”  Don’t see the right profile? You’re not administrator!

  10. I MPACT: Accessing eMI PP  Click “External Links”

  11. I MPACT: Accessing eMI PP  Click “EHR MIPP”

  12. eMI PP: W elcom e Screen  MIPP Registration  Start registration for 2017 program year  Click “Start” to access an existing attestation that has not been started or has not been submitted yet  “Track” is only for reviewing previously submitted attestations

  13. eMI PP: Search by CMS I D  CMS ID is displayed upon initial CMS registration  Can be found under Status tab at https: / / ehrincentives.cms.gov  Must be the ID associated with the provider you selected  Enter CMS ID and click “Search”

  14. eMI PP: Federal I nform ation  Shows payment/ program years for EP  Click the icon for the program year 2017 row 000000000 000000000 000000000 Active tab Additional tabs (click to open)

  15. Federal I nform ation: Review  Review Personal Information, Address, Identifiers, Exclusions and Prior Payments (not shown)  It is extremely important that the Phone, E-Mail and Tax ID are correct  Federal Information must be updated at https: / / ehrincentives.cms.gov  When finished reviewing, click the “Close ” button in the lower left to advance

  16. eMI PP: Eligibility Tab  Shows payment/ program years for EP  Click the icon for the program year 2017 row Additional tabs Active tab (click to open)

  17. Eligibility: Main Screen  Identifying Information 00000000 00000000  EHR Certification Information email@email.com  Organization Encounters  Reporting Period  Medicaid Patient Volume

  18. Eligibility: Volum e Pre- Approval  Medicaid patient volume should be pre-approval information by Mecky Lang at hfs.ehrincentive@illinois.gov  Visit http: / / chitrec.org/ blog/ 2016/ 12/ 09/ pre-approval-open-for- volume-data-required-for-meaningful-use/ for instructions  Please be patient for a response before moving forward with attestation  Attestations for providers who have not pre-approved are highly likely to be rejected

  19. Eligibility: EHR Certification I nform ation  EHR Status will automatically select “MU”  Ask your vendor for EHR and CQM Certification Number  MU Reporting Choice: Stage 2 Modified or Stage 3 (if using 2015 CEHRT)  Email: pre-populated from initial CMS registration email@email.com

  20. Eligibility: Reporting Period  Past 90 day period when provider met Medicaid volume:  Prior Calendar Year (between 1/ 1/ 16 – 12/ 31/ 16)  Prior Twelve Months (begins/ ends within the 12 month period preceding attestation submission date)  Different from MU or CQM reporting period  Enter start date, end date will calculate automatically

  21. Volum e: I nclude Organization Encounters  Select “No” if EP is reporting individual encounter volume from eligibility reporting period (provider-level data, ALL sites of practice)  Select “Yes” if EP is reporting group volume (group-level data, only one site); select organization from drop-down list*  Select “Yes” to “Use Group eCQM Data” if uploading QRDAIII for CQM

  22. Volum e: I nclude Organization Encounters For the 1 st EP selecting “Yes” to organization encounters, eMIPP will notify  that eligibility data will be “read-only” (cannot be changed) for future attestations selecting the same organization NPI  For all other EPs selecting “Yes” to organization encounters with the same organization NPI, eMIPP will notify that group eligibility data will be copied from 1 st EP (Notification for 1 st group member) (Notification for all other group members)

  23. Volum e: Pediatrician/ PA/ Hospital- Based EP  Select “Yes” only if EP practices as a pediatrician, defined as board certified in pediatrics or 90% + patient base under age 21  Select “Yes” only if EP practices as a physician assistant (check all that apply)  To simplify the process, select “No” to “Hospital Based Provider”

  24. Volum e: Render Care in FQHC/ RHC  Select “No” if EP did not render any care in an FQHC/ RHC  Enter Total and Medicaid Encounters from eligibility reporting period  Total Encounters = all encounters, all payers  Medicaid Encounters = encounters with Medicaid program patients

  25. Volum e: Render Care in FQHC/ RHC  Select “Yes” if EP rendered any care in an FQHC/ RHC  Select FQHC or RHC and type name of health center

  26. Volum e: Render Care in FQHC/ RHC  Enter each type of encounter  Total Encounters = all encounters occurring at FQHC/ RHC  Medicaid Encounters = number of total encounters with Illinois Medicaid patients  Charity Care Encounters = number of total encounters provided free of charge  Sliding Fee Scale Encounters = number of total encounters that were billed based on patient income  If EP is reporting individual encounters, enter non-FQHC/ RHC patient volume in the “All Other Settings Encounters” section

  27. Volum e: Nurse Practitioner  If EP is a Nurse Practitioner, a “Billing NPIs” section will display:  Enter NPI numbers of all providers under whom the EP bills  If the EP does not bill under other provider NPI(s), just enter the NPI of the EP in the “Billing NPI 1” box

  28. Volum e: No-Cost Encounters  To simplify the process, select “No” to “Did you include no-cost encounters”; these should have been included in your Medicaid encounters above  Select “Yes” if you included encounters from outside Illinois in order to reach the 30% threshold  Enter state(s) in which encounters included above occurred  Will initiate audit verification check and delay payment

  29. Eligibility: Main Screen  After completing Eligibility Information section , click the button in the lower left corner to advance

  30. eMI PP: Meaningful Use Tab  Shows payment/ program years for EP  Click the icon for the program year 2017 row Additional tabs Active tab (click to open)

  31. Meaningful Use: MU Overview 5 navigation tabs at top Meaningful Use Reporting Period (at least 90 days) CQM Reporting Period (at least 90 days) Location Information

  32. MU Overview : Meaningful Use Reporting Period  The MU reporting period can be any 90-365 days from 2017 during which the EP achieved compliance with MU  Not the same as eligibility reporting period  Enter start and end date

  33. MU Overview : CQM Reporting Period  The CQM reporting period can be any 90-365 days from 2017  Can be same as MU period, but does not have to be  Enter start and end date

  34. MU Overview : Location I nform ation  Enter the total number of outpatient locations where EP worked during MU and CQM period  Enter number of these locations where EP has a certified EHR  Enter the percentage of encounters occurring at locations where EP has a certified EHR (must be at least 80% to be eligible)

  35. MU Overview : Subm ission and Upload PDF  Select “Online” to enter Meaningful Use data through the eMIPP application (screen shots to follow)  Select “PDF” to enter Meaningful Use data by uploading a pre-filled PDF of MU Objectives and CQM  Select “QRDA III” to enter Meaningful Use data by uploading a QRDAIII file with CQM


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