i have nothing to disclose perioperative considerations

+ + I have nothing to disclose. Perioperative Considerations in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

10/19/2018 + + I have nothing to disclose. Perioperative Considerations in the Obese Gynecologic Patient Stefanie M. Ueda, M.D. Associate Clinical Professor UCSF Division of Gynecologic Oncology + Obesity in the United States I counsel

  1. 10/19/2018 + + I have nothing to disclose. Perioperative Considerations in the Obese Gynecologic Patient Stefanie M. Ueda, M.D. Associate Clinical Professor UCSF Division of Gynecologic Oncology + Obesity in the United States I counsel patients about weight loss or the effects of obesity on their health at “well  40.4% prevalence in U.S. women with 6-12 fold woman,” annual, or obstetric visits? mortality risk  Age adjusted prevalence  57% Blacks  46.9% Hispanics 90%  38% Whites A. Yes  Only 36% of OB-GYNs reportedly counsel patients about obesity B. No  5-10% weight reduction among PCOS women associated with improved insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperglycemia  Maternal obesity associated with increased risk of 10% diabetes, hypertension, neural tube defects, thromboembolism, cesarean, and stillbirth Kahan S et al, Clin Obstet Gyn 2017 s o e N Y 1

  2. 10/19/2018 + + Pharmacotherapy and Surgery Weight Loss Reverses Co-Morbidities  4 FDA approved medications 1  5-10%sustained 5A’s Approach to Counseling  Lorcaserin (Belviq) weight loss improves glycemic control,  Phentermie-topiramate (Qsymia) triglycerides, blood  Naltrexone-buproprion (Contrave) ASSESS Measure BMI pressure, LFTs,and  Liraglutide (Saxenda) Identify co-morbidities chronic pain Discuss readiness for change  Pharmacotherapy as adjunct to behavioral  Medicare began counseling ADVISE Counseling benefits reimbursing obesity  Continued long term if obtain at least 5% counseling in primary weight loss after 3 months care in 2011 AGREE Establish goals  Maximum 22 visits Monitor nutrition & activity  Bariatric surgery indicated in patients with (15 min) over 1 year BMI>40 or >35 with 1 comorbidity 2 contingent on ASSIST Problem solve barriers patients achieving 3  Average 2 year weight loss of 25% for Identify contributors/causes kg weight loss sleeve gastrectomy and 32% for Roux-en Y bypass ARRANGE Refer to dietitians, hospital  Reducing caloric  Meta-analysis shows weight loss in range based programs, behavioral intake by 500-750 of 10-15% calories/day providers 1 Kahan S et al, Clin Obstet Gyn 2017 2 Jensen MD et al, J Am Coll Cardiolo 2014 Kahan S et al, Clin Obstet Gyn 2017 + Cardiopulmonary Physiology in the Obese + Physiologic Changes of Obesity  Cardiovascular  Renal  Increase in oxygen demand, cardiac output and stroke volume  Higher inflammatory cytokines and endothelial  Decrease in vascular volume increasing risk for heart failure, hypertension, dysfunction peripheral edema arrhythmia, and sudden death  Gastrointestinal  Respiratory  Larger gastric volumes  Reduced lung compliance, functional  Lower gastric pH residual capacity, total lung volume, and  Delayed stomach expiratory reserve emptying  Increase work of breathing, oxygen consumption, and CO2 production  Higher intra-abdominal pressures with increased  Increase adipose deposition increases upper airway resistance risk of aspiration  Higher likelihood of OSA Louie M et al, Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2016 Louie M et al, Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2016 2

  3. 10/19/2018 + Preoperative Evaluation + Pulmonary Optimization  Inspiratory muscle training  Exercise capacity assessment (<4 metabolic equivalents) may decrease postoperative complications 1  Preoperative EKG and CXR  Possible referral to cardiology (echo and stress test)  STOP-BANG serves as validated OSA screening tool 2  COPD or severe reactive airway disease  Score 5-8 high risk for  PFTs (FEV1/FVC<70% and FEV1>12% poorer prognosticators) moderate to severe OSA  OSA testing (6.7% vs 2.6% complication rate)  Higher risk for difficult intubation (20%), mask  Elevated serum bicarbonate sensitive for elevated PaC02 levels ventilation (23%), and 1 year mortality (7.45%)  Anesthesia evaluation  CPAP and multimodal pain regimen to reduce opioids  Screening for Type II DM if >45 that induce intermittent hypoxia  HgbA1C (6.5-7%)  30-40º position with ISP  Fasting blood sugar (<110) 1 Pouwels S et al, Resp Med 2016  2 hour postprandial (<140) 2 Nagappa M et al, Curr Opin Anesthiol 2017 Leonard KL et al, Surg Clin North Am 2015 + + Thromboembolic Prophylaxis Bowel Preparation  Obese patient with at least moderate risk (3%)  No routine bowel prep  VTE incidence 2% and PE 0.5%  Exacerbates cardiovascular and renal  Intraoperative sequential compression devices recommended dysfunction  Addition of heparin prophylaxis 1  2012-15 review of ACS-NSQIP in elective  Cancer colorectal resections  Age>40  Mechanical bowel prep alone showed no  Pulmonary dysfunction significant benefit  History of VTE  Antibiotic bowel prep lowered  Thrombophilia  Surgical site infection (OR 0.63, p= 0.01)  Anastomotic leak (OR 0.53, p=0.002)  Systematic literature review of postoperative prophylaxis 2  Combination of mechanical and antibiotic  LMWH 3000-4000 anti-Xa IU SC Q12 hours or SCDs acceptable for bowel prep reduced low risk obese patients  Surgical site infection (OR 0.39, p<0.001)  LMWH 4000-6000 anti-Xa IU SC Q12 hours for higher risk patients  Wound dehiscence (OR 0.43, p=0.001) and consider extending for 10-15 days (age >55, BMI>50, history VTE, OSA, venous disease, pulmonary hypertension)  Anastomotic leak (OR 053, P<0.001)  Heterogeneous efficacy for IVC filter placement Klinger AL et al, Ann Surg 2017 1 Gould MK et al, Chest 2012 2 Venclauskas L et al, Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018 3

  4. 10/19/2018 + + Antibiotic Prophylaxis Intraoperative Positioning  Higher risk for pressure  Current recommendations for 3g ulcers and nerve injuries if >6-8 hours for patient >120 kg  Lithotomy safe with  60 minutes prior to incision padded boot type stirrups  Re-dose every 4 hours  Buttocks slightly lower  Pharmacokinetic study of 63 than edge of bed when shifted in Trendelenburg patients who received 2g cefazolin as surgical prophylaxis  Tucking both arms with padding at elbows  Fewer patients with BMI>35 achieved therapeutic levels (58% vs 75%,  Bed extenders preferable p=0.20) to arm sleds  Less patients with total body  Anti-slide pad or bean weight>120 kg achieved therapeutic levels (55% vs 68%, p=0.28) bag with padded strap across chest  BMI and TBW cut-offs poor indicators of benefit  Maintaining pannus in caudad position or laterally Hites M et al, Int J Antimicrobial Agents 2016 to prevent port interference Scheib SA et al, J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2014 + + Port Placement and Insufflation Laparoscopic Entry  More cephalad and lateral  No entry clearly superior and placement with longer no difference in complication trocars up to 150 mm 1 rates  Orogastric tube to prevent  Consider reducing stomach distention insufflation pressures to 9-12 mm Hg and less  Left upper quadrant entry if Trendelenburg to 30-50º to prominent pannus improve ventilation  Hasson open technique requires  Increased intra-abdominal pressure leads to increased more extensive dissection venous stasis, portal venous blood flow, and airway  Veress needle (150 mm) entry pressure with decreased associated with higher rate of cardiac function and failed entry and preperitoneal respiratory compliance 2 insufflation  90 degree insertion relative to 1 Scheib SA et al, J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2014 abdominal wall 2 Demirel I et al, Obes Surg 2018 Scheib SA et al, J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2014 4

  5. 10/19/2018 + + Anesthetic Agents Intraoperative Ventilation  Higher risk of difficult intubation  Use of short acting anesthetics like (15.8% with BMI>30 compared to propofol, desflurane, and sevoflurane 5.8% in general population) 1 because of rapid elimination  Awake videolaryngoscopy (up to  Propofol dosed according to lean 96% success rate) body weight  25º head up induction  Apneic oxygenation with nasal O2  Desflurane may reduce mean time to extubation over sevoflurane 1  PEEP with recruitment maneuvers decreases atelectasis and improves  Use of succinylcholine over other PaO2/FiO2 ratio as well as lung muscle relaxants compliance  No significant differences in PaO2  Increases tidal volumes or FiO2 with pressure or volume  Dilates pharyngeal isthmus controlled strategies  Dosed by total body weight  CPAP postoperatively reduces reduces atelectasis and pneumonia Kiss T et al, Curr Opin Crit Care 2016 on Cochrane review Pouwels S et al, Resp Med 2016 + Fluid Management + Wound Closure  No need to administer extra volume to obese patients  Wound separation and  Goal urine output 0.5-1 ml/kg/h infection rate as high as 37%  Each extra liter of fluid increases risk of in gynecology patients postoperative symptoms ~16-32%  No difference in wound  Goal directed fluid therapy with complications in obese hemodynamic parameters decreases women undergoing cesarean  Length of stay or gynecologic surgery with  Incidence of respiratory failure staple or subcuticular  Surgical site infection closure 1,2  Postoperative nausea and vomiting  Worse cosmetic score, darker scar color, and more  Dynamic indicators such as pleth skin marks with staples variability index (PVI) may be superior  Overall patient satisfaction to CVP or PCWP similar  250-500 mL boluses  Less fluid infusion intraoperatively 1 Zaki MN al, AJOG 2018  No difference in renal function 24-48 2 Kuroki LM et al, Obes Surg 2018 hours postoperatively Demirel I et al, Obes Surg 2018 5


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